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  • fluctuating velocity
  1. 三维脉动流速的概率分布均符合正态分布形式。

    The probability of three dimensional fluctuating velocity accords with the normal distribution pattern .

  2. 脉动流速的分解和脉动应力探讨

    Resolution of Fluctuating Velocity and Study of Renolds-Stress

  3. 脉动流速和雷诺应力的理论计算及紊流的产生根源和紊流机制分析

    The theoretical count on the velocity fluctuation and the reynolds stress and the analysis of reasons-mechanism for turbulence

  4. 脉动流速数据的采集到应用,由于各种干扰因素的存在,一般都需要将测量数据进行预处理。

    Generally , fluctuating velocity data should be disposed for it was disturbed by a lot of factors during data acquisition .

  5. 浑水脉动流速量测系统的原理及应用

    An Automatic Measurement and Control System for Sediment Concentration in Water PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATION OF FLUCTUATION VELOCITY MEASURING SYSTEM OF SEDIMENT-LADEN FLOW

  6. 此方程将脉动流速分解为三个组成部分,并且据此导出脉动应力分解方程。

    According to the above work , the Renolds-stress is resolved into serval parts , and the composed equation of Renolds-stress is derived .

  7. 结果表明:内外环反向旋流掺混时相交边界层内的脉动流速大、紊流度强;

    It is showed that turbulence intensity and fluctuating velocity are very large in the boundary layer region , where counterrotating airflow mixes violently ;

  8. 纵、横向脉动流速强度分布和能谱密度计算式。

    A series of formulas are presented in this paper about the mean velocity profile , the intensity of velocity fluctuation and energy spectrum .

  9. 运用热线风速仪对反向双旋流空气雾化喷嘴出口空气流场的脉动流速、紊流度及紊流涡团的脉动频率进行了实验测量。

    Fluctuating velocity , turbulence intensity and the fluctuating frequency of turbulent airflow within a counterrorating airflow field were investigated experimentally with hot-wire anemometers .

  10. 表达式显示出的扩散系数随垂向脉动流速均方根值和颗粒粒径、密度而变化的趋势与实验结果吻合。

    Results of homogeneous turbulence experiments show that the diffusion coefficient varies with the size and density of sediment particles , just as indicated by the theoretical analysis .

  11. 采用多谱勒三相流速仪,在长江干流黄陵庙水文观测断面进行脉动流速观测,获得了不同流量级、不同垂线的脉动流速资料。

    Field experiments on fluctuation velocities were carried out at the section Huanglingmiao of stem stream of Yangtze River with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profile ( ADCP ) .

  12. 作者从前文[]已得到的脉动流速微分方程[10]出发,对于粘性二元平行流动这一类流动模式,进行分析、研究并得到了脉动尺度、脉动流速及雷诺应力的物理方程。

    Based on the equation of fluctuating velocity , this paper studies the viscous two dimension parallel flow . It offers fluctuating scale , fluctuating velocity and the equation of Reynolds stress .

  13. 染液采用脉动流速与纱锭接触获得脉动循环动力,同时也大大降低了染纱水浴比,较好地解决了传统染色机所存在的浴比大、能耗高、排污量大等问题。

    By using the contact between the fluctuating velocity and the spindle spinning , dye liquor will get pulse cycle power , and the dyed yarn water bath ratio will also be significantly reduced .

  14. 通过激光测速仪,对壁面糙率突变时的明渠紊流进行试验,测量了糙率突变不同水深情况下明渠紊流的纵向时均流速和脉动流速。

    The turbulent flow in open channel is tested with laser-Doppler anemometer , in which the longitudinal time average velocity and fluctuating velocity of turbulent flow in open channel under the conditions of the sudden changes of roughnesses at different water depths are measured .

  15. 结果表明,脉动流速的概率分布在充分发展的自由紊流区近似为正态分布,在近壁强剪切紊流区为偏态分布;

    The analyses of measurement data show that the probability distribution of fluctuating velocity in fully developed turbulent region is approximately in the form of Gaussian curve but it changes to skew distribution in the vicinity of riverbed where strong shear turbulence is taken place .

  16. 因为压力脉动减小导致流速增加,从而使冲击噪声和涡流噪声略有增加。

    Because velocity of flow reduces when the pressure pulse reduces , the noise of impulsion and the noise of vortex increase a little .

  17. 通过现场实测与分析,得出有扰动源引起井巷风流脉动时,流速变化不大而压力振幅较大且压力振幅在传播过程中基本不变的结论。

    Field tests and analysis indicate that there are less variation of velocity and greater variation of pressure in an airway , and pressure amplitude keeps approximately invariable in a propagation process when pulse airflow is induced by disturbances .

  18. 本文用多通道动态压力检测系统和二维激光测速仪对在单股和双股射流作用下,水垫塘底板脉动压强与近壁脉动流速的相关、功率谱和紊动比尺进行了测试研究。

    The correlation , the spectrum and the turbulent scale of wall fluctuating pressure and fluctuating velocity , under the action of single and twin impinging jets , are studed in the paper by using 2-D LDA and the multiple points dynamic pressure scanning system .