- breastplate;cuirass

A piece of armor plate below the breastplate .
Go find the breastplate stretcher now !
First string through the shoulder plate as shown in Figure C , then string through chest plates shoulder plate hole , tighten the knot below the armpit as shown in Figure D.
Huang Gai took his place on the third ship .
Formula : Enchant Chest - Major Resilience : Corrected a tooltip error .
After the tortoise is anesthetized the bottom of the shell is cleansed thoroughly .
For battle they wore a cuirass ( breastplate ), helmet , and greaves .
He will put on justice as a breastplate , and will take true judgment instead of a helmet .
Though often represented as fully armed , helmet and breastplate and all that , she favoured patriotic defense .
It was Rudyard Kiplings The Elephants Child and Parsons donned a pair of yellow tights and a feathered breastplate .
The development of the bottom half of the shell , the plastron , is driven by neural crest cells ,
His girth required Donal Noye to take apart a mail hauberk and refit it with leather panels at the sides .
Stoick : Your mother would want you to have it . It 's half of her breast . Matching set .
If the master-at-arms screamed for an attack , they would dance in and tap Sam lightly on breastplate or helm or leg .
Artificial infection experiment of healthy post larva of shrimps was conducted by feeding with sick Penaeus chinensis affected by the White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV );
In silver inlay on the breastplate of his burnished scarlet armor was a white tree bare and dead , surrounded by a flock of onyx ravens taking flight .
The sites Hawass opened in1999 became known as the valley of the golden mummies , for the gilded masks and chest plated that cover many of the interred .
Though there are many similarities in their biological characteristics , there are also many differences in body color , rostrum , carapace and sternite pleurons , which can be obviously identified .
The four species can be distinguished from the length and shape of the four frontal spines , with or without inner carpus spine and the polygonal patterning of chelipeds and legs .
A hard bony or chitinous outer covering , such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean .
A new method , the anatomical method of removing the Sternum , to anatomize the spider ganglion was created . The experimental results demonstrate that : the culture media is fit for the dissociated spider nerve cells .
The studies show that Panulirus stimpsoni ( Holthuis ) have male and female body , that its sex rate is about 2 : 1 , that the smallest one in biology has about 8.4 cm carapace in length .
These perfected diving suits , it was easy to see , were a far cry from such misshapen costumes as the cork breastplates , leather jumpers , seagoing tunics , barrel helmets , etc. , invented and acclaimed in the 18th century .