
gān huǒ
  • the liver-fire;irascibility
肝火 [gān huǒ]
  • (1) [the liver-fire]∶指肝气亢盛的热象。多因七情过极、肝阳化火或肝经蕴热所致。症见头晕、面红、目赤、口苦、急躁易怒、舌边尖红、脉弦数;甚或昏厥、发狂、呕血等

  • (2) [irascibility]∶容易急躁的情绪

  • 动肝火

  • 肝火太旺

肝火[gān huǒ]
  1. 结论:EH患者常伴IR及HI,IR(HI)主要体现于肝火亢盛、阴虚阳亢证型。

    Conclusion : Hypertension patients have apparent IR and HI , which exist mostly in yin deficiency and yang-excess type and liver-fire exuberant type .

  2. 偏头痛肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证与健康人MMPI的对照研究

    A Control MMPI Study of Migraine On the Liver-Qi , the Liver-Fire and the Liver-Wind

  3. 结果除肝火亢盛外,高血压中医各证型较正常对照组ET明显增高,NO明显降低。

    Results In contrast with the control group with normal blood pressure , ET raised and NO declined obviously in types with TCM classification except in liver-fire excess type .

  4. 肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证患者情绪测量及与5-HTT,TPH,ACE基因多态性相关研究

    Association Study for Serotonin Transporter and Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene Polymorphisms and Hepatic Depression Syndrome and Hyperpyrexia of Liver Syndrome Disorder

  5. 结论:角膜炎和高血压病患者PGF2α、AVP可作为肝火上炎证实验性诊断参考指标。

    Conclusion : PGF 2 α and AVP could be used as the reference laboratory diagnostic indexes of LFAS .

  6. PWV与中医证型的关系:肝火亢盛组与痰湿壅盛组相比无显著性差异。

    The relationship between TCM and PWV : Liver dampness Kang Sheng group and tan shi yong sheng Group was not significant .

  7. 目的:探讨肝气郁结证、肝火上炎证与五羟色胺转运体(5HTT)、色氨酸羟化酶(TPH)基因三种多态性的相关性。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between the hepatic depression syndrome and hyperpyrexia of liver syndrome disorder and polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter ( 5 HTT ) and tryptophan hydroxylase ( TPH ) .

  8. 结果:肝火上炎证患者前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)、精氨酸加压素(AVP)两项指标测定值均高于肝肾阴虚证和肝阳上亢证(P005);

    Results : The levels of prostaglandin F 2 α ( PGF 2 α ) and arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) in patients of LFAS were higher than those in patients with Liver Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Liver Yang Hyperactivity Syndrome .

  9. 这消息让他肝火上升。

    The news put him in a bit of a paddy .

  10. 但是周日清晨,我对贺博士大闹肝火,我想离开。

    By Sunday morning , I was so angry with Dr.

  11. 肝火上炎证实验性诊断参考指标研究

    Study on Reference Laboratory Diagnostic Index of Liver-Fire Ascending Syndrome

  12. 原发性高血压肝火证证治规律探讨

    Discussion on the therapeutic principle of liver-fire syndrome of hypertension

  13. 我会动肝火,全是你的错!

    Well , if I 'm angry , it 's your fault !

  14. 又来了,又要惹我动肝火了。

    There you go , after my nuts again .

  15. 我正站着跟他谈话,他突然大动起肝火来。

    I was just standing talking to him and he suddenly cut up rough .

  16. 肝火上冲或气血大虚都可形成本病。治疗中多用疏肝、清肝之剂。

    Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease .

  17. NO值:阴阳两虚型<痰湿壅盛型<阴虚阳亢型<肝火亢盛型。

    NO value : yin-yang deficiency type < stagnation of phlegm-dampness type liver-fire excess type .

  18. 肾虚及肝火型耳鸣耳聋的临床听力学特征探讨

    Discuss about the Clinical Audiology Character of Kidney Deficiency and Live-fire of Tinnitus and Deafness

  19. 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!:减肥

    Eg. Calm down there 's no need to get into a lather about it !

  20. 这就是我用来驱除肝火,调剂血液循环的方法。

    It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation .

  21. 再生障碍性贫血肾精亏虚、肝火伏热的病机探讨

    Exploration on Pathogenesis of Deficiency of Kidney Essence and Accumulated Heat of Liver Fire in Aplastic Anemia

  22. 肝火亢盛证26例,痰湿壅盛证18例。

    Liver dampness Kang Sheng Group in 26 cases , 18 cases of tan shi yong sheng Group .

  23. 结论:中药龙胆泻肝汤治疗肝火扰心型失眠能收到良好的临床效果。

    Conclusion : Gentianae decoction for purging liver fire could treat hyposomnia of liver fire harassing the heart effectively .

  24. 尽管他很恬静,可是那只有点紧蹙的额头说明他肝火很旺。

    Despite his tranquility , a somewhat heavy brow speaks temper . He poked the coals up into a blaze .

  25. 肝火,他告诫自己,那是不可理喻之辈才会动的,且往往引起官司。

    Rage , he had told himself , is generated by those of unreasonable temperament , and leads to the courts .

  26. 肝火炽盛特征症状群包括:目赤、咳血、口苦、头痛、心烦、数脉。

    Characteristics of Liver flourishing syndrome include : conjunctival congestion , hemoptysis , pain , headache , upset , a few veins .

  27. 这两个人都是气质冷酷,易动肝火的,他们除了经常发生摩擦,是难得往来的。

    These two men , of hard bilious natures both , rarely came into contact but they chafed each other 's moods .

  28. 他习惯性地暴饮暴食,使他肝火很旺,目光暗淡无光,两颊松弛。

    He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks .

  29. 肝火亢盛证患者随着年龄的增大而显著的减少,阴虚阳亢证呈现先增后减的趋势,阴阳两虚证则随着年龄的增大而显著增多。

    Liver fire hyperactivity syndrome is significantly reduced as the age increase , yin deficiency and yang excess syndrome showing decreased after increasing trend .

  30. 结果自发性高血压大鼠在14~18周龄,基本符合高血压中医辨证分型中肝火上炎证型的表现;

    Results The syndrome of14-18 week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats appeared to be in accordance with TCM syndrome type " hyperpyrexia of liver syndrome " .