
  • 网络Meningocele;myelomeningocele;spinal meningocele
  1. 主要CT表现包括:早期术后反应17例,肿瘤残余36例,局部复发24例,术后脑软化伴局限性脑萎缩42例,放射性脑病3例,脑脊膜膨出2例。

    The main manifestation of CT included : 17 cases of early postoperative reaction , 36 cases of tumor remains , 24 cases of tumor recurrence , 42 cases of cerebromalacia complicated localized cerebral atrophy , 3 cases of radiation encephalopathy , 2 cases of meningocele .

  2. 脑脊膜膨出221例临床分析及远期疗效

    Meningocele : Clinical Analysis and Long-term Results

  3. MR在脊柱裂脊膜膨出患者人工反射弧手术中的应用

    Clinical value of MR in spina bifida patients with neurogenic bladder and bowel treated by the artificial reflex arc

  4. 先天性脊柱裂脊膜膨出术前脊神经根的MRI定位研究

    Study of MRI identification of lumbar-sacral nerve root in spina bifida patients before operation

  5. 目的探讨MRI技术在先天性脊柱裂脊膜膨出(SB)患者人工反射弧术前脊神经根初步解剖定位中的应用价值。

    Objective : To explore the clinical value of the MRI performance to identification the lumbar-sacral nerve roots in the spina bifida patients before artificial reflex arc operation .

  6. 1例先天性骶前脊髓脊膜膨出病人围手术期护理

    Peri-operative nursing care of a case with congenital presacral spinal meningocele

  7. 脊髓脊膜膨出修补术流行性脑脊髓膜炎病例的病原学分析

    Repair of meningomyelocele Pathogenic analysis of epidemic cerebrospinal encephalitis cases

  8. 盆腔内骶前脊膜膨出的诊断和治疗&病例报道及文献复习

    Diagnosis and treatment of anterior sacral meningocele : case report and review of literature

  9. 10例婴儿先天性硬脊膜膨出症手术的麻醉体会

    Experience in Anesthesia in Operation of 10 Infants with Congenital Dura Mater Spinalis Protrusion

  10. 脊髓脊膜膨出早期修补术后失败的再手术治疗

    Defeat Reoperation for failed early repair of meningomyelocele

  11. 选择性剖宫产与脊髓脊膜膨出儿的长期运动功能或行走状况

    Elective cesarean delivery and long-term motor function or ambulation status in infants with meningomyelocele

  12. 成人骶前脊膜膨出1例

    Adult anterior sacral meningocele : case report

  13. 多发性神经孔内脊膜膨出1例报告

    One Case : Multiple Intervertebral Foramen Meningocele

  14. 超声诊断胎儿脊柱裂脊膜膨出并马蹄肾1例

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of cleft spine combining with meningocele and horseshoe kidney in fetus : case report

  15. 显微手术治疗小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜膨出35例报告

    Microsurgical treatment of myelomeningocele in the lumbar and sacral region in children : Report of 35 cases

  16. 结果成活的实验兔胎仔均见有程度不同的脊膜膨出,神经与脊膜粘连。

    Results The Myelomeningocele and adhesion of the relative spinal nerves with laminectomy of the lumbar were found .

  17. 脊髓脊膜膨出修补术人工体神经-内脏神经反射弧治疗脊髓脊膜膨出患者大小便功能障碍

    Repair of meningomyelocele An artificial somatic-central nervous system-autonomic reflex pathway for spina bifida patients with neurogenic bladder and bowel

  18. 目的探讨超声对胎儿骶尾部脊膜膨出的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of spinal meningocele in sacrococcygeal region of fetus .

  19. 维甲酸诱导脊髓脊膜膨出胎鼠模型导致脊髓损伤相关研究未见报道。

    MMC fetal rats induced by retinoic acid lead to spinal cord injury related research had not been reported until present .

  20. 目的探讨罕见的盆腔内骶前脊膜膨出的临床表现、诊断及手术方法。

    Objective To report anterior sacral meningocele in pelvic cavity and to discuss its clinical features , diagnostic procedures and operative approach .

  21. 目的:建立人工体神经内脏神经反射弧(简称人工反射弧)治疗脊柱裂脊髓脊膜膨出患者大小便功能障碍。

    Purpose : An artificial somatic autonomic reflex arc was established in 30 spina bifida patients with neurogenic bladder for controllable voiding .

  22. 脂肪脊髓脊膜膨出是一种罕见的先天异常,源于脊髓及脊膜经由脊柱裂而向外突出。

    Lipomyelomeningocele is an uncommon congenital anomaly , resulting from outpouching of spinal cord and its surrounding leptomeninges through the bony defect of spina bifida .

  23. 造成脊髓栓系的原因包括椎管脂肪瘤11例,脊髓纵裂4例,脊膜膨出2例,脊膜脊髓膨出并脂肪瘤4例。

    The tethered cause included : spinal lipoma 11 cases , diastematomyelia in 4 cases . Myelomeningocele with lipoma in 4 children , Meningocele 2 cases .

  24. 目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜膨出修补术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大小便失禁的手术方式及术后处理方法。

    Objective : To study the operation type and treatment post operation of neurogenic fecal and urine incontinence in Children with meningomylo tele and occult cleft spine .

  25. 结果脑脊膜膨出4例,背侧皮窦7例,脊柱脂肪瘤19例,原发性脊髓栓系综合症5例,脊髓纵裂2例,骶尾部畸胎瘤2例。

    Result Among 39 cases with occult spinal dysraphism , the meningocele was 4 cases , the dorsal dermal sinus 7 cases , the spinal lipomas 19 cases , the primary tethered cord syndrome 5 cases , the diastematomyelia 2 cases , the sacrococcygeal teratoma 2 cases .

  26. 腰骶部脊膜脊髓膨出的病理分型及显微外科治疗

    Pathological classification and microsurgical treatment for the myelomeningocele