
  • 网络PFS;polyferric sulfate;FPAS
  1. 用清洗特殊钢废酸生产聚铁净水剂及其Mn,Cr,Ni量的测定

    Producing PFS Reagent from Waste Acid and the Determination of Mn , Cr and Ni

  2. HNO3氧化煤系硫铁矿生产聚铁的方法及装置

    Study on method and device of producing PFS by hno_3 oxidizing coal pyrite

  3. NOx催化氧化亚铁制备聚铁工艺及絮凝性能研究

    Study on the Technology of Producing PFS with NOx Oxidizing Catalytically and Flocculation Performance

  4. 报道用聚铁&H2O2催化氧化法处理印染废水的试验结果。

    An experiment study is given on the treatment of dyeing sewage with SPFS & H_2O_2 catalytic oxydation method .

  5. 高浓度复合型聚铁硅絮凝剂PFSS和PSFS的形态分布研究

    Study on the species distribution of PFSS and PSFS

  6. 聚铁絮凝处理淀粉废水的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Treating the Amylum Wastewater with the PFS-FIOC Process

  7. 聚铁絮凝澄清工艺在焦化废水深度处理中的应用

    Application of poly-ferric flocculation clarification process in coking plant wastewater advanced treatment

  8. 聚铁聚铝预处理城市污水试验研究

    Study on PAC and PFS Pretreatment of Urban Wastewater

  9. 聚铁处理印染废水实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Treatment of Textile Printing Wastewater by Polymerized Ferric Sulphate

  10. 聚铁预处理垃圾渗滤液研究

    Research on Pretreatment of Landfill Leachate by Using Polymeric-Iron

  11. 该法具有操作简单、快速的优点,可用于聚铁样品的测定,效果满意。

    The method is simple and rapid in determination .

  12. 含氟、硫工业废渣作复合矿化剂煅烧白水泥熟料硫铁矿烧渣制取复合聚铁絮凝剂的研究

    Waste Slag Containing Fluorine and Sulphur as Compound Mineralizer for White Cement Clinker Burning

  13. 利用含铁废酸制备絮凝剂聚铁的方法

    A method of preparing a flocculent & polyiron by using spent acid containing iron

  14. 聚铁聚丙烯酰胺对造纸废水的处理效果初探

    Initial Study on the Effect of Polymeric Ferric Sulfate and Polyacrylamide for Treating Wastewater of Papermaking

  15. 本文介绍了聚铁絮凝澄清工艺在焦化废水深度处理中的两个处理系统。

    In this paper two advanced treatment processes of poly-ferric clarification on coking plant wastewater were introduced .

  16. 硝酸氧化煤系硫铁矿生产聚铁工艺条件及氧化机理初探

    The Process Condition of Production PFS Using HNO_3 Oxidation the Pyrite in Coal and Its Oxidation Mechanism Primary Exploration

  17. 聚铁是一种新型无机高分子混凝剂,具有很好的混凝和沉降性能。

    Polyferric sulfate is a newly developed inorganic polymeric coagulant , which has very good characteristics of coagulation and precipitation .

  18. 为有机高分子絮凝剂和聚铁絮凝剂的选择及管式絮凝器的研制提供了理论依据。

    The results give the theoretical basis for the selectivity of the flocculant and the design of the pipe-flow flocculator .

  19. 实验结果表明:聚铁产品质量稳定,镍、铜回收率高达99%以上。

    Results showed that the product quality was stable and the recovery ratios of nickel and copper were much than 99 % .

  20. 聚铁絮凝剂处理高浊度原水的研究富营养化原水几种净水工艺处理效果的比较研究

    Studies on the Flocculent Effect and Mechanism with Polymeric Ferric Sulphate Flocculant Comparison among effects of a few drinking-water treatment processes on the eutrophic water

  21. 向聚铁中加入由工业水玻璃酸性聚合而得的聚硅酸所得产品絮凝效果较好且价格较低。

    The product made by putting the poly silicic acid which is polymerized with soluble glass into poly iron has better flocculation effect and is cheaper in price .

  22. 从中选取最佳改性方案,制取性能更好、无毒的复合聚铁絮凝剂,以提高硫铁矿烧渣的综合利用水平。

    The Iron-modified flocculants having better and innocuous performance is made by adopting the best scheme of modifying , in order to improve the comprehensive use of pyrite cinder .

  23. 结果显示在硅铁比为1∶20时,直接向聚铁中加入试剂硅酸钠所得产品絮凝效果最好;

    The result shows that when the Si to Fe ratio is 1 ∶ 20 , the flocculation effect of the product made by putting the sodium silicate reagent directly into poly iron is the best .

  24. 本文介绍一种方法,利用这种酸为主要原料,再投加过量的废铁屑与废硫酸,制成一种污水处理用的药剂&聚铁。

    A method is presented here , with which polyiron , a chemical used in treating wastewater , can be prepared by adding excessive iron chips and waste H_2SO_4 into the main material & spent acid .

  25. 本文制备了不同系列的聚铁絮凝剂,并将其应用于高浓度马铃薯淀粉废水的预处理。

    In this thesis , some kinds of polymeric-iron flocculant were successfully prepared . They were used to pretreat high concentration of organic wastewater , the potato starch wastewater which contains starch , saccharides , protein and other soluble substances .

  26. 聚铝铁、聚铝、聚铁和硫酸亚铁的最适pH分别为7、6、8、7。

    The most appropriate pH of PAFC , PAC , PFS and ferrous sulfate was respectively 7 , 6,8 and 7 .

  27. 聚硅酸铁(PSF)混凝剂搅拌动力学的特性及理论分析

    Dynamic characteristics of poly silicon ferric sulfate ( psf ) coagulant stirring and theoretical analysis

  28. Zeta电位测试表明聚硅酸铁既会降低介质的PH值,也能显著提高高岭土、煤系黄铁矿和煤的zeta电位。

    The zeta potential measurements showed that the addition of PFS can not only reduce the pH of solution but also increase the zeta potential of kaolin , coal-pyrite and coal significantly .

  29. 用水玻璃对自制的聚合硫酸铁进行改性处理制得聚硅酸铁混凝剂(PFSS),应用于油田含油废水的混凝处理。

    Using water glass and ferric sulfate , the coagulant PFSS was prepared with the oil_field wastewater treated .

  30. 以鼓风炉铁泥作原料,制备一种无机高分子混凝剂聚硅酸铁(PSF),并将其用于印染废水处理。

    A new type of inorganic polymer coagulant polysilicate ferric ( PSF ) was prepared by using blast furnace sludge as raw materials , it was used as coagulant in the treatment of dyeing wastewater .