
  • 网络Renal Excretion
  1. 高尿酸血症是嘌呤代谢障碍性疾病,也是与代谢异常综合征和糖尿病密切相关性疾病之一,其主要原因是尿酸生成过多或肾脏排泄减少。

    Hyperuricemia is a purine metabolic disorders are associated with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes , one closely related diseases , mainly because of too much or renal excretion of uric acid reduction .

  2. 原发性痛风患者肾脏排泄尿酸减少分析

    Renal excretion of uric acid is reduced in patients with primary gout

  3. 其发生原因与组织对胰岛素的敏感性降低、胰岛素分泌异常增多以及胰岛素经肝脏降解减少有关,后者很可能伴有C肽经肾脏排泄增多。

    The hyperinsulinemia and IR may be caused by a beta-cell hypersecretory response to the defective Peripheral sensitivity of insulin and by a decreased hepatic IS clearance with possibly increased urinary CP excretion .

  4. 方法:选择主要经肾脏排泄的CEZ为模型药,采用高效毛细管电泳法测定其血药浓度,并计算药代动力学参数;采用平衡透析法测定其血浆蛋白结合率。

    Methods : The serum concentration of cefazolin and plasma protein binding rate in neijiang pig was detected by high performance capillary electrophoresis .

  5. 我们认为出现此种现象的根本原因是老龄鼠肾脏排泄功能障碍。

    The reason of the result was imputed to the impairment of renal function .

  6. 6)胆汁排泄率低.7)肾脏排泄:75-83%(非转变)再者,头孢噻甲羧肟实质上是无肾毒性。

    Excretion : 75-88 % ( unchanged ) Furthermore , Ceftazidime is virtually non-nephrotoxic .

  7. 丙磺舒可显著地抑制吡哌酸的肾脏排泄,降低其体内清除率,提高血药水平。

    Probenicid could remarkably increase the half-life and AUC of pipemidic acid by reducing its clearance .

  8. 尿酸是人体嘌呤碱基分解代谢终产物,经肾脏排泄。

    Uric acid as the end-product of purine metabolism in human body is excreted through kidney .

  9. 浅论肾脏排泄钠钾量与家族性高血压遗传病因

    A tentative study of the sodium and the potassium excreted by the kidneys and the hereditary cause of familial hypertension

  10. 本部分研究利用尿酸酶抑制剂氧嗪酸和抑制肾脏排泄尿酸的药物吡嗪酰胺,建立一种与人类高尿酸血症天津医科大学博士研究生学位论文更为接近的高尿酸血症动物模型。

    In part 2 , a new hyperuricemia model that is more similar to patient is established by oxonic acid and pyrazinamide .

  11. 肝脏代谢药物的能力和肾脏排泄药物的能力随着年龄的增长而下降。

    The abilities of the liver to metabolize drugs and of the kidney to excrete drug metabolites decline with the aging process .

  12. 结果提示长链蝎神经毒素主要通过肾脏排泄,且难以穿过血脑屏障。

    The results suggested that the long chain scorpion neurotoxins be eliminated mainly through kidney , and lacked ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier .

  13. 尿酸主要是通过肾脏排泄的,因此肾脏疾病容易导致尿酸排泄量下降从而发生高尿酸血症。

    The excretion of urate / uric acid ( UA ) is mainly performed by kidney . Therefore , hyperuricemia is susceptible in patients with renal disease .

  14. 体内尿酸生成超过肾脏排泄时血清尿酸会显著升高,造成高尿酸血症。

    If the production of uric acid surpasses the level that excreted by kidney , the serum level of uric acid will increase and hyperuricemia will occur .

  15. 由于体内绝大部分的毒性物质在肾脏排泄,所以百草枯中毒时,毒物及炎性物质可以从肾脏大量排泄。

    Since most of the toxic substances in the body kidney , and so paraquat poisoning , paraquat poisoning , a large number of toxic and inflammatory substances excreted .

