
  • 网络energies;energy futures
  1. 英国监管机构也正在考虑,能源期货市场是否受到足够的管控。

    UK regulators are also considering whether energy futures markets are adequately controlled .

  2. 能源期货为交易所带来的收费收入往往高于那些追踪利率和股票指数的金融期货。

    Energy futures tend to generate higher fees for exchanges than financial futures tracking interest rates and stock indices .

  3. 在去年危机期间,集中清算保护了股票期权、黄金期货以及能源期货衍生品市场。

    Central clearing protected the markets for equity-option , gold-future and energy-future derivatives during the meltdown last year .

  4. 令人惊愕的是,目前能源期货日交易量是全球能源日需求量的25倍。

    The daily volume of trades in energy futures is now a staggering 25 times higher than daily global demand for energy .

  5. 另一份监管申报文件显示,纳斯达克还将向承诺买入和卖出能源期货达到一定量以上的造市商支付津贴。

    Nasdaq will also pay a stipend to market makers committed to buy and sell energy futures above certain volumes , according to another filing .

  6. 有关投机者是否油价飙升背后推手的争论昨日加剧,美国监管机构指控一家交易基金操纵能源期货价格。

    The controversy over whether speculators are behind skyrocketing prices of oil deepened yesterday as US regulators filed charges against a trading fund for manipulating energy futures prices .

  7. 合约交割月份设计遵循能源、商品期货特性,全年每个月均有合约交易。

    Delivery month contracts designed to follow the energy , commodity futures characteristics , have contracts each month throughout the year .

  8. 石油是一种不可再生的资源稀缺性能源,石油期货交易作为一个拥有价格发现、规避风险功能的投资手段,世界各国纷纷参与石油期货市场。

    Petroleum is a kind of natural resources with a very limited source . The petroleum futures trade is the investment method that has the function of price found and risk hedged . So the countries all over the world participate in the petroleum futures market one after another .

  9. 投资者出售美元,购回黄金和其它贵金属以及能源与农产品期货。

    Investors sold dollars and moved back into gold and other precious metals along with energy and agriculture futures .