
  • 网络Polymer Modifiers;polymer modification
  1. 纳米技术在聚合物改性方面的研究进展

    New advance in the research of nanotechnology on the polymer modification

  2. 聚合物改性中纳米复合新技术

    Nanometer Composite Technology and Application in Polymer Modification

  3. 以废弃PET瓶和粉煤灰为原料制备聚合物改性水泥砂浆的研究

    Preparation of Polymer Modified Cement Mortar with Recycled PET Bottle and Fly Ash

  4. 结果表明B、C、D三个因素对聚合物改性水泥砂浆性能的影响显著。

    The results indicated that there is a significant effect of B , C and D on the properties of polymer modified cement mortar .

  5. 同时,借助SEM观察了界面过渡区的微观结构,从界面微观结构的角度对聚合物改性效果的差别进行了分析。

    Microstructures of interfacial transition zones are studied using SEM , and polymer-modifying effects are analyzed from microstructure point .

  6. SBS改性剂与其它聚合物改性剂的比较;

    The mechanism of SBS ; the comparison of SBS with other polymer modifier ;

  7. 综述了聚合物改性沥青的发展情况及路用性能,并从流变性的角度介绍了SBS改性沥青的性能,同时提出了SBS改性沥青应用过程中存在的主要问题&热储稳定性。

    The rheological behavior and hot storage stability of SBS modified asphalt were reviewed .

  8. 本文运用各类常规试验方法和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射法对由硅灰和聚合物改性的高性能聚合物改性水泥基胶结材料进行了测试研究。

    In this thesis , cementing material which modified by polymer and silicon fume was studied by usual way , SEM and XRD .

  9. SBS聚合物改性沥青技术性能

    Pavement performance of SBS modified asphalt

  10. SBS聚合物改性乳化沥青作为桥面防水粘结材料路用性能研究

    Study on road performance of SBS polymer modified emulsified asphalt for bridge waterproof and cohesive layer

  11. SBS,EVA含量的增加会明显提高聚合物改性沥青的粘韧性;

    Toughness of polymer modified asphalts improves significantly with the increase of the content of SBS or EVA .

  12. 聚合物改性砂浆界面粘接特性的研究SBR乳液改性砂浆与水泥基体界面粘结性能

    Impact of Interfacial Adhesion on Polymer-modified Cement Mortar The bonding performances between SBR modified cement mortar and substrate

  13. 聚合物改性GRC材料的氯离子渗透性研究

    Study on Chloride Permeability of GRC Mortar Modified by Polymer Lates

  14. 路用聚合物改性水泥混凝土(PMC)性能与应用研究

    Performance and application of polymer modified cement concrete ( PMC ) in road construction

  15. 聚合物改性Nafion膜的研究进展

    Research progress in polymer modified Nafion membrane

  16. 结果表明,在新拌自流平砂浆流动度相同的条件下,3种聚合物改性砂浆的3d抗折、抗压强度随聚合物掺量的增加均表现出抛物线型变化趋势。

    The results show that under same flowability of all fresh mortars , the compressive and flexural strength of latex-modified mortars at 3 d demonstrate a parabolic shape curves with increasing the amount of the polymer .

  17. 介绍几种可用普通挤出设备生产管材的改性超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE),包括液晶聚合物改性、有机硅树脂改性和层状硅酸盐改性等;

    Several modified UHMWPE including liquid crystalline polymer , organ silicon materials , layered silicate that can be processed by common extrusion equipment were introduced .

  18. 关于聚合物改性砂浆在ETICS应用的若干思考

    Certain ponders at the application of polymer modified mortar for ETICS

  19. 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定饮用水中六价铬阳离子聚合物改性膨润土对六价铬的吸附特性研究

    Determination of Cr (ⅵ) in drinking water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry Adsorption of Chromium ( VI ) from Aqueous Solution on Bentonite Modified by Cationic Polymers

  20. 选取了聚合物改性水泥混凝土铺装加固方案和夹芯钢板系统覆盖法(SPS)两种加固方案进行研究比较。

    Two kinds of reinforcement methods were studied and compared , one is polymer modified cement concrete pavement method , the other is Sandwich Plate System with Steel Plate ( SPS ) .

