
  • energy plant
  1. 结论:高能量植物蛋白饮食有利于改善肝炎后肝硬化患者的营养状态。

    Conclusion : High-caloric plant protein dietary was of benefit to patients with hepatic cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis .

  2. 其中大多数的能量在植物死去或腐败之后被释放出来。

    Most of their energy is released when the plant dies and decays .

  3. 大部分能量在植物死亡和腐败的时候就被释放了。让比尔,有时有机质会在完全腐烂之前被埋藏。

    Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays . However , sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely .

  4. 大多数的能量释放于植物的死亡和腐烂,然而,有事有机物变化了在它完全腐败之前。

    Most energy is released as plants die and decay , however , sometimes organic compound varied be it completely decayed .

  5. 现已证明其能量可以被植物吸收利用,对种子和植株生长发育起到良好的促进作用。

    Now , it has been certified that its energy can be absorbed by plants and promote the growth of seeds and crops .

  6. 其近期疗效的作用机制可能是针灸对能量代谢、植物神经功能、脂代谢、血液流变学、瘦素抵抗及胰岛素抵抗的良性调整作用、多途径综合作用来达到减肥的疗效。

    Its function mechanism of shortdated effect may through good regulation of acupuncture on energy metabolism , plant nerves function , lipid metabolism , Leptin resist and Insulin resist , multi-way synthetically functioned to reach the weight reduction .

  7. 声空化会以特殊的能量形式来加速植物染料提取时色素的释放或染色时染料与纤维的结合。

    Cavitation produces a kind of special energy to accelerate color matter release or fibers absorbing dyes .

  8. 老年人平均膳食能量的70.20%来自植物性食物,其中谷类占56.52%,动物性食物提供了22.76%的热能;

    In the source of energy , 70.20 % was from vegetation , 22.76 % from animal food and the rest from pure energy food ;

  9. 树叶中的叶绿素从太阳的阳光中收集能量,然后将这种能量转化成植物的食物——糖。

    The chlorophyll in the leaves collects energy from the Sun in the form of sunlight and it converts this energy into sugar which is food for the plants .