
  • 网络energy reserves;energy conservation
  1. 在这部分结合不同区域人均工资、出口、能源储备的特点,对不同区域OFDI的动因进行分析并提出假设。

    The combination of different regions of the characteristics of per-capita wages , exports , and energy reserves to research the motivations .

  2. 预测了2006年国际原油价格和华北地区LPG市场价格的走势并指出建立和完善能源储备制度才是制止LPG价格频繁上涨的有效并且长远的办法。

    This paper also predicted the price trends of international crude oil and LPG in North China in 2006 and pointed out that the best way to control the price increasing of LPG was establishing and perfecting the system of energy reserves .

  3. 政府能源储备的公法初探

    Research on Government Energy Reserve : from a Public Law View

  4. 能源储备能够使油价下降。

    Energy conservation can keep down the oil prices .

  5. 制定能源储备制度和建设能源储备体系;

    To make out energy reserve rule and set up energy reserve system ;

  6. 能源储备:解决城市发展瓶颈的一项对策

    Energy Reserve : A countermove to solve the bottleneck of the development of metropolis

  7. 这个地区有巨大的能源储备。

    This area has great reserves of energy .

  8. 中国拥有庞大而廉价劳动力,但缺乏足够的资源及能源储备。

    Although China has abundant cheap labor , it lacks sufficient resources and energy reserve .

  9. 俄罗斯丰富的能源储备与中国飞涨的能源需求之间的较量也危机重重。

    The match between Russia 's vast hydrocarbon reserves and soaring Chinese energy needs is fraught too .

  10. 由于国家能源储备的巨大需求,我国已开始大规模兴建盐岩能源地下储备库。

    China has begun large-scale construction of the salt rock energy underground caverns because of the huge demand of the national energy reserves .

  11. 近年来,我国也已开始盐岩地下能源储备的选址及建设工作。

    In recent years , China has also embarked on site selection and construction work of the underground energy reserves in salt rock caverns .

  12. 作为俄罗斯的老朋友,印度在获取俄罗斯能源储备资源方面取得了一些有限的成功,但中国拥有更雄厚的财力。

    As an old friend of Moscow , New Delhi has had some limited success in accessing Russian energy reserves but China has greater spending power .

  13. 而且我国有着丰富的能源储备,人力成本和资金成本又相对不高,这为发展新能源汽车提供了许多有利条件。

    Our rich energy resources , labor costs and relatively low cost of capital , which offer many advantages for the development of new energy vehicles .

  14. 同时新疆作为我国重要战略能源储备基地,能源的开采和利用有一定限制。

    At the same time , as the important base of energy strategy , the mining and use of energy must be confined to some degree .

  15. 古德马议员说,地区党领袖亚努科维奇领导的上届政府没有给乌克兰留下足够的能源储备。

    Oleksiy Hudyma says the previous government of Viktor Yanukovcyh , the head of the Regions Party , did not leave Ukraine with substantial energy reserves .

  16. 目前我国正在实施石油能源储备工作,其中地下水封洞库在国际上是通用的储备方法。

    At present our country are implementing a reserving project about oil energy , and water sealed underground petroleum storage caverns is a general international reserve method .

  17. 因此,努力降低蒸发损耗,是我国能源储备建设中一项具有重要意义的工作。

    Therefore making efforts to reduce the oil and gas losses through evaporation is one of the most significant businesses in the construction of Chinese energy storage .

  18. 石油的商业储备作为国家能源储备重要和有益的补充,除保障能源安全外,还有着巨大的市场影响力。

    As an important reserve and beneficial supplement of the country , the commercial reserve of oil possesses giant market influence in addition to insurance of energy resources safety .

  19. 东北三省被我国看做一个重要的具有战略意义的能源储备的地方,所以东北三省的经济和社会发展的程度以我们国家的战略计划和我们国家的能源安全息息相关。

    The three northeastern provinces is also an important strategic energy reserve base and energy production base , its social development relates to the national strategy and national security .

  20. 中东地区具有重要的地缘战略地位和丰富的石油能源储备,其独特的历史文化特征使它在现代国际体系中占有不同寻常的地位。

    With the strategic geopolitical status and abundant oil reserve , the Middle East 's unique culture and history make the region take a extraordinary position in the international system .

  21. 中国已同意向尼日利亚提供25亿美元贷款,用于基础设施项目,这是中国为进入该国市场及获取其能源储备所做出的最新尝试。尼日利亚是非洲最主要的石油出口国。

    China has agreed to lend Nigeria $ 2.5bn for infrastructure projects in a renewed attempt to win access to markets and energy reserves in Africa 's leading oil exporter .

  22. 通常情况下,这个曲线达到顶点时,是能源储备的百分之五十枯竭的时候,在此之后根据回报递减的规律,产量不可逆转地缓慢下降。

    Typically , the peak of this curve occurs when reserves are50 percent depleted , which is followed by an irreversible slow decline in production following the law of diminishing returns .

  23. 首先,中国西部几乎占了中国2/3的土地面积,而且自然资源和能源储备丰富。

    First , the West is a huge area that accounts for almost two thirds of China 's total land mass . It is also rich in natural resources and energy .

  24. 来自反叛分子的消息说,爆炸摧毁了米苏拉塔承受长期围攻所需的能源储备。米苏拉塔是利比亚西部反叛分子控制的最后一座城市。

    Rebel sources say the explosions have wiped out fuel reserves needed to withstand the lengthy siege of Misrata , which is the last city in western Libya under rebel control .

  25. 有利条件包括:节能减排潜力大、成本低,国际技术合作空间巨大,丰富的清洁能源储备以及国内政策的支持。

    The favorable conditions including : big potential and low cost of energy conservation and emission reduction , more international technology cooperation , abundant clean energy reserves and active domestic policy support .

  26. 该项目技术先进、设备简单、投资省、建设周期短,建成后可提高广东省能源储备,并创造良好的投资环境。

    Having such characteristics as advanced technology , simple equipment , low investment and short construction period , this project will improve the energy stockpiling capacity and create better investing environment for Guangdong Province .

  27. 层状盐岩的这一特殊力学特性对于在深部层状盐岩构造中开展能源储备是非常有利的。

    The strong interface property of layered salt rocks will guarantee the sealability and stability of salt caverns , and benefit the energy ( oil and gas ) storage in layered salt rocks formation in depth .

  28. 在电极材料方面的突破是下一代锂离子电池成功开发的关键正逐步被广泛接受,这必将推动锂离子电池技术在便携式电子设备、清洁能源储备、混合动力汽车等领域的加速发展。

    It is generally accepted that breakthroughs in materials hold the key to new generations of lithium-ion batteries , not only for applications in portable electronics but especially for clean energy storage and use in hybrid electric vehicles .

  29. 随着油田的开发和开采,以及能源储备的需求,储液罐在石油、化工等行业中的应用日趋广泛,需求量越来越大,并不断朝着大型化的方向发展。

    With the exploitation of oil fields , demand for liquid storage tanks in the petroleum , chemical and other industries is gradually increasing , as well as the needs of energy reserves . And the liquid storage tanks are continuously developing towards large-scale .

  30. 然而,在房地产市场快速发展的同时,土地开发与建筑能耗的急剧增加也给我国土地能源储备造成了巨大压力,对我国房地产业的未来发展提出了更加严峻的考验。

    The real estate market still develops rapidly , whereas the sharp increase of land exploitation and energy cost of buildings brings about huge pressure into land and energy sources reserve , which will test flintily the development of real estate industry in China in the future .