
jiān zhāng
  • epaulet;shoulder strap;shoulder loop
肩章 [jiān zhāng]
  • [shoulder board;shoulder mark] 军人佩戴在制服的两肩上,用来表示级别的标志

  1. 镜头:李冰冰警服、肩章、手铐都齐了,和真的差不多。

    Lens : Li3 Bing Bing the Jing , epaulet , handcuffs all together , with really about .

  2. 不过,这张照片不是正面像,而是从高处往下照的,只能看到他的将军帽顶和金色肩章。

    Nevertheless , this piece of photograph is not openly resembling , illuminate downward from altitude however , can see his general crown and aureate epaulet only .

  3. 他佩戴标示级别的肩章,上面有中士的V形标志。

    He wore shoulderstrap rank slides with sergeant 's chevrons .

  4. 现代西服的垫肩有点军服肩章的味道,强调浦鲁马追求的经典的V型躯干样式。

    The modern suit 's padded shoulder has the whiff of an epaulette while accentuating the V-shaped torso of classical antiquity so sought by Brummel .

  5. 丰田章男经常现身各种赛事,身着红白相间的Nomex定制防火赛车服——肩章上印着他的爱犬Morizo的卡通像。

    He regularly shows up at events wearing a tailor-made Nomex fireproof red and white racing suit - featuring a shoulder patch with a cartoon of his dog , Morizo .

  6. 美国海军部长雷·马布斯为她佩戴四星肩章。

    Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus was the promoting officer .

  7. 权力不是来自于一块肩章,或者一支枪。

    Power don 't come from a badge or a gun .

  8. 喂,亨利,你的肩章上又多了一条杠了。

    I say , henry , you 've got yourself another stripe !

  9. (无厘头开始了)哦,而且我想说,他们的制服设计的太疯狂,肩章?

    Oh , and those uniforms are insane . epaulets ?

  10. 戴肩章白勺侦探员照例在最外围白勺路线上鸣喊。

    The scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine .

  11. 夺得银星肩章和银棒肩章。

    Snagged the silver star and a silver bar .

  12. 肩章鲨鱼不属于稀有物种。

    Epaulette sharks are not among the rare species .

  13. 肩章上这些是金色的条纹?

    And the epaulets are gold bullion ?

  14. 将军军服的肩上镶着表示军衔的肩章。

    The shoulders of the general 's uniform were piped with signs of his rank .

  15. 军官们的肩章被扯掉。

    They tore the epaulets from officers .

  16. 刺绣织物肩章,无可见底布

    Textile flash embroidered without visible ground embroidery , hand - or machine-made with visible textile ground

  17. 刺绣织物肩章,有可见底布喂,亨利,你的肩章上又多了一条杠了。

    Textile flash embroidered with visible ground I say , Henry , you 've got yourself another stripe !

  18. 好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。

    Death appeared to him with large epaulets , and he almost made the military salute to him .

  19. 看到他制服上的肩章,我们觉得还是躲着他点儿比较好。

    Looking at the flash on his uniform , we decided it would be wise to avoid him .

  20. 非机织织物肩章,无刺绣,成幅、成条或剪裁成一定形状或尺寸

    Flash of non-woven textile materials , not embroidered in the piece in strips or cut to shape or size

  21. 设有一个按钮,通过按钮前,双瓣胸前的口袋和短翻领,肩章的细节。

    Featuring a button through front , twin button flap chest pockets and short lapels , with epaulette detail .

  22. 作为替换方案,加莫人身穿皮革和布制的戏服,饰以金属肩章,掩饰肩部的缝合线。

    Instead , the Gamorreans wore a leather and cloth uniform with metal epaulets that helped hide the shoulder seams .

  23. 从下士提升为上士后,我给妻子寄了一张我戴着新肩章的照片。

    After being promoted from corporal to staff sergeant , I sent my wife a photo of myself wearing the new stripes .

  24. 许多公司高管给人递的是名片,但丰田章男递得最多的是一堆贴画,上面印着肩章上的卡通狗形象。

    While many CEOs hand out business cards , Mr. Toyoda 's chief calling cards are stacks of stickers with that dog patch design .

  25. 我如今已当了上尉,一个上尉即使没有新的制服或肩章,也应当穿双靴子嘛。

    I 'm a captain now and a captain ought to have boots , even if he has n 't got a new uniform or epaulets .

  26. 这套带著代表海珊军阶的伊拉克肩章的绿色军服,拍卖底价是5千美元。

    The green uniform , with epaulettes bearing the mark of Saddam Hussein 's rank in the Iraqi army , has a starting price of $ 5,000 .

  27. 德国陆军也曾一度采用过相似的做法,允许担任元帅级别职务的陆军大将佩带四星肩章。

    A similar practice was used in the German Army , allowing Colonel Generals to wear four pips on the shoulder board when engaged in duties befitting a Field Marshal .

  28. 领口处采用的是高龄的扣钮式,肩部有肩章修饰,罗纹针织袖口,腰部有两个口袋点缀其中。

    The coveted piece of fashion memorabilia is designed with a zip-front , snap closure at neckline , shoulder epaulets , rib knit cuffs and waist and front slash lower pockets .

  29. 那是铁骑军的一个军官,并且是一个等级颇高的军官,一条很宽的金肩章从铁甲里露出来,那军官已经丢了铁盔。

    He was a cuirassier , an officer , and even an officer of considerable rank ; a large gold epaulette peeped from beneath the cuirass ; this officer no longer possessed a helmet .

  30. 随着1914年壕沟战的出现,风雨衣成了一种必不可少的军事服装,上面有附带的肩章和D型圆环,可以用来系挂军事装备。

    With the advent of trench warfare in1914 , trench coats became an essential piece of the military outfit , with added epaulettes and " D " rings to enable the attachment of military equipment .