
  • 网络Back-Shu;back transport point
  1. 方法电针背俞穴为主治疗CFS患者40例,采用疲劳评定量表(FAI)及精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行前后对照研究。

    Methods Forty cases of CFS were treated with electroacupuncture at main acupoints Back-shu , and Fatigue Assessment Instrument ( FAI ) and Mental State Self-rating Scale ( SCL-90 ) were used for assessment of therapeutic effect .

  2. 背俞穴埋线加耳针治疗高脂血症临床研究

    Clinical study on embedding thread at Back-shu points plus auricular acupuncture for treatment of hyperlipidemia

  3. 方法:(1)常规针刺背俞、夹脊穴;

    Method : ( 1 ) Routinely selected acupoints were needled with points on the back .

  4. 隔八珍饼灸五脏背俞穴治疗慢性疲劳综合征初探

    Preliminary Study on Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Herbal Cake-separated Moxibustion on Five-zang Back-Shu Points

  5. 背俞穴艾灸加拔罐治疗小儿咳嗽50例

    Treatment of Fifty Cases of Children 's Cough by Moxibustion and Cupping on the Points of Back

  6. 结论针刺背俞穴配合拔罐疗法可以改善慢性阻塞性肺病患者血液黏度、血流阻力及临床症状。

    Conclusions The acupuncture with cupping therapy could reduce the blood viscosity and resistance to blood flow .

  7. 背俞穴刺络放血治疗痤疮的临床研究老农给他的马放了点血。

    The Clinical Study of Using Blood-vessel Pricking to Bleed at the Back-shu Points for Treat Acne The old farmer bled his horse .

  8. 目的观察针刺膀胱经背俞穴法治疗慢性疲劳综合征的临床疗效及对肌电图的影响。

    ObjectiveTo observe the curative effect of acupuncture in Back-shu points of Bladder Meridian on chronic fatigue syndrome ( CDS ) and its influence on electromyography .

  9. [结论]1、针刺背俞穴为主治疗焦虑症有较好的临床疗效;2、针刺组疗效优于口服药物组。

    Acupuncture on back-shu points primarily to treat anxiety neurosis has a better clinical effect . 2 . The acupuncture group was more effective than oral drugs .

  10. 目的观察针刺背俞穴为主与常规针刺治疗缺血性中风(瘀血阻络证)的疗效差异。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of acupuncture at Back-Shu points as main therapy with conventional acupuncture in treating ischemic stroke ( obstruction of channels by stagnant blood ) .

  11. 方法利用针刺华佗夹脊穴、背俞穴拔罐、背部点穴疗法治疗慢性胃炎102例。

    Methods One hundred and two patients with chronic gastritis patients were treated by acupuncture of Huatuo Jaji points , cupping on Backshu points and digital pressing on dorsal point .

  12. 结果:背俞作为足太阳经循行线上的一组腧穴,其主治病症未见该经的经脉病候,从十二经脉理论很难解释。

    Results Indications of Back-shu points , a group of acupoints on the circulation route of The Foot-Taiyang Channel , are not found in the channel , which is difficult to explain from twelve channel theory .

  13. 总结出背俞穴规范的主治症状,为今后的实验研究奠定基础。方法:检索清代以及清代以前的中医古籍703部,其中涉及本课题的古籍计200部;

    Methods : Searched 703 ancient books about acupuncture of Qing dynasty and before , 200 books involving the concerned matter are included , and the articles published on Chinese medical magazines , about 900 articles recording the main symptom of back-shu of the Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang are included .