  16. 另一方面,膀胱一直都储存着肾脏排泄出的不间断的尿液流,到了一定的容量,你就需要上厕所了。

    On the other hand , the bladder , which acts a reservoir for the continuous flow of urine produced in the kidneys , can stretch only up to a certain volume before you gotta go .

  17. 行业垄断与变革动力肾脏的排泄单元

    Monopoly and the Motivity for Change Renal excretory sectors

  18. 肾脏不能排泄废物不能维持体内电解质平衡。

    Inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance .

  19. 西医学认为肾脏主要排泄功能,直至本世纪才认识到肾脏还具有内分泌功能。

    Western medicine kidney main excretory function , till this century to realize the kidney also has endocrine function .

  20. 当百草枯中毒时,肾脏作为排泄器官,首先受到损伤,导致各种功能障碍。

    When paraquat poisoning , the kidneys as excretory organs , first of all damage , leading to all kinds of dysfunction .

  21. 牡荆素主要通过肝脏和肾脏代谢排泄,在大鼠尿、粪和胆汁中的总排泄量约为给药量的30%。

    Vitexin was mainly excreted through bile , and urine , and the total percentage of the corresponding cumulative excretion was found to be nearly 30 % in the bile , urine and feces .

  22. 如果人体吸收的水分超过其肾脏可排泄范围,血液中整体的电解质水平将会大幅度下降,一旦多余水分进入大脑,大脑细胞受到膨胀,就会导致潜在疾病发作或引发昏迷。

    If a person drinks more water than her kidneys can excrete , the overall electrolyte level in the blood will drop significantly and the excess water can enter and swell your brain cells , resulting in a potential seizure and / or coma .

  23. 补硒后则可促进肾脏的氟排泄,降低肾脏脂质过氧化物含量,肾脏的组织病理学和超微结构改变明显减轻,SDH活性增加,ACP活性降低。

    Selenite supplement in drinking water could accelerate the renal excretion of fluoride from the body , decrease the contents of lipid peroxides in kidney , and the renal changes in histopathology and ultrastructure were significantly alleviated , increase activities of SKH and decrease activities of ACP .

  24. 结论D3-/-小鼠的血压升高除与肾脏的尿钠排泄功能下降有关,还与D3受体介导的舒血管功能障碍有关。

    Conclusions Elevation of blood pressure in D_3 - / - mice might be related with impaired renal sodium excretion and vaso-relaxation in resistance artery .

  25. 肾脏的功能是排泄代谢废物。

    The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products .

  26. 盐负荷对高血压病患者血压及肾脏钠、钾排泄功能的影响

    Effects of salt-loading on blood pressure , sodium and potassium excretion in hypertensive patients

  27. 目的探讨用数学模型推理肾脏分泌系数与排泄系数分析利尿剂肾图,以助于上尿路梗阻的诊断。

    Objective To probe and analyse the uretic renogram with the renal secretive and excretive coefficient obtained by mathematics model .

  28. 另有12.7±1.1和2.8±1.8%药物以原形分别从肾脏和胃肠道排泄。

    The 12.7 ± 1.1 and 2.8 ± 1.8 percent of the dose were excreted as free drug by the kidney and gastro-intestinal tract respectively .

  29. 肾脏中的分泌排泄过程在肾单位中进行。代谢物的尿液排泄包括3个基本过程:肾小球过滤、肾小管分泌和肾小管再吸收。

    The urine excretion process takes place in functional units of the kidney called nephrons and involves three primary processes : glomerular filtration , tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption .

  30. 肾小球是肾脏发挥滤过和排泄功能的主要部位,在某些病理因素的作用下,肾小球的滤过屏障极易受损,导致大分子蛋白质随尿液渗出而形成蛋白尿。

    Glomerulus is the most important part of kidney filtration and excretion function . In some clinical pathological cases , the glomerular filtration barrier will be damaged and followed by large proteins leakage and proteinuria .