
jǐ bèi
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脊背 [jǐ bèi]
  • [back] 人或其他脊椎动物的背部

脊背[jǐ bèi]
  1. 你要是敢说个不字,下次我再碰到你,就要用子弹打穿你的脊背。

    If you say no , the next time I see you I 'll put a bullet16 in your back .

  2. 通过建立的SD大鼠皮肤缺损模型,用构建的人工真皮替代物在SD大鼠脊背两侧皮肤进行了移植实验,对人工真皮替代物促进组织再生能力进行了评价。

    The skin defect model was established in SD rats . The capcity of the artificial dermal substitute promoting tissue regeneration was evaluated by transplanting it on the back of the SD rats .

  3. 沉重的背包压弯了他们的脊背。

    Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs .

  4. 我猛然感到脊背发凉。

    A shiver ran down my spine .

  5. 正常对照组不做任何处理,其余3组均用脊背皮下注射同种抗原造成ROU模型。

    Except for the normal group , the same antigen were subcutaneous injected into rabbit in the other 3 groups .

  6. 惊悚片《消失的爱人》(GoneGirl)里那对讨人嫌的夫妇口中所讲的话,不可靠到了让人脊背发凉的地步,所以票房收入轻而易举地击败了讲话靠不住的“活死人”《德古拉》(Dracula)。

    The unsavory husband and wife in the thriller " Gone Girl " are such chillingly unreliable narrators that they easily beat out the undead unreliable narrator , Dracula , at the box office .

  7. 那奇怪的响声叫我脊背一阵阵发冷。

    That strange noise sends shivers up and down my spine .

  8. 我的脊背让烈日晒得发痛。

    My back felt raw from the heat of the sun .

  9. 他对蛇猛击了一下,结果打断了它的脊背。

    He struck the snake so as to break its back .

  10. 有一天,你会感受到坚强的脊背上所担负着的小小重量。

    Someday you will feel a weight against your strong back .

  11. 她为他宽阔的脊背而着迷。

    She was struck by the broadness of his back .

  12. 甲洛颤抖着用手轻抚拉巴的脊背。

    Jialuo became shivered and gently stroked Laba 's back ;

  13. 他受伤的脊背正在接受紫外线治疗。

    He 's having sunray treatment for his bad back .

  14. 一个新的脊背式硅光波导定向耦合器计算模型

    A New Calculational Model of Rib Structure Si Optic Waveguide Beam Coupler

  15. 我想我的脊背终于适应了沙发了。

    I think that couch of mine has finally fused my vertebrae .

  16. 旅客们疲惫地站起身,伸了伸累坏了的脊背。

    The passengers rose wearily and stretched their tired Backs .

  17. 像游泳这样的运动有助于锻炼你的脊背。

    Exercise like swimming is good for your back .

  18. 北美洲和西伯利亚水域中脊背呈青铜色的白鲑。

    Bronze-backed whitefish of northern North America and Siberia .

  19. 人们发现直立的脊背用的能量最少。

    An erect spine was found to need the least spending of energy .

  20. 熏脊背肉薄片,腌脊背肉薄片我们常用盐腌和熏制来保存猪肉。

    We usually preserve pork by curing it with salt and smoking it .

  21. 一滴水自他的脊背留下让他打了个寒战。

    A trickle of moisture ran down his spine and made him shudder .

  22. 那个男孩子感到有人拍了他的脊背。

    He boy felt his back patted by someone .

  23. 只想找一个在我失意时,可以承受的脊背;

    I am only looking for a frustrated , you can withstand the back ;

  24. 他的圆领衫贴着他瘦骨嶙峋的脊背。

    His T-shirt clung to his scrawny back .

  25. 小伙子们拍着他的脊背。

    The Boys clapped him on the Back .

  26. 地面都冰封了,我们睡在地上都冻脊背。

    The ground was frozen , and it froze our backs while we slept .

  27. 你能否在星期六的午夜,把脊背龙带到最高的塔楼上?

    Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday ?

  28. 雅夏的脊背上打了个冷颤。

    A shudder ran down yasha 's back .

  29. “海格,”赫敏说,“挪威脊背龙长得到底有多快?”

    Hagrid , said Hermione , how fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow , exactly ?

  30. 有什么东西在他脊背上爬下去。

    Something was crawling down his spine .