
zhī gāo
  • grease;fat;wealth of the peoples
脂膏 [zhī gāo]
  • (1) [fat; grease]∶油脂

  • (2) [wealth of the peoples]∶人民辛勤劳动所得的财富

脂膏[zhī gāo]
  1. 根据报价服务TheJacobsen提供的数据,2013年基准的黄脂膏售价为每磅36美分。

    In 2013 , benchmark yellow grease sold for 36 cents per pound , according to price reporting service The Jacobsen .

  2. 豆磷脂膏的抗老化作用研究

    A Study on the Ageing-Resistant Function of Soybean Phospholipid Paste

  3. 而随着生物柴油提炼厂的财务困境蔓延至上游,批发黄脂膏如今的售价还不到每磅20美分。

    As biorefineries " financial woes have crept upstream , wholesale grease now sells for less than 20 cents .