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lèi gǔ
  • rib;costa
肋骨 [lèi gǔ]
  • (1) [rib]

  • (2) 许多成对的骨质或部分为软骨的杆状体之一,起着加固大多数脊椎动物驱体侧壁并保护内脏的作用,通常其背部一端与脊柱相接合,而腹部一端有时也以形态学上认为是非骨化部分的肋软骨形式与胸骨连接,对哺乳动物来说都长在或几乎都长在胸部,人身上一般有12对

  • (3) 船的骨架中从龙骨到甲板的支持船壳板的横向构件

肋骨[lèi gǔ]
  1. 你的一根肋骨断了,可能不止一根。

    You 've fractured a rib , maybe more than one

  2. 就在中场休息前,该守门员由于肋骨受伤被用担架抬下场。

    The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury .

  3. 他在事故中肋骨被严重撞伤。

    He suffered badly bruised ribs in the crash .

  4. 她肋骨骨折、肺部穿孔,被送往医院。

    She was taken to the hospital with broken ribs and a punctured lung .

  5. 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。

    Make a small incision below the ribs .

  6. 他在激烈的肉搏战中被打断了两根肋骨。

    He suffered two broken ribs in a fierce hand-to-hand battle .

  7. 我的脸上全是瘀伤,肋骨还断了一根。

    My face was covered with bruises and I had a broken rib .

  8. 他的肋骨受了损伤,但除此之外一切都还好。

    His ribs were damaged , but other than that he 's in good nick

  9. 她的心脏紧抵着肋骨砰砰跳动。

    Her heart was thumping against her ribs

  10. 他呼吸起来都很痛苦,当他的手摸过肋骨时痛得抽搐了一下。

    It hurt to breathe , and he winced as he ran his hand over his ribs

  11. 医生接好了肋骨,给他服用了大剂量的药,并说他可能会有所好转。

    The doctor fixed the rib , dosed him heavily with drugs , and said he would probably get better

  12. 她瘦了,我都能看见她的根根肋骨。

    She has lost her weight and I can see her rib cage .

  13. 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。

    He broke a rib when he fell off his horse .

  14. PLC在液压驱动机械手肋骨冷弯机中的应用

    Application of PLC in Hydraulic Frame Cold-bending Machine with Machine Hands

  15. 肋骨骨折螺旋CT扫描的改良方法及应用价值

    Clinical value of improved spiral CT costal bone scanning method in the diagnosis of rib fracture

  16. 肋骨骨折的CT扫描方法及检出率与肋骨平片的对照研究

    The contrast research on CT scanning method and its checking rates and X-ray photos of rib fracture

  17. 肋骨肿瘤的CT分析

    CT Diagnosis of Rib Tumor

  18. CR影像后处理在肋骨骨折诊断中的应用

    The application of imaging postprocessing with computed radiography in fractures of ribs

  19. 50例肋骨骨折的CR摄影技术回顾性分析

    50 Cases of Rib Fracture CR Retrospective Analysis of Photography

  20. 提高肋骨冷弯机PLC控制系统的可靠性设计

    Design for improving the reliability of PLC control system of frame bending machine with manipulator

  21. 目的探讨X线平片与螺旋CT检查肋骨骨折的优缺点与价值比较。

    Objective To study the advantage and weakness of plain film and CT diagnosis rifracture , and comparing two check method .

  22. CR数字胸片图像的几种肋骨分割方法

    Cr in the control area respectively . FIGURE Several Methods for Ribs Segmentation in Digital Chest Radiographs

  23. 肋骨肿瘤和肿瘤样病变的X线和CT表现股骨近端转移性骨肿瘤12例影像分析

    Analysis of the X-ray and computed tomography diagnosis of costal tumor and tumorlike lesions Imaging of metastasis at the close end of thighbone

  24. 目的探讨在法医学鉴定中普通X线片难以确定的肋骨骨折,以CT技术加以显示的方法,并阐明肋骨骨折的力学原理。

    Objective To explore an approach of CT rendering and mechanical analysis for rib fracture that was inextricable on X-ray film in legal medical practice .

  25. 方法:对X线拍片未见肋骨骨折,根据临床表现仍疑有肋骨骨折的50例患者进行高频率超声检查,并随机抽取15例进行CT检查作为对照。

    Methods : Fifty rib fracture patients were examined by high frequency ultrasound and X ray . Among them , 15 patients were examined by CT .

  26. 肝脏CTA图像肋骨和脊椎骨分割方法研究

    Study on spines and ribs segmentation from liver CTA images

  27. LPG船的强肋骨在抵抗碰撞中起主要作用,由此提出提高常规LPG船舷侧结构提高耐撞力的最佳途径。

    Meantime , an optimal approach to upgrade the collision resistant capability of LPG side structure in proposed .

  28. 方法对临床怀疑肋骨骨折512例患者的肋骨CR影像应用谐调处理与空间频率处理的方法进行技术处理。

    Methods The fractures of the ribs of 512 patients were suspected in clinic , and those CR images were processed with gradation and spatial frequency technology .

  29. 结果48例中,X线平片显示肋骨骨折65处,MSCT检查及后处理图象显示肋骨骨折217处。

    Results 65 rib fractures in 48 patients were found with X-ray films while 217 rib fractures with MSCT .

  30. 诊断结果:断了两根肋骨。他举着我的X光片问道:“看到没有?”我看到了两条裂纹,我猜想那就是摔断的肋骨。

    The diagnosis : two broken ribs . ' See ? ' he said , holding up the film . I saw two gaps , which I guess were the breaks .