
  1. 这些油可以作为癌症病人治疗的重要补充,因为癌细胞的厌氧性,使Omega-3脂肪成为癌细胞的天敌。

    Understandably supplementation of these oils can be particularly crucial for people afflicted with cancer , a condition which is characterized by oxygen-deficient cells .

  2. 饮食脂肪与乳腺癌危险性META分析

    A Meta Analysis or Dietary Fat and Breast Cancer

  3. LPA由成纤维细胞、血小板、脂肪细胞、癌细胞等分泌,是一种重要的细胞丝裂原素,它的作用多样化。

    It can be secreted by fibroblast , platelet , adipose cell , cancer cell and so on . LPA is an important mitogen and has various functions , including facilitating vascular smooth muscle contraction , enhancing platelet aggregation .

  4. 存在于机体的血清、眼房水和血浆等多种体液中,主要由活化的血小板、成纤维细胞和脂肪细胞以及癌细胞分泌,也可由某些炎症细胞、内皮细胞等产生。

    LPA , secreted by actived blood platelet , cancer cell , fibroblast and adipocyte or produced by some inflammatory cell and endothelial cell , exists in blood serum , ocular humor and blood plasma .

  5. 组织学检查发现GAE组胃癌细胞及胃脂肪淋巴组织中癌细胞变性坏死明显,肿瘤血管炎症、内膜增厚、毛细血管血栓形成。

    Perigastric and gastric tumor cells necrosis , vascular inflammation , endothelial edema , intravascular coagulations were observed in GAE group .

  6. 脂肪乳剂对食管癌术后应激反应和免疫功能的影响

    Effects of soybean oil emulsion on stress response and immune function after esophagectomy

  7. 不饱和脂肪酸逆转乳腺癌细胞株耐药性研究

    Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acid on Reversing Drug-resistance of Breast Cancer Cell Strain

  8. 背景高蔬菜、水果、高纤维、低脂肪饮食对乳腺癌治疗的复发及生存率的影响不明确、缺少实验数据。

    Context Evidence is lacking that a dietary pattern high in vegetables , fruit , and fiber and low in total fat can influence breast cancer recurrence or survival .

  9. 大部分氨基酸、游离脂肪酸在食管癌病人组织中水平高于癌旁组织,而在血清中低于对照组,这些在血清中有规律变化的化合物是食管癌潜在的生物标志物。

    Levels of most amino acids , free fatty acids in the esophageal cancer tissues were higher than that in the adjacent tissues , while they were lower in esophageal cancer plasma than that in the control group .

  10. 本文从脂肪肝的概述、乳腺癌化疗性脂肪肝、乳腺癌内分泌治疗方面对肝脏脂肪变性的影响进行了综述。

    Chemotherapy induced and endocrine therapeutics induced fatty liver in patients with breast cancer are reviewed in this paper .