
xiōng jiǎ
  • breastplate;cuirass
胸甲[xiōng jiǎ]
  1. 胸甲下边的一块盔甲。

    A piece of armor plate below the breastplate .

  2. 去找个胸甲撑子快去!

    Go find the breastplate stretcher now !

  3. 先把绳如图C所示穿过肩甲,再穿过胸甲的肩部孔,在腋下收紧打结。如图D所示。

    First string through the shoulder plate as shown in Figure C , then string through chest plates shoulder plate hole , tighten the knot below the armpit as shown in Figure D.

  4. 黄盖站在第三艘船上,他仅仅穿着胸甲带着一把利刃。

    Huang Gai took his place on the third ship .

  5. 公式:附魔胸甲-韧性:修正提示信息错误。

    Formula : Enchant Chest - Major Resilience : Corrected a tooltip error .

  6. 当乌龟被麻醉后,他的胸甲要被彻底清洗干净。

    After the tortoise is anesthetized the bottom of the shell is cleansed thoroughly .

  7. 战场上,他们身着重装胸甲,头盔和护胫甲。

    For battle they wore a cuirass ( breastplate ), helmet , and greaves .

  8. 必披上正义,当作胸甲:戴上了正直的判断,当作钢盔。

    He will put on justice as a breastplate , and will take true judgment instead of a helmet .

  9. 尽管雅典娜总是被描述成全副武装,头戴钢盔,身穿护胸甲等,但她只提倡为保卫祖国而战。

    Though often represented as fully armed , helmet and breastplate and all that , she favoured patriotic defense .

  10. 他扮演鲁德亚德吉普林的大象的孩子,帕森斯穿上一双黄色紧身衣裤和一个羽毛的护胸甲。

    It was Rudyard Kiplings The Elephants Child and Parsons donned a pair of yellow tights and a feathered breastplate .

  11. 下半部分的龟壳是胸甲,它由神经嵴细胞主导形成,

    The development of the bottom half of the shell , the plastron , is driven by neural crest cells ,

  12. 因为他的腰围太粗,唐纳·诺伊只好拆开整件胸甲,再帮他前后套上,两边用皮绳捆住。

    His girth required Donal Noye to take apart a mail hauberk and refit it with leather panels at the sides .

  13. 史图伊克:你母亲希望你戴上它,这是用她的半个胸甲铸造的,我们的是一套。

    Stoick : Your mother would want you to have it . It 's half of her breast . Matching set .

  14. 假如教头扯着喉咙叫他们进攻,他们便跳到山姆身边,然后轻轻地在他胸甲、头盔或脚上点一记。

    If the master-at-arms screamed for an attack , they would dance in and tap Sam lightly on breastplate or helm or leg .

  15. 用感染白斑综合症病毒病的中国对虾头胸甲,对健康的仔虾进行人工投喂感染实验;

    Artificial infection experiment of healthy post larva of shrimps was conducted by feeding with sick Penaeus chinensis affected by the White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV );

  16. 他身着猩红色盔甲,打磨光亮的护胸甲上镶嵌白银,勾画出一棵白色的枯树。

    In silver inlay on the breastplate of his burnished scarlet armor was a white tree bare and dead , surrounded by a flock of onyx ravens taking flight .

  17. 哈玛斯1999年发现的墓地成为众所周知的“金木乃伊之谷”,以覆满死者全身的镀金面具和胸甲闻名于世。

    The sites Hawass opened in1999 became known as the valley of the golden mummies , for the gilded masks and chest plated that cover many of the interred .

  18. 其生物学特性与罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾相比有许多相似之处,但在体色、额角、头胸甲和腹甲侧片等形态特征上差异十分明显。

    Though there are many similarities in their biological characteristics , there are also many differences in body color , rostrum , carapace and sternite pleurons , which can be obviously identified .

  19. 这4个种类可以从头胸甲额缘4齿的长度(FMSH/DFMS)、形状,螯足腕节内刺的有无、螯足及步足斑纹来区分。

    The four species can be distinguished from the length and shape of the four frontal spines , with or without inner carpus spine and the polygonal patterning of chelipeds and legs .

  20. 硬壳,背甲,头胸甲一种硬骨质或甲壳质外部覆盖物,如海龟融为一体的背部板形器官,或甲壳纲动物覆盖头胸部的外骨骼部分。

    A hard bony or chitinous outer covering , such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean .

  21. 为开展蜘蛛神经生物学实验方法的研究,创立了一种蜘蛛神经细胞解剖方法&去胸甲解剖法。实验结果表明与传统方法相比较,去胸甲解剖法具有取材简便、准确、快捷和高效的特点。

    A new method , the anatomical method of removing the Sternum , to anatomize the spider ganglion was created . The experimental results demonstrate that : the culture media is fit for the dissociated spider nerve cells .

  22. 研究表明:中国龙虾雌雄异体,性比约为2:1,生物学最小型为头胸甲长8.4cm左右。

    The studies show that Panulirus stimpsoni ( Holthuis ) have male and female body , that its sex rate is about 2 : 1 , that the smallest one in biology has about 8.4 cm carapace in length .

  23. 那些不完备的有缺点的潜水衣,例如十八世纪发明的被人称赞的树皮胸甲,无袖外罩,人海衣,藏身箱等等,跟我们眼前这套完美的潜水衣比较,实在是太相形见咄了。

    These perfected diving suits , it was easy to see , were a far cry from such misshapen costumes as the cork breastplates , leather jumpers , seagoing tunics , barrel helmets , etc. , invented and acclaimed in the 18th century .