
  • 网络obesity;Obesity Degree
  1. 肝火亢盛型和阴阳两虚型高血压患者体质量、体质量指数、肥胖度、腰围明显高于痰湿壅盛型(P<0.05)。

    And the body mass , body mass index , obesity degree and waistline in patients of overabundant liver-fire type and type of asthenia of both yin and yang were markedly higher than patients of type of excessive accumulation of phlegm-dampness ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 儿童肥胖度与TG、apoB水平呈正相关,与HDL-C水平呈负相关。

    Childhood obesity degree was correlated positively with the TG , apoB levels and negatively with the HDL-C level .

  3. 根据BMI和体脂百分比标准判别成人肥胖度效力的评估性研究

    Assessment of adult obesity potency based on BMI and body fat percentage standard

  4. 两组治疗后BMI、肥胖度差异显著(P<0.05)。

    However , after treatment BMI and degree of obesity in group A decreased more significantly than that of in group B ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  5. 在20世纪90年代早期,研究表明高体质指数(BMI,身体肥胖度的一项测量指标)的人注射疫苗后表现为低抗体水平。

    In the early1990s , studies showed low antibody levels after vaccination in those who had a high Body Mass Index , or BMI , which is a measure of body fatness .

  6. 三组电针均能使体重、BMI及肥胖度的数值明显下降,具有良好的减重作用,以疏密波的作用为强。

    All three electro-acupuncture waveform groups could significantly lower value of weight , BMI and fat degree , and had good loosing fat effect , while the condensation-rarefaction group was the best . 3 .

  7. 目的为研究NIDDM家族史与儿童肥胖度、体脂分布及血压的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between family history of NIDDM ( non insulin dependent diabete mellitus ) and total body fat , fat pattern and blood pressure in children .

  8. 结果AN阳性者肥胖度、腹围、空腹胰岛素、自动动态平衡标准评价胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-R)关系有显著差异,AN与体脂肪率间无关。

    We obtained homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index ( HOMA-R ) by fasting blood glucose and plasma insulin levels . Results The severity of obesity , abdominal circumference , fasting insulin levels and HOMA-R were significantly higher in obese children to AN compared to those without AN .

  9. 儿童血浆瘦素水平与肥胖度的关系

    The Relationship between Plasma Leptin Concentration and Adiposity in Children

  10. 3~6岁儿童肥胖度对血压影响的调查分析

    A Survey of Influence of Obesity on Blood Pressure in 3-6 Years Old Children

  11. 肥胖度超出这一数值越多,吸引力程度的评价就越低。

    As fatness increased above that value , the less attractive they were rated .

  12. 高校女大学生肥胖度的调查

    Investigation to Obesity of Female College Students

  13. 腹部脂肪比率及肥胖度、蛋白质含量及比率、肢体体液及比率、无机质含量具有显著性差异,高于普通人水平;去脂体重及体重比率具有非常显著性差异。

    The ratio and degree of abdominal fat , limbs liquid and ratio have significant different .

  14. 1995~2000年甘肃省7~18岁学生的整体肥胖度有所提高,提高的幅度汉族大于东乡族。

    The obesity level of students in Gansu is on increase and the range is more than Dongxiang .

  15. 上海地区儿童和青少年血清瘦素水平与肥胖度、青春期发育的关系

    The relationship between serum leptin concentration and adiposity , pubertal stage in children and adolescents from Shanghai region

  16. 长期服用福辛普利对高血压患者肥胖度和胰岛素敏感性及代谢的影响

    The effect of long-term treatment with fosinopril on degree of obesity , insulin sensitivity and metabolism in patients with essential hypertension

  17. 当其他变量从美感度到种族到肥胖度被统计受控时,情况仍是如此。

    That continued to be so when the other variables , from beauty to race to obesity , were controlled for statistically .

  18. 男孩肥胖度与骨龄增值之间以及骨龄与身高之间均存在有同向变化关系。

    And ( 3 ) There were positive correlations between the degree of obesity and the increment of bone age and height in boys .

  19. 结果:经过2年的观察,肥胖治疗组儿童肥胖度明显下降,身高的增长与正常对照儿童一致。

    Results : After 2 years intervention , the degree of obesity of treatment group had significantly decreased compared with control group and the height increasing had not significant difference compare to normal children .

  20. 单纯性肥胖儿童心脏体积指数与肥胖度的关系

    Relationships Between Heart Volume Index and Obese Degree Among Simple Obesity Children

  21. 观察三组病例的临床疗效及对各项肥胖指标(包括体重、肥胖度、体重指数、腰围、臀围、腰臀比)、血脂的影响,然后进行疗效对比研究。

    Observed three groups of patients and the clinical efficacy of the obesity indicators ( such as weight , degree of obesity , body mass index , waist circumference , hip circumference , waist-hip ratio ), blood lipid , and then carry out comparative study of efficacy .

  22. 结论儿童单纯性肥胖群体综合干预可有效降低儿童肥胖发生率和肥胖度及心脑血管疾病的危险因素。

    CONCLUSION : The comprehensive intervention of simple obesity for children can effectively reduce the prevalence of obesity , obesity degree and risk factor of cardiovascular disease .

  23. 结果:1.哈萨克族胰岛素抵抗与周围型肥胖有特殊关系,超重与轻度肥胖者没有胰岛素抵抗,重度周围型肥胖者(Ⅱ度肥胖)才发生胰岛素抵抗。

    Results : 1 . It is the special relationship between Kazak insulin resistance and peripheral type of obesity . Overweight and mildly obese have no insulin resistance and severe peripheral obesity (ⅱ severe obesity ) has insulin resistance .