
  • 网络FHR;fetal heart
  1. 结果(1)实验组胎心异常恢复率均有差异(P<0·01)。

    Results : ( 1 ) Return of FHR in the study group rather than the control ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 监护过程中,孕妇躺在病床上,使用绑带固定胎心探头和宫缩探头,探头通过线缆连接到监护仪主机。

    During the monitoring , the pregnant women lie on the bed with FHR probes and TOCO probes attached in bandages , which are wired to the host of the monitor .

  3. 结果显示:用药后甲组胎心改善率为79%,乙组为48%(P<0.05);

    Improved heart rate was 79 % in group A and 48 % in group B after administration of the medicines ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. MRI显示早早孕、早中期的卵黄囊、胚外体腔、羊膜囊及胎心搏动不如超声(P<0.005);

    Ultrasonography had great advantage over MRI in showing yolk sacs , amniotic sacs , extraembryonic coelom and embryocardia-beats ( P < 0.005 ) .

  5. APA干扰对消法检测弱胎心信号方法研究

    Research on APA adaptive interference cancellation method for detection of weak FECS

  6. Cx43基因在人类及小鼠胎心发育中的时空表达规律

    Spatio-temporal Expression of CX43 in the Developing Human and Mouse Hearts

  7. 方法:联合应用胎心无负荷试验及多普勒测定脐动脉血流速度,对71例ICP患者(ICP组)及60例正常孕妇(对照组)进行观察。

    Methods : Fetal umbilical artery Doppler velocity and NST were used in 71 patients with ICP and 60 healthy women .

  8. 胎心听诊监护的符合率是69.91%,前者明显高于后者,P值<0.05,有显著差异。

    The conformity rate of monitoring with the auscultation of fetal heart was 69.91 % . The former was obviously higher than the latter ( p < 0.05 ) and the difference between them was statistically significant .

  9. 结论:血清胆红素升高、临产后胎心监护异常可作为预测ICP胎儿宫内缺氧的指标。

    Conclusions : Increase of serum bilirubin and abnormal heart rate may take as an forecast index of ICP intrauterine fetal anoxia .

  10. A组宫缩过强、胎心异常,羊水过度污染均低于B组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    But rates of excessive uterine contraction , abnormal fetal heart rate , and pollution of amniotic fluid were lower in Group A than those in group B ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 前言:目的:探讨妊娠期肝内胆汁瘀积症(ICP)患者胎心监护结果与围产儿预后的关系;

    Objective : To study the relationship between the outcome of fetal heart examination and the prognosis of the perinatal of ICP patients .

  12. 胎心基线变异较对照组明显减弱,胎心宫缩激惹试验(CST)阳性率增加;

    Fetal heart base line mutation in diazepam group was weaker than that of the control group .

  13. 穿刺过程中胎心变化发生率为35.6%(32/90),均在60s内恢复;

    The incidence of bradycardia was 35.6 % ( 32 / 90 ), all recovered within 60 seconds ;

  14. 目的探讨序贯应用甲氨蝶呤(MTX)与米非司酮保守治疗有胎心宫外孕的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To investigate the effects and safety of sequential treatments with methotrexate and mifepristone for ectopic pregnancy with fetal cardiac activity .

  15. 目的比较多普勒脐动脉血流速度检测和胎心监护-无负荷试验(NST)对胎儿宫内缺氧的预测价值。

    Objectives To assess the predictive value of intrauterine fetal hypoxia by doppler examination and non-stress test ( NST ) .

  16. 脐血血气分析、胎心监护、Apgar评分联合监测新生儿窒息

    The Study on Asphyxia of Newborn supervised with Blood Gas Analysis of the Umbilical artery , Fetal Heart Electronic Monitoring and Apgar Rating

  17. 随着pH值下降,Apgar低评分增多,产前胎心电子监护异常发生率也随之增加,新生儿窒息发生率增高。

    Along with the descend of pH , the augment of low Apgar rating and the abnormity increased of fetal heart electronic monitoring , the occuring rate with asphyxia of newborn was heighten .

