
  • 网络Glial cell;astrocytes;oligodendrocytes;glia cells
  1. 钙离子流入神经胶细胞大概也会活化能引起反应的酵素。

    Presumably , the influx in glial cells would also activate enzymes that would marshal a response .

  2. 杜仲含胶细胞形态特征的研究

    Studies on the shape features of gutta-containing cells of Eucommia ulmoides

  3. 兔大脑皮质中小胶细胞的生后发育

    The postnatal change of microglia in the rabbits ' brain

  4. 杜仲含胶细胞的整体观察

    A Study on Gutta-containing Cell of Eucommia ulmoides

  5. 它们是在告诉神经胶细胞如何影响附近神经元的方法吗?

    Were they telling the glia to act in ways that would influence the neurons around them ?

  6. 但除了制造髓鞘外,神经胶细胞是否还具有调节神经元的功能?

    But do glia have the power to regulate the functioning of neurons , other than by producing myelin ?

  7. 因此,我们认为韧皮部含胶细胞内橡胶物质的合成和积累具有相对的独立性。

    It is suggested that the biosynthesis and accumulation of gutta materials are relatively independent in the phloem gutta-containing cells .

  8. 反之,史崔特的论点是:一开始微胶细胞就已经没有功能了,因此也没有什麽好压抑的。

    Streit , on the other hand , argues that the microglia were not functioning to begin with , so there was nothing to suppress .

  9. 在同一引种地的雌雄株之间,雄株含胶细胞的密度不完全小于雌株。

    Between male plant and female plant from the same place , the male plants not all smaller than the density of the gutta-containing cell of the female plant .

  10. 如果讯号可以全面传送到整个星状细胞线路,那麽在某一处的神经胶细胞,就可以活化远处的神经胶细胞,进而协调不同脑区中神经网路的活动了。

    If signals can travel extensively through astrocyte circuits , then glia at one site could activate distant glia to coordinate the firing of neural networks across regions of the brain .

  11. 靠著神经胶细胞的支持,神经元可以透过称为突触的微小接触点,自由沟通并建立连结网路,让我们能够思考、记忆及在高兴时手舞足蹈。

    Propped up by glia , neurons were free to communicate across tiny contact points called synapses and to establish a web of connections that allow us to think , remember and jump for joy .

  12. 利用变性处理和整体透明相结合的方法对杜仲各组织中含胶细胞的形态和分布,以及不同生长条件下含胶细胞的分布密度进行了研究。

    By denaturalization technique and whole clearing technique , the form and distribution of gutta-containing cells in Eucommia ulmoides were studied , and the distributing density of gutta-containing cells in different conditions were preliminarily studied .

  13. 胶母细胞瘤无1例生存超过5年。

    None of brain-stem glioblastoma patients survived up to 5 years .

  14. 最常见的神经胶质瘤为神经胶母细胞瘤,神经胶质瘤形成的因素至今尚未完全明朗。

    The most common glioma is glioblastoma multiforme and the possible causes are not fully understood .

  15. 采用胶瘤细胞接种到裸鼠右腋下,建立肿瘤模型,将40只荷瘤鼠随机分成4组,每组10只。

    Tumor cells were transplanted into the right armpit of athymic mouse to establish the tumor models .

  16. 尽管诊断及治疗的进步(手术,辅助放疗,化疗),但仍只有10%多形性胶母细胞瘤患者,40%间变性星形细胞瘤患者能够生存2年以上,因此本病的预后仍然不佳。

    Its prognosis is particularly grim since only 10 % of patients with glioblastoma multiform and 40 % patients of anaplastic astrocytomas will survive for more than 2 years following their diagnosis and treatment ( surgical resection , adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy ) .

  17. 方法:30只Wister大鼠分为两组,分别在聚乳酸管(A组)注入或不注入(B组)白芨胶和雪旺细胞来桥接单侧坐骨神经10mm缺损。

    Methods : Thirty Wister rats were randomly divided into two groups . The polylactic acid conduit with ( Group A ) or without ( Group B ) BC and SCs bridged single lateral sciatic nerve defect 10 millimetres in length in rats .

  18. 口胶粘膜鳞状细胞癌术前高剂量顺氯氨铂联合化疗的初步评价&兼论毒副反应及其防治

    The Elementary Evaluation for Combination Chemotherapy With High Dosage DDP Prior to Operation for Mouth Cavity Mocosa Squamous Cell Cancer

  19. 方法:应用尿素/甘油胶检测平滑肌细胞肌球蛋白轻链磷酸化水平,流式细胞仪检测平滑肌细胞凋亡细胞比例。

    Method Urea / glycerol gel and fluorescence activated cell sorter ( FACS ) were used to analysis the phosphorylation / De-phosphorylation of myosin light chain ( P / De-P MLC ) and apoptosis , respectively .

  20. 在种皮的里层有发达的胚乳,约占种子重量的30一33%,不同发育时期的胚乳细胞结构不同,田菁胶在胚乳细胞中形成后是聚积在胞内而不是分泌到胞外。

    The endosperm below the seed coat takes up 30 & 33 % of the weight of seed . The structure of endosperm cells is different at the stages of their development . The Sesbania gum is the endosperm after its synthesis is located within the cell .

  21. 大鼠角叉菜胶胸膜炎渗出白细胞磷脂酶D活性的变化

    Changes of phospholipase D activity of exudate leukocytes in rat carrageenan-induced pleurisy

  22. 明胶/白芨胶多孔材料的细胞相容性研究

    Study on Cytocompatibility of a Porous Biomaterial & Gelatin - Bletilla Hyacinthine Gum

  23. 酒曲生料发酵制胶废水生产单细胞蛋白

    Production of Single - cell - protein by Koji Fermentation of Natural Rubber Waste Serum

  24. 结论:纤维胶内的软骨细胞可在体外培养的环境下生成大量透明软骨基质。

    Conclusion : Chondrocytes in fibrin can produce large amount of cartilage specific matrix in vitro .

  25. 海龙胶和龟板胶有升白细胞作用;鹿角胶有抗疲劳作用;

    The number of white blood cells can be elevated by tortoise plastron glue and pipefish glue , deerhorn glue possesses an anti-fatigue effect ;