
  • 网络Hooke's Law;Hooke’s Law;hooke law;hook's law
  1. 不管F和x之间的,线性关系是多少,这就是所谓的胡克定律。

    Whenever this linear relation between F and x holds , that is referred to as Hooke 's Law .

  2. 没什么新内容,只要胡克定律可适用。

    Nothing new , as long as Hooke 's Law holds .

  3. 同时,利用统计方法、连续损伤理论和Lemaitre应变等效假说,基于Mohr-Coulomb强度准则和胡克定律,建立了饱和风干循环过程下的岩石损伤统计本构模型。

    At the same time , through statistical methods , continuous damage theory and Lemaitre strain equivalence hypothesis , damages constitutive model of rock in saturated-dry cycle was established based on Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion and the hooker law .

  4. 胁强可以利用胡克定律算出。

    Stresses can be calculated by use of hooker 's law .

  5. 毫无疑问地,胡克定律不再适用。

    For sure , Hooke 's Law is no longer active .

  6. 另外,对胡克定律作出了新的表述。

    Besides , it gives new explanation about Hooke Law .

  7. 因此胡克定律,仅适用于某特定范围。

    So Hooke 's Law holds only within certain limitations .

  8. 它遵循胡克定律,几乎是无质量的。

    It obeys Hooke 's Law , and it is also nearly massless .

  9. 理想案例意味着,可以使用胡克定律。

    Ideal case means Hooke 's Law must hold .

  10. 你会惊讶的发现,有多少弹簧会巧妙地,按照胡克定律。

    You 'll be surprised how many springs really behave very nicely according to Hooke 's Law .

  11. 单向拉伸试验中,在比例极限内,应力应变关系服从胡克定律。

    In simple tension experiment , the stress-strain relationship submits Hook 's law within the limit of proportionality .

  12. 振动学中两个亟待澄清的观点&兼谈对胡克定律的新表述

    Two Viewpoints to be Clarified Urgently in the Science of Vibration & Discussion for New Explanation about Hooke Law

  13. 胡克定律的原意就是这样叙述的,并没有用应力和应变这类名词。

    Hooke 's law was originally stated in this form , rather than in terms of stress and strain .

  14. 换句话说,这里用不上胡克定律,我还要给你们,举一个例子。

    In other words , we abandon Hooke 's Law , as I will show you also today with a demonstration .

  15. 这当然是个前提,对一个理想弹簧来说,要遵循胡克定律。

    That 's a requirement , of course , for an ideal spring if it behaves according to Hooke 's Law .

  16. 像这样一个弹簧,将它拉伸到,它不再能遵循胡克定律的点。

    I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke 's Law .

  17. 在解固体中的弹性波传播问题时,本文基于力平衡方程和胡克定律的相互关系求解位移,采用欧拉显式解法解方程中各项。

    Using the Euler explicit based on the dynamic equilibrium equations and the Huke law and constructive correlation of them , the displacement is obtained .

  18. 所以金属线,当它达到胡克定律的,参数空间极限,只会增长0。

    So the wire , when it reaches the end of its Hooke 's Law parameter space , 13 % has only become longer by0.13 % .

  19. 基于应力、速度混合变量弹性波方程及广义胡克定律,给出了一种横观各向同性介质中弹性波计算的高精度交错格式差分解法;

    An accurate staggered finite difference method for modeling elastic waves propagation in transversely isotropic media is presented based on mixed varible stress velocity elastic wave equation and general Hook 's law .

  20. 当我们写弹簧程序的时候,我们有胡克定律来告诉我们原理,然后我们建立了一个仿真模型,或者说是在这个理论基础上建立了一些工具。

    When we did the spring , we had this theory of Hooke 's Law that told us something , and we built a simulation , or built some tools around that theory .

  21. 在曲线的胡克定律,所适用的线性区域内,在绳子上挂一重物。,或者挂在棒子上,然后让它垂直振荡。

    Because in the linear portion of the curve where Hooke 's Law holds , I could hang a weight on the rope * or on the rod and I could let it oscillate vertically .

  22. 首次研制了基于胡克定律的光纤瞬态力学传感器,用其研究了不同激光能量下水下打靶过程中靶的力学效应,结果表明:靶依次受到三个瞬态脉冲压力;

    And the mechanical effect of target during the action of laser with various energy working on the target under water is investigated . The result shows that three transient pulse forces stress the target in turn .

  23. 因此不管我是,这样,还是,这样让它振荡,只要能使用胡克定律,你会看到这个周期,独立于我们所说的,振幅。

    So whether I oscillate it like this or whether I oscillate it like this , as long as Hooke 's Law holds , you will see that the period is independent of what we call that amplitude .

  24. 如果太用力了,胡克定律就不成立了-,你会让它永远毁坏-,当然,周期会成为,张力的函数,这里也是一样的。

    If you go too far , that Hooke 's Law no longer holds that you deform it permanently then , of course , the period will become a function of the extension , and the same is true here .

  25. 即使这一部分,不再呈线性-,即使胡克定律,不再适用-,如果把重量拿去,拿离这个棒子,它始终会变成。

    And even though this portion-is no longer linear so even though Hooke 's Law-no longer holds still , if you take the weight off the wire , off the rod , 0 it will still come back to zero .

  26. 听说过抗张强度吗?胡克弹性定律。

    Michel : Ever hear of tensile strength ? Hooke 's Law of Elasticity ?