
  • 网络Thymic carcinoma;Thymic cancer
  1. 胸腺癌与B3型胸腺瘤的临床病理研究

    Clinicopathological features of thymic carcinoma and type B3 thymoma

  2. 51例胸腺癌治疗结果及影响预后因素分析

    The long-term outcome and prognostic analysis of 51 thymic carcinoma patients

  3. 胸腺癌中p53蛋白过表达对癌细胞增殖和凋亡的影响

    Effects of p53 overexpression on neoplastic cell proliferation and apoptosis in thymic carcinomas

  4. 结果:18例侵袭性胸腺瘤、9例胸腺癌CT、MRI均表现为前纵隔不规则软组织肿块。

    Results : Of 18 invasive thymoma and 9 thymic carcinomas , CT scans and MRI demonstrated irregular soft tissue mass in anterior mediastinum .

  5. 进一步的研究胸腺癌中c-kit突变,寻找有效的治疗靶点,进行有针对性的治疗,是未来重要的研究方向。

    2.1t is important for patients with thymoma to look for an effective therapeutic targets for targeted therapy . Further study on thymic carcinoma of c-kit mutation is an important research direction in the future .

  6. Debs及其同事发现该抗体停止了小鼠胸腺癌、肺癌、结肠癌与黑色素瘤的继发性肿瘤生长。

    Debs and his colleagues found that the antibody stopped the growth of secondary tumours from breast , lung , colon and melanoma cancers in mice .

  7. 73例胸腺癌的治疗与预后分析

    Analysis of treatment and prognosis of 73 thymic carcinoma patients

  8. 目的:分析原发性胸腺癌临床特征和外科治疗。

    Objective : To study the clinical characters and surgical treatment of primary thymic carcinoma .

  9. 胸腺癌患者临床病理特点和预后

    Clinicopathological features and prognosis of thymic carcinoma

  10. 结论:原发性胸腺癌是一种高度恶性肿瘤,术前确诊率较低,应早期采用外科手术治疗,预后不良。

    Conclusion : Primary thymic carcinoma is a kind of badly maligant neoplasms with unsatisfactory prognosis .

  11. 其它类型胸腺癌均浸润周围器官、胸腔内或淋巴转移。

    Other thymic carcinomas were invasive into adjacent structures , pleural seeding or lymph node metastasis .

  12. 原发性胸腺癌15例外科治疗分析

    Surgical Treatment of Primary Thymic Carcinoma

  13. 方法:对15例手术治疗并经病理证实的原发性胸腺癌患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,讨论该病的诊断及治疗。

    Methods : 15 cases with primary thymic carcinoma confirmed by pathology after operation were studied retrospectively .

  14. 即使少量酒可以增加某些方面的健康担忧,比如胸腺癌和结肠癌。

    Even small amounts can increase risk for certain health worries , like breast and colon cancer .

  15. 胸腺癌肿瘤较大、多侵犯周围脏器,手术切除率低。

    The tumor is always large in size and frequently invades the neighbouring organs , hence its resection rate is low .

  16. 髓质型和混合型患者生存期较皮质型胸腺瘤和分化良好胸腺癌明显长(5年生存率分别为875%和545%,P<005)。

    The survival rate was significantly higher for patients with medullary and mixed thymomas than for patients with cortical thymomas and well differentiated thymic carcinomas .

  17. 大多数胸腺癌病人表现有胸痛或胸部不适等非特异性症状,但不合并胸外综合征。临床无特异性症状和体征。

    Most cases had nonspecific symptoms of chest pain and discomfort , but none accompanied with extrathoracic syndrome . There was no special sign and symptom in the patients .

  18. 皮质型胸腺瘤和分化良好胸腺癌浸润性较大,56%浸润周围器官,20%浸润包膜或周围脂肪组织,仅24%包膜完整;

    Cortical thymomas and well differentiated thymic carcinomas showed more invasive , with 56 % invasive into adjacent structures and 20 % into mediastinal fat through capsule , only 24 % completely encapsulated .

  19. 皮质为主型、皮质型、分化好的胸腺癌、鳞癌及淋巴上皮样癌5年生存率分别为75.3%、44.7%、43.3%、27.5%和60.0%;

    The 5 year survival rate of patients with MT of predominantly cortical , cortical , and well differentiated thymic carcinoma ( MDTC ) subtypes was 75.3 % , 44.7 % and 43.3 % , respectively .

  20. 胸腺类癌致异位ACTH综合征一例报告

    Ectopic ACTH syndrome due to thymic carcinoid : one case report

  21. 目的总结胸腺类癌引起的异位ACTH综合征临床表现,提高对此综合征的诊断率。

    Objective To increase the awareness of ectopic ACTH syndrome in patients with thymus carcinoid .

  22. 以基因芯片技术研究胸腺类癌引起异位ACTH综合征的基因表达

    Gene expression profile in thymic carcinoid tumors with ectopic ACTH syndrome by gene chip technique

  23. 方法:对1994年~2001年间经6所医院病理证实的6例胸腺类癌和6例纵隔类癌共12例进行临床、病理、CT对照分析。

    Methods : 6 cases of mediastinal carcinoid and 6 cases of thymic carcinoid were proved pathologically by light microscopic sections and immuno-histochemical study from 6 hospitals of Yunnan between 1994 and 2001.CT manifestations , clinical and pathological materials were retrospectively studied and correlated with each other .

  24. 方法利用基因芯片技术,通过不同荧光(Cy3和Cy5)标记的对照和胸腺类癌组织RNA样本与芯片杂交,观察两种组织间的基因差异表达。

    Methods Using gene chip technique , the gene differential expression of 2 tissues were observed following RNA labeled with different fluorescences ( Cy3 and Cy5 ) hybridized to gene chip .

  25. 胸腺类癌(1例)表现为前纵隔巨大肿块,强化不明显。

    Thymic carcinoid ( 1 case ) appeared as a large , light enhanced mass in anterior mediastinum .

  26. 目的探讨甲状腺呈胸腺样分化癌(CASTLE)的病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。

    Objective To describe the pathologic features and differential diagnosis of carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation ( CASTLE ) of thyroid .

  27. 目的探讨胸腺神经内分泌癌(TNC)的临床病理特征及鉴别诊断。

    Objective To study the clinicopathological features of thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma ( TNC ) and its differential diagnosis .

  28. 10例肺和1例胸腺小细胞癌突触素、嗜铬粒素A(CgA)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)均阳性,CD5阴性;

    Synaptophysin , chromogranin A and neuron-specific enolase were all positive in the 10 cases of small cell carcinoma of lung and 1 case of thymic small cell carcinoma ( which was also CD5 negative ) .

  29. 胸腺神经内分泌癌的影像学表现(附5例报告)

    The imaging characteristics of thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma ( report of five cases )

  30. 甲状腺呈胸腺样分化癌病理观察

    Carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation of the thyroid : a study of 2 cases