  18. 用药前后观察胎心情况、羊水情况,新生儿出生后行脐血血气分析及新生儿Apgar评分。

    Changes of fetal heart rate , amniotic fluid , blood gas assaying of umbilical veins and newborn Apgar score in two groups were evaluated .

  19. 目的:比较单项新B超生物物理监测(BPS)、单项胎心监护无负荷试验(NST)与两者联合监护对过期妊娠的实用价值。

    Objective : To compare the value of single B ultrasound , non stimulation test ( NST ) and united surveillance used in prolonged pregnancy .

  20. 目的提高胎心电子监护无应激试验(NST)的准确性,对NST假无反应型予以正确筛查。

    Objective : To improve the accuracy of NST ( non-stress test ), negative NST cases were selected in groups by three kinds of stimulation .

  21. 宫颈Bishop评分、胎心监护1次/24h,用药后24、48h检测宫颈分泌物IGFBP-1。

    Modified Bishop score was recorded and fetal heart monitored once every 24 h , and IGFBP-1 in the cervical secretion was detected at 24 and 48 h after drug administration .

  22. 阶段III:联合应用阶段I和阶段II的结果,分组分娩镇痛,观察并记录各组不同时点的VAPS以及连续进行胎心、宫缩监护。

    Phrase III , primipara enters different groups according to the results from phrases I and II , observing and recording VAPS at different time required , monitoring fetus heart rate and uterine contraction continuously .

  23. 由TMS320LF2407A构成的DSP模块完成对胎心信号、宫缩压力信号和胎动标记请求信号的实时处理,同时实现心跳的音量控制。

    The signals of fetal heart beating , uterine contraction and mark were processed with the DSP TMS320LF2407A . Meanwhile , the volume control of the heart beat sound was realized by the DSP module .

  24. 目的探讨脐血血气分析、胎心监护及Apgar评分的相关性,为预测和诊断新生儿窒息及减低新生儿窒息发生提供重要依据。

    Objective To investigate the correlation of blood gas analysis of the umbilical artery , fetal heart electronic monitoring and apgar rating and prognosticate the occuring of asphyxia of newborn .

  25. 目的:比较静脉输氧与吸氧两种方式对胎心监护(NST)的影响。

    Objective : To compare the method of oxygen transfering in vein to fetal heart monitoring with the method of inhaling oxygen to fetal heart monitoring in fetal distress .

  26. 目的:探讨妊晚期胎心无负荷试验、羊水胎粪污染、1minApgar评分与新生儿预后的关系。

    Objective : To discuss the relation between fetal nonstress test in late prognosis , the incidence of meconium , 1 min Apgar score and fetal prognosis .

  27. 经逐步回归分析表明:治疗效果与化疗前患者的孕龄的长短、血β-hcG值的高低、是否有胎心及阴道出血量、注射MTX后副反应出现率有关;

    The statistical test results were obtained by an analysis of stepwise regression . The efficacy was related to gestational ages ,β hcG , fetal heart beat before treatment , vaginal bleeding before treatment and the side effects after injection of MTX ;

  28. 结果延期妊娠组孕妇AFI或胎心监护指标异常比例均高于正常孕妇组(P<0.01);

    Results The rate of abnormal AFI and NST ( or OCT ) in the cases with delayed pregnancy was significantly higher than that in the controls ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 绕颈紧组胎心宫缩图(CTG)主要表现频发轻度可变减速(VD)及混合性减速图型其胎儿窘迫发生率显著高于绕颈松组和无绕颈组(P<0.005)。

    In taut UCAN group cardiotocograghy ( CTG ) showed mainly frequent light variable deceleration ( VD ) and mixed deceleration . Incidence of fetal distress in taut UCAN group was significantly higher than that in slack UCAN and no UCAN group ( P < 0.005 ) .

  30. AFI及胎心监测两项指标均异常者胎儿窘迫及低Apgar评分发生率均高于单项指标异常组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The cases with both abnormal AFI and abnormal NST ( or OCT ) showed higher incidence of fetal distress and lower Apgar score than those with only one abnormal index ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .