
bèi sòng
  • recite;say;rehearse;learn(say) by heart;recite from memory;repeat from memory;say by heart
背诵 [bèi sòng]
  • [learn(say) by heart;recite from memory] 不看原文而念出读过的文字

  • 背诵课文

背诵[bèi sòng]
  1. 每个孩子都得在班上背诵一首诗。

    Each child had to recite a poem to the class .

  2. “Wolstencroft”老师叫他,“你能给我们背诵一下字母表吗?”

    " Wolstencroft ," the teacher would call out . " Will you recite the alphabet for us today ?"

  3. 他一字不差地背诵了全诗。

    He recited the whole poem without making a single slip .

  4. 我们明天上学得背诵一段哈姆雷特的台词。

    We have to learn one of Hamlet 's speeches for school tomorrow .

  5. 你只是在背诵自己死记硬背下来的东西。

    You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote .

  6. 英格丽德正忙着背诵第二天戏份的台词。

    Ingrid was busy learning her lines for the next day 's shooting

  7. 他背诵了《诗篇》第23篇中的一节。

    He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm .

  8. 我努力背诵乘法表。

    I attempted to learn my tables .

  9. 他们的诗歌打动了学者和普通人的心,即使在今天,他们的许多诗歌仍广为儿童及成人阅读背诵。

    Their poems touched the hearts of scholars and ordinary people ; even today , many of their poems are still widely read and recited by children and adults .

  10. 句子背诵对EFL学习者作文语言影响的研究

    Research into the Effect of Sentence Memorization on EFL Learners ' Written Language

  11. 鉴于中国学生英语学习环境的缺乏和使用语言机会的不足,从多年的语法教学实践经验出发,建议采取显性教学(explicitteaching)再加上句型背诵的方法对大学生的语法薄弱点进行补救。

    In view of the poor language environment for Chinese learners of English , we spent a few years on the experiment in explicit grammar teaching plus sentence recitation as a remedy , and it has turned out to be effective .

  12. 本研究有如下发现:首先,在日常生活中,为了提高英语口语的准确性,X采用了模仿策略来提高语音语调的准确性,采用了记笔记策略和背诵策略来提高措辞的准确性。

    The major findings are as follows : First , X employed the imitation strategy for pronunciation accuracy and the note-taking strategy plus the recitation strategy for diction accuracy in her daily life to improve her oral English accuracy .

  13. 我后来才学会了阅读,可当我开始沉迷于诗歌,并且十几岁时就会背诵希薇亚·普拉斯(SylviaPlath)的那首《爸爸》时,家人反而更替我担心了。

    I did then learn to read , and I think I disturbed the folks more when I became addicted to poetry and , as a teenager , learned Sylvia Plath 's " Daddy " by heart .

  14. 早在19世纪中期,JohnHughlingsJackson就注意到,有些不能构建新话语的失语症患者却能流利地背诵韵文、祷文和日常寒暄语。

    As far back as in the middle of the 19th century , John Hughlings Jackson noticed that some aphasics who could not produce novel utterances were nonetheless able to recite , in a fluent manner , rhymes , prayers and routine greetings .

  15. 唱歌、背诵诗歌或说唱。

    Sing a song , recite a rhyme or a chant .

  16. 他可以一字不漏地背诵70篇长故事。

    He could recite seventy long stories without dropping a word .

  17. 很多语文教师和家长都把积累简单地理解为背诵。

    Many Chinese teachers and parents simply understand accumulation to recite .

  18. 谈背诵对提高高职学生英语口语能力的作用

    Recitation Function for Vocational College Students to Improve English Oral Ability

  19. 而且,背诵的讲话听起来往往生硬拘谨。

    Also , a memorized speech often sounds stilted and formal .

  20. 今天的中国学生必须背诵毛的语录吗?

    Do you have to memorize any Mao quotations in school ?

  21. 他在全校师生面前背诵了他的诗。

    He recited his poem in front of the whole school .

  22. 使用你自然的语言,而不是去背诵。

    Use your own words – don 't recite from memory .

  23. 十分钟之后,她给我背诵了课文的内容。

    Ten minutes later , she recited the content to me .

  24. 背诵对英语学习是非常重要的。

    There is more I want to say to our students .

  25. 背诵英语句子以及短文非常有用。

    It is very useful to recite English sentences and passages .

  26. 当里尔登读批评时,丽塔重复里尔登背诵的东西。

    Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks .

  27. 老师让我们背诵那首诗。

    The teacher asked us to learn the poem by heart .

  28. 在朗读和背诵方面,你多花些时间好吗?

    Could you spend more time reading and reciting the text ?

  29. 有人能够背诵这首诗吗?最后一句是什么?

    Can someone recite it ? What 's the last line ?

  30. 背诵课文最后三段。

    Learn by heart the last three paragraphs of the text .