
ɡǔ dōnɡ ɡuān xi
  • relations of stockholders
  1. 电视直播的质询给三星艰难的一年划上句号,起初是利润预警和股东关系紧张,后来智能手机GalaxyNote7的60亿美元召回以及最终下架加剧了三星的困境。

    The on-air grilling capped a difficult year for the company , which began with a profit warning and shareholder tension and plumbed new depths with the $ 6bn recall and eventual termination of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone .

  2. 上市公司股东关系分析:基于实际控制人的视角

    Analysis on relationship between shareholders based on the viewpoint of actual controller

  3. 然而,这种关注必须伴随着股东关系的3种改变。

    This focus , however , must be accompanied by three changes in shareholder relations .

  4. 现在上演的整合肥皂剧与相关交易所的股东关系重大。

    The on-going soap opera of consolidation matters greatly to the shareholders of the exchanges involved .

  5. 股权分置改革,实质是对股东关系的再次调适,具体推进应当符合公司法的基本原理与制度。

    According to the basic principle and system in corporate law share reform in essence is the readjustment of stockholders ' relationship .

  6. 正确处理股东关系、劳资关系是实现“以人为本”的关键,也是企业和谐发展的重要课题。

    Correctly dealing with the shareholder relationship and labour-capital relationship is the key to carry out people-oriented and an important task of enterprises harmonious development .

  7. 保险资产管理公司独特的资本结构和组织形式决定了正确处理大股东关系是优化其治理机制的核心内容。

    The unique capital structure and form or organization of insurance asset management companies make proper relationship with major shareholders a key component of their governance mechanism .

  8. 第五部分结合前文的理论和实证分析结果提出了关于维持和优化我国上市公司不同类型股东关系、提高公司绩效的建议。

    Chapter 5 : combining the results of former theoretical and empirical analysis , this part put forward advice for maintenance and optimization different shareholders ' relationship as well as suggestions for improving the performance of companies .

  9. 公司发起人与公司股东的关系评析

    About Relationship Between the Promoter and the Shareholder of a Company

  10. 与此同时,潘伟迪与监管机构以及公司股东的关系一直让人担忧。

    Meanwhile , his relations with regulators and investors have been fraught .

  11. 公司法人制度是企业制度发展到一定阶段上的产物。为使公司法人制度在法定范围内有序和有效地运作,必须处理好公司法人和股东的关系,公司法人和监事会与经理层的关系。

    The institution of the corporation legal entity is an inevitable outcome when the company system develops to some extent .

  12. 正确处理企业同金融机构、其他企业和股东的关系。

    Setting up a good public profile and well dealing with the relationship with financial institution , other enterprises and stockholders .

  13. 股利政策与股东财富效应关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Dividend Policy and Shareholder Wealth Effect

  14. 据知情人士透露,这两家股东与黄光裕关系密切。

    According to people familiar with the matter , the two shareholders are affiliated to Mr Huang .

  15. 中外股东双方的关系和谐,合作向着积极的方向发展。

    The relationship of both shareholders is harmonious and both cooperate to develop in a good future .

  16. 不过,就算没有上述这些原因,力拓也应该试图修复与它最大股东之间的关系。

    Even without all that , however , Rio has some making up to do to its largest shareholder .

  17. 它将经理人和股东之间的关系以及对公司表现的分析弱化为一项过于简单的信任度测试。

    It reduces the relationship between managers and shareholders , and the analysis of corporate performance , to an oversimplified credibility test .

  18. 从利益相关者角度分析了企业社会责任与股东财富的关系,在此基础上提出了信号传递理论,即企业可以通过传递信号履行社会责任。

    The relation between CSR and stockholders'wealth is discussed with the signal transmission theory proposed , i.e. , an enterprise may perform its CSR through signal transmission .

  19. 因为股东的利益关系公司的,经济利益,我们刚谈到的这种分析的结果,指引这些问题的选择。

    Since the shareowners of interest is the company 's economic , the result of the analysis we just talk about guide the choices of these questions .

  20. 在奥诺尔提出的所有权的11个特点中,公司与股东之间的关系仅具备其中两个特点,而且都相当次要。

    Of 11 tests of ownership Mr Honor put forward , the relationship between a company and its shareholders satisfies only two , and these rather minor .

  21. 对于隐名出资人与显名股东之间的关系,可以在具体的纠纷中,依双方真实意思表示来判断。

    For the relationship between the anonymous contributors and the significant shareholders , can according to the true meaning of the two sides to judge in specific dispute .

  22. 五是,企业的部分所有权市场化,使股东与企业关系发生了重大变化,使企业处于更加复杂的投机投资市场。

    Fifthly , marketization of the share-ownership causes a great change in relations between the shareholders and the enterprise , and makes the enterprise in a more complex venture investment market .

  23. 第四部分为理论分析及研究假设,主要针对我国股利政策与股东财富效应关系进行了理论分析,以此提出研究假设。

    The fourth part is the theoretical analysis and the research supposition , it theoretically analyzes the relationship between the dividend policy and shareholder wealth effect , then proposed research supposition .

  24. 摘要公司重整计划是重整程序中最为重要的法律文件,事关债权人、股东等利害关系人的切身利益。

    Corporate reorganization plan is the most important legal document in the reorganization process for it is closely connected with the most intimate interests of the creditor , shareholders and other stakeholders .

  25. 基于此,本文将研究机构投资者与中小股东保护的关系,具体探讨股权分置改革后机构投资者持股对中小股东保护的影响。

    Based on this , the paper discusses the relationship between the institutional investors and the protection of minority shareholders , explore how the institutional investors affects the protection of minority shareholders .

  26. 为此,大股东掏空问题关系到资本市场的长治久安,久拖不决必将拖累整个经济的健康发展。

    To this end , the major shareholder of " tunneling " issue related to the long-term stability of the capital market , will drag down the healthy development of the economy as a whole .

  27. 但是,当发生对股东的利害关系产生重大影响的公司变更时,如何既充分保障少数异议股东的权利,又保证公司的稳定发展,则成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    But if the corporation 's change which bring the significant effect to the shareholders , how to protect the fewness dissenters ' benefit and the corporation 's development at the same time needs to be resolved stringently .

  28. 公司与董事之间是代理关系;董事与股东之间也是信托关系。

    The relationship between stockholder and director is fiduciary relationship too .

  29. 信息透明度与控股股东私有收益的关系研究

    Transparency of Information and the Controlling Shareholder of Private Benefits of Relationship

  30. 并研究了这些问题与股东投票制度的关系。

    The relationship between these problems and shareholder voting are also reviewed .