  21. 马来酸酐多年来作为功能单体广泛地用于聚合物改性,并且也是SEBS改性中的主要功能单体。

    Maleic anhydride ( MAH ) has been successfully applied in polymer functionalization for many years and is also the main functionalized monomer in SEBS modification .

  22. 计算发现:随着龄期的增加,聚合物改性砂浆的σITZ/σm的比值在最初3d内由5~9迅速降低到3左右,以后基本保持恒定,这与普通水泥砂浆的不同。

    The values of σ _ ( ITZ ) / σ _ ( m ) for polymer-modified mortars decreased rapidly from 5 & 9 to about 3 within the first 3 d and then stays almost constant , which are different from the ordinary cement mortars .

  23. 介绍了聚合物改性道路沥青工业生产中原料基质沥青、改性剂、相容剂和稳定剂的选用,SBS被选作改性剂,其用量为3%~6%。

    The selection of base asphalt , modifier , compatilizer and stabilizer for industrial production of polymer modified road asphalt was presented . SBS was selected as modifier which dosage was 3 % to 6 % .

  24. 在普通水泥砂浆中加入硅丙乳液配制成聚合物改性水泥砂浆(PMC),并对其性能和微观结构进行了研究。

    Polymer modified cement mortar ( PMC ) was formed by adding siloxane / acrylate copolymeric emulsion in the Portland cement mortar . The mechanical properties and the micro structure of PMC were investigated .

  25. 将苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯(SBS)聚合物改性沥青用常规试验方法(针入度、软化点、动粘度及脆点)与动态力学分析方法所得到的试验结果进行比较研究。

    Thy results of conventional tests ( penetration , softening point , kinematical viscosity and Fraass breaking point ) and those of dynamic mechanical analysis ( DMA ) on Styrene Butadiene Styrene ( SBS ) polymer modified bitumen are systematically compared .

  26. 介绍了一种非水溶性改性沥青防塌剂KFT-1,KFT-1中沥青含量高,油溶性成分高,它以新疆天然沥青为原料,通过阳离子聚合物改性而成。

    The anti-collapse additive KFT-1 is mainly composed of natural bitumen , and modified with cationic polymers .

  27. 本文在借鉴高分子聚合物改性沥青的加工工艺基础上,提出了制备CaSO4晶须改性沥青的工艺原则。根据这一原则,确定用胶乳法和机械搅拌法加工CaSO4晶须改性沥青。

    According to techniques of polymer modified bitumen , a principle of preparing technique for CaSO_4 whiskers modified bitumen is introduced on which the emulsion method and mechanical mixing method are used in this study .

  28. 用针入度、软化点、动粘度及脆点等常规试验方法与动态力学分析方法对Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene(苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯,简称SBS)聚合物改性沥青的物理特性及流变特性进行了研究。

    By way of conventional tests ( penetration , softening point , kinematic viscosity and Fraass breaking point ) and dynamic mechanical analysis ( DMA ), physical properties as well as rheological properties of styrene butadiene styrene polymer ( SBS ) modified bitumens were studied .

  29. 研究了成型方式、养护方式、集料级配等因素对聚合物改性多孔水泥混凝土(PMPC)性能的影响。

    This paper studies some factors influencing the performance of polymer-modified porous concrete ( PMPC for short ), including molding methods , curing methods and gradations of aggregate .

  30. 以聚合物改性硫化镉(Y2)粒子为电泳粒子,以CH-5为分散剂,油酸为电荷控制剂,C2Cl4为分散介质,通过球磨制备黄色电泳液。

    Yellow dispersion was prepared by milling . CdS ( Y2 ) modified by polymer as the electrophoretic particles , CH-5 as dispersant , oleic acid as charge controlling agent , PCE as dispersion medium .