
  • 网络Kidney governing bone;the kidney being in charge of bone;kidney governs the bones;the kidney being in harge of the bone;the kidney being in charge of the bone
  1. 肾主骨理论的发生及其意义

    The Genesis of the Kidney Being in Charge of Bone Theory

  2. 肾主骨理论的现代理解与补肾法研究

    Modern Understanding of Kidneys Governing Bone and Kidney-Nourishing Therapy

  3. 本研究是对传统中医肾主骨治疗方法的补充。

    This study is on the traditionalChinese " kidney dominating bone " complementary ways of treatment .

  4. 依据肾主骨理论,中医学认为骨质疏松症多与肾虚有关,属肾虚骨痿范畴。

    Based on " Kidney controls bone " theory of Chinese medicine , osteoporosis and kidney are more relevant .

  5. 肾主骨、生髓与骨髓间充质干细胞定向分化的研究

    Effect of Kidney Determining the Condition of the Bone and Marrow on Directional Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

  6. 肾主骨理论是中医理论体系中重要的组成部分,该理论首载于《内经》,并经历代医家的继承和发展,一直指导着临床实践。

    The " KIDNEY MASTER BONES " Theory of " The Emperor Scripture " is the main frame of this passage .

  7. 中医认为肾主骨生髓,现代医学主要从骨代谢本身进行研究。

    Chinese medicine considers the kidney generating marrow and dominating bone , which was studied mainly on the bone metabolism itself by modern medical research .

  8. 探讨肾主骨理论与肾脏1α羟化酶关系。

    To explore the relationship between kidney nourishment and renal 1 - α - hydroxylase , 40 male SD rats were randomized into four groups .

  9. 中医理论认为肾主骨生髓,骨质状况是依肾的状况变化而变化的。

    According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), the kidney masters the bones , the condition of bones depends on the kidney .

  10. 提示补肾中药能提高放射损伤大鼠肾脏1α羟化酶的活性,这可能是肾主骨理论的重要生理学基础之一。

    It is indicated that kidney-nourishing herbs can increase the activity of renal 1 - α - hydroxylase in rats after radiation , this may be one of the mechanisms of kidney controlling bones .

  11. 肾藏精,主骨生髓,为先天之本,是体力产生的原动力和源泉。

    The kidney hides the essence , controls the bone and marrow , and is often considered as the congenital foundation , the origination of power .