
  • 网络Fetal Medicine
  1. 帕特里克卡塔拉诺博士从产妇和胎儿医学系,在凯斯西储大学美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市,补充说,这项研究显示,母亲和胎儿明显的好处。

    Patrick Catalano , MD , from the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland , Ohio , adds that this study shows clear benefits for both mother and fetus .

  2. 这项研究,摩西卡霍德,医学博士产妇胎儿医学科主任在特拉维夫的以色列大学发表评论称,这是最重要的研究成果之一。

    Commenting on the study , Moshe Hod , MD , director of the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Tel-Aviv University in Israel , said that this is one of the most important studies to date .

  3. 英国胎儿医学基金会(FMF)的孕早期唐氏筛查风险评估软件假阳性率低,避免了更多孕妇做侵入性穿刺,可减少胎儿流产。

    The false positive rate ( FPR ) of first trimester prenatal screening is lower , it avoids more pregnant to have puncture and reduces the miscarriage rate . 3 .

  4. 严重畸胎儿用于医学研究的伦理学原则

    Moral Principles on Serious Terato-Infant Applied into Medicine Research

  5. 你认为用流产的胎儿做医学研究是错误的吗?

    Do you think it 's wrong to use aborted foetuses for medical research ?

  6. 笔者认为,法律上的胎儿应同医学上、生物学上的胎儿含义有别。

    The author points out that the legal concept of fetus is different from that of medical science and the biology .

  7. 利用数学形态学对含有胎儿头部轮廓的医学图像进行预处理,提取近似圆形的胎儿大脑轮廓的骨架。

    Medical Images including head outline are preprocessed by using mathematical morphology , and the skeleton of fetus ' head outline with an approximate rotundity can be extracted .