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ɡān yánɡ shànɡ ɡānɡ
  • Hyperactivity of liver yang;yáng energy rising in excess in hepatic system
  1. 肝阳上亢证患者血浆血栓素B2和6-酮-前列腺素F1α

    Plasma txb_2,6-keto-pgf_ ( 1 α), in patients with liver Yang rising

  2. 提示尿CA,NE可考虑为肝阳上亢证的一个临床生化指标。

    It is suggested that urinary CA , NE contents may represent a useful biochemical index in symptom-complex of LYR .

  3. PCR法检测正常组,肝阳上亢组,肝阳化风组泛素羧基末端水解酶的基因表达情况。

    At the end of the experiment , PCR was used to evaluate the ubiquitin carboxy - terminal hydrolase LI expressions among these groups .

  4. 肝阳上亢组有效率与总体相比,肝阳上亢组与非肝阳上亢组相比,均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The effective rate of Liver-yang hyperactivity group compared with the total group and the Non - liver-yang hyperactivity group has statistical difference ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 痰湿壅盛证和肝阳上亢证明显高于阴虚阳亢证和阴阳两虚证(P<0.05)。

    Sensitivity in both Excessive Damp ? phlegm Syndrome , and Hyperactivity of Liver ? yang Syndrome , is higher obviously than in Syndrome of Deficiency of both Yin and Yang ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的探讨天麻钩藤饮对高血压病(肝阳上亢型)患者疗效和血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响,为临床高血压病患者的治疗提供有力的理论依据。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Gastrodia and Uncaria Beverage ( GUB ) on blood pressure and serum SOD Activity of patients with hypertension in the pattern of ascendant Liver Yang .

  7. 结论:VaD肝阳上亢证患者较易出现记忆、计算、日常活动能力的改变,且患者处于痴呆轻度时期肝阳上亢证最明显。

    The patiens with VaD Hyperactivity of liver yang syndrome easily have the memory , calculation and daily activity changes .

  8. 结果肝阳上亢证患者血浆CCK-8水平较非肝阳上亢证患者显著升高(P<0.01)。

    Results The level of CCK-8 in plasma of the patients with hyperactivity of the liver-yang was significantly elevated than that of other patients ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 结论在MCI患者中,多见肾精亏虚证、痰浊阻窍证、瘀血阻络证、热毒内盛证和肝阳上亢证,它们与认知损害之间具有密切关系。

    Conclusion Among MCI patients , syndromes of kidney deficiency , phlegm obstructing orifices , blood stasis in collaterals , heat-poison in the interior and hyperactivity of liver-yang were common , which had close relationship with cognitive injury .

  10. 结果表明,肝阳上亢组主要表现为头痛侧MCA平均血流速度明显增快,痰浊上扰组主要表现为头痛侧MCA平均血流速度无明显变化。

    The results showed that the group of liver yang overactivity was mainly manifested by mean blood flow velocity increasing in MCA of the affected side . And the group of stagnation of phlegm was mainly manifested by nomal mean blood flow .

  11. 肾精亏虚证和热毒内盛证是认知功能下降的危险因素,肝阳上亢证是VCI阶段少见的证候。

    The syndrome of Renal Energy Deficiency and the syndrome of Heat - toxin to be filled are danger factors for the decline of cognitive function . Hyperactivity of Liver Yang is a rare syndrome in VCI stage .

  12. 结果:高血压病肝阳上亢证患者血浆1H-NMR色谱图与正常血浆的1H-MR色谱图有明显的差异,部分氨基酸代谢和葡萄糖代谢明显异于健康志愿者。

    To observe curative effect and the adverse reaction . Results : There were obvious differences in spectrum of plasma of patients with hyperactivity of Liver-Yang Sydrome in hypertension and normal plasma . Part of amino acids metabolism and glycometabolism were significantly different from the healthy volunteers .

  13. 肝阳上亢证的血清学及细胞学研究

    Study on Liver Yang Ascending Syndrome According to Serology and Cytology

  14. 肝阳上亢证患者植物神经机能状态的观测

    Status of vegetative nervous function in patients with liver Yang rising

  15. 肝阳上亢证具有明显的肝经定位症状;

    The patients with hyperhepatic Yang syndrome have obvious oriented symptoms .

  16. 肝阳上亢证患者血浆心钠素水平观察

    Observation on plasma natriuretic polypeptides in patients with liver Yang rising Zheng

  17. 肝阳上亢证病人尿儿茶酚胺,MHPG-SO4含量

    Urinary catecholamines and MHPG in patients with " liver Yang rising "

  18. 肝阳上亢证患者的血浆环核苷酸变化

    Plasma cyclic nucleotide alterations in patients with liver Yang rising

  19. 肝阳上亢证是高血压病发病率最高的证型。

    The syndrome of liver yang hyperactivity is the most common syndrome .

  20. 肝阳上亢型偏头痛中医症状特征及相关因素分析

    Characteristic Symptoms of TCM and Related Factors with Hyperactivity Symptoms of Migraine

  21. 肝阳上亢证病人红细胞内核苷酸水平

    Alteration of erythrocyte nucleotide contents in patients with " liver Yang rising "

  22. 肝阳上亢证中医文献研究

    The Literature Study of Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang

  23. 伊贝沙坦与氨氯地平治疗肝阳上亢型高血压病的疗效分析

    Curative effect analysis of irbesartan and amlodipine on liver Yang exuberance syndrome hypertension

  24. 肝阳上亢证甲皱微循环观察与分析

    Analysis and Observation of Nall Wrinkle Microcirculation of Patients with Liver Yang Rising

  25. 肝阳上亢证与相关证情绪状态测量的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Emotional Characteristics Measurement between Hyperhepatic Yang Syndrome and Correlative Syndrome

  26. 肝阳上亢证型与T淋巴细胞亚群等指标的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Hyperactivity of the Liver-Yang Syndrome and T Lymphocyte Subpopulation

  27. 清化胶囊对三种因素复合制造大鼠高血压肝阳上亢证模型的治疗作用

    Effects of Qing Hua Capsule on Yong Excessive Hypertension Rats Induced by Three Factors

  28. 颞三针治疗肝阳上亢型偏头痛的临床研究

    " NieSanZhen " Therapy Study on Liver-yang-hyperactivity Migraine

  29. 肝阳上亢病人尿总3&甲氧肾上腺素测定及其临床意义的探讨

    The clinical significance of urinary metanephrine in patients with exuberance of Yang of the liver

  30. 目的:观察麻藤胶囊治疗原发性肝阳上亢型高血压病的临床疗效。

    Purpose : Observe the clinical curative effects of Mateng Capsule on high blood pressure .