
  • 网络Perfect Binding
  1. 胶装:是流行的书籍装订方法。

    Adhesive binding : A popular method of binding book .

  2. 自助过刊胶装模式是一种图书馆创新过刊装订模式。

    The self-help glue binding is an innovative binding model of back issues in the library .

  3. 可以专业订做各种线圈本,胶装本,定牌生产各种美术器材等。

    Can professional build all kinds winding notebook , plastic loaded this , customer-designated various art equipment etc.

  4. 盘型悬式绝缘子自动胶装机的设计包括机械系统设计和气压传动控制设计。

    The design of automatic cementing device for cap and pin insulator consists of mechanical system and pneumatic driving control .

  5. 全自动的瑞士马天尼胶装龙。骑订龙等装订设备。为客户提供优质。快捷的印刷服务。

    The full automatic Swiss MARTINI binding machine and saddle stitcher can provide excellent and fast printing service for clients .

  6. 分析结果表明,沥青缓冲层显著降低了胶装部位的应力大小,改变了该部位的应力分布。

    The result shows that the stress was significantly reduced and the distribution of the stress was changed owing to the existence of asphalt buffer layer .

  7. 谈高校图书馆过刊装订新模式自助过刊胶装以成都信息工程学院图书馆为例

    A New Binding Model of Back Issues in University Library : Self-help Glue Binding & Taking the Library of Chengdu University of Information Technology as an Example

  8. 根据交流高压支柱瓷绝缘子的机械、电气事故分析,提出了解决断路及裂纹事故的关键措施,即控制水泥膨胀、胶合面增加胶装缓冲层和消除产品在制造过程中残留的内在缺陷;

    This paper is used to analyze mechanical and electrical failure in operation for AC high voltage post insulators of ceramic material , it is put forward to solve break and crackle fault by controlling the concrete expansion increasing buffer layer in agglutination surface and avoiding manufacture disfigurement .

  9. 她弄丢了那个用大胶盒子装着的可爱的娃娃。

    She lost her lovely doll with its large jelly box .

  10. 两次胶胶装:第一次涂聚乙烯醇(白胶浆),第二次涂热熔胶的胶装方式。

    Two-shot binding : Adhesive binding in which the first application is of PVA adhesive , the second of hot-melt adhesive .

  11. 一次胶胶装:用热熔胶涂书脊一次的胶装。有别于两次胶胶装。脊厚:书芯厚度,它不包括书皮纸板的厚度。

    One-shot binding : Perfect binding with one application of hot-melt glue only . As distinct from Two-shot binding . Spine-bulk : The thickness of the spine of a book block not including the thickness of the cover boards .

  12. 针对加入硝酸铵胶液的不同装药体系,导出了爆炸性能参量的理论估算式。

    Theoritical formulae for estimated parameters of detonation performance were derived for different charge filled with oxidant gel solution .

  13. 氟橡胶/三元乙丙橡胶并用胶的性能两次胶胶装:第一次涂聚乙烯醇(白胶浆),第二次涂热熔胶的胶装方式。

    Properties of fluoroelastomer / ethylene-propylene-diene rubber blends Two-shot binding : Adhesive binding in which the first application is of PVA adhesive , the second of hot-melt adhesive .

  14. 胶脊精装:不用锁线而用胶装方式连接各帖,然后配上硬皮的装订方式。

    Perfect case binding : A type of case binding which uses glue adhesive instead of sewing to hold sections .

  15. 介绍在胎圈钢丝与橡胶粘合力试验中应注意的事项,从模具设计、胶料的薄通、钢丝样品的截取、胶料的装模操作及钢丝的抽出等几个方面进行了说明

    To introduce the matters needing attention in the test for binding force of bead wire with rubber , which are shown from designing of die , thinning of size , cutting of steel wire specimen , size packing in die and taking steel wire out etc