
nǎo xún huán
  • cerebral circulation
  1. 人参皂苷Rg2对动物脑循环及脑水肿的影响

    Effects of ginsenoside Rg_2 on cerebral circulation and brain edema

  2. 结果表明,尽管机体内存在许多补偿机制,但在G值较高时,由于不能完全代偿血液静水压效应的影响,脑循环还是可能发生明显的改变。

    Results showed that in spite of existance of the various compensatory mechanisms , impairment of the cerebral circulation still occurred due to the hydrostatic effect of the blood column at higher G levels .

  3. 丁咯地尔对脑循环动力学有显著改善(P<0.01)。该药不良反应较少。

    Buf also improved brain circulation dynamics ( P < 0.01 ), and adverse reaction was mild .

  4. 目的探讨脑循环血液流变学在急性CO中毒后的变化及在急性CO中毒迟发脑病发病中的可能作用。

    Objectives To study the hemorheological change after acute carbon monoxide ( CO ) poisoning and its possible role in etiology of delayed encephalopathy after acute CO poisoning .

  5. 结论CGRP能抑制HIE减轻血管收缩作用,改善脑循环,从而抑制ET的致损伤作用。

    Conclusion CGRP could antagonize the vasoconstriction of ET and improve brain circulation , and inhibit hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury of ET.

  6. 目的:在体外循环(CPB)心内直视手术中,术后脑部并发症仍时有发生,颈动脉血流可间接反映脑循环状态。

    Objective : Cerebral complications of cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) have been much concerned recently .

  7. 结论TCD可准确诊断颈内动脉狭窄或闭塞,判断侧枝循环的建立情况,对脑循环作出全面客观的评价。

    Conclusion TCD could evaluate cerebral circulation , collateral pathways correctly and made the diagnosis of ICA stenosis and occlusion .

  8. 目的观察急性脑梗死脑循环动力学改变与MRA的临床相关性。

    Objective To observe the clinical correlation between the changes of cerebral hemodynamics of acute cerebral infarction and magnetic resonance angiography .

  9. HBO与UBIO并用对血管性痴呆患者脑循环动力学指标的影响

    Effect of Cerebral Hemodynamic Indices in Patients with Vascular Dementia by HBO Combined with UBIO

  10. 结论;西比灵能改善VBI患者脑循环,治疗VBI安全有效。

    Conclusion : Flunarizine improves cerebrovascular circulation and it 's an effective drug for VBI .

  11. 方法54例急性脑梗死病人进行了脑循环动力学检查,同时做正常人38例对照,另外34例行MRA的检查。

    Methods 54 cerebral infarction patients were detected with cerebrovascular hemodynamic analysis including 34 patients with magnetic resonance angiography compared with 38 healthy persons .

  12. 染毒后1、7、14d,大鼠脑循环血浆粘度均显著升高;

    Plasma viscosity in cerebral circulation of the rats increased significantly 1,7 and 14 days after exposure .

  13. 为了研究+Gz重力作用下脑循环的改变,10名被试者在半径为6米的人体离心机上承受了+GZ超重作用。

    In studying the cerebral circulatory changes under + Gz stress , ten healthy young men ( 18-24 yrs. ) were exposed to + Gz stress on a human centrifuge with six meter radius .

  14. 目的探讨脑循环储备力(CCR)减退与脑卒中复发及预后的关系,并分析脑卒中复发的危险因素。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the reduced cerebral circulation reserve ( CCR ) and stroke recurrence , prognosis , and analyse the risk factor of stroke recurrence .

  15. 结果54例病人的脑循环动力学结果中49例有不同程度异常改变,而MRA的34例中仅23例为异常。

    Results In the results of 54 patients with cerebrovascular hemodynamic analysis , 49 cases have abnormal changes to certain extent . Only 23 patients were abnormal in 34 patients with magnetic resonance angiography .

  16. 目的探讨颈动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)与脑循环动力学(CVA)之间的相关性及其对缺血性脑卒中的早期临床诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the correlation between carotid artery intima media thickness ( IMT ) and cerebrovascular hemodynamic analysis ( CVA ) and the diagnostic value in ischemic stroke .

  17. 对照组静脉点滴丹参注射液,治疗组在此基础上口服中药水煎剂及脑循环功能治疗仪治疗,共治疗28d。

    The patients in treatment group added to take traditional Chinese medicine decoction and to be treated by Cerebral Circulation Function Therapeutic Instrument for 4 weeks .

  18. 为探讨电刺激小脑顶核(Fastigialnucleus,FN)对眼循环障碍性疾病的疗效,应用脑循环功能治疗仪刺激FN,治疗28例眼循环功能障碍疾病,观察治疗前后视力、视野、视网膜电图的改变。

    Twenty eight patients with ischemic ophthalmopathy were treated by electrical stimulation of fastigial nucleus ( FN ) . The visual acuity , visual field and electroretinogram were examined before and after the treatment .

  19. 目的探讨颈动脉超声和脑循环动力学(CVA)检测对高血压病合并缺血性脑卒中的早期临床诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic value of carotid artery ultrasonography and cerebrovascular hemodynamics analysis ( CVA ) in primary hypertension patients complicated with acute ischemic stroke .

  20. 采用脑循环动力检测仪分别检测两组患者治疗前、后的脑循环动力学指标(CVDI)。

    The cerebrovascular dynamics indexes ( CVDI ) of both groups were investigated before and after the treatment .

  21. 这提示:(1)急性高山病的发生可能与CBF的改变有关.(2)间断减压缺氧适应可以改善脑循环和减轻高山反应症状。

    These suggested that the onset of AMS might be correlated with the change of CBF and that the intermittent adaptation to hypoxia could ameliorate cerebral circulation and alleviate symptoms of mountain sickness .

  22. 【结论】CGRP能拮抗ET收缩血管的作用,改善脑循环,抑制ET的合成及释放,同时能阻止脑细胞钙内流,保护缺氧缺血性脑损伤。

    【 Conclusions 】 CGRP can antagonize the vasoconstriction of ET and improve brain circulation , so it inhibits synthesis and release of ET. In addition , it can prevent calcium from flowing into brain cells , and protect hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury .

  23. 目的研究电刺激小脑顶核(FNS)对脑循环动力学(CVA)参数及血压、血糖、血脂的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of fastigial nucleus stimulation ( FNS ) toward Cerebrovascular Activity ( CVA ) parameters and blood pressure , plasma glucose , plasma lipid .

  24. 脑循环动力学参数(CVDI)改变的阳性率脑出血为94.3%,高血压为98.4%。

    Positive rates of cerebrovascular hemodynamics parameters ( CVDI ) was 94.3 % in cerebral hemorrhage ( CH ) and 98.4 % in Hypertension .

  25. 星状神经节阻滞(SGB)可使脑循环产生不同的效应,包括脑血流量、脑血管张力及脑血流速度等。

    Stellate ganglion block ( SGB ) will produce different effects on cerebral circulation , including cerebral blood flow , cerebral vascular tone and cerebral blood flow velocity and so on .

  26. 实验提示,电针能提高实验性VD大鼠的自发运动量和避暗学习反应能力,与改善脑循环,提高SOD、Cortisol、NE、DA、5-HT的活性密切相关。

    Conclusion : Electroacupuncture can promote the amount of autonomic activity and the response ability of learning escape dark in the animal model of VD , which closely related with improving the cerebral circulation , enhancing the ability of SOD , cortisol , NE , DA and 5-HT .

  27. 目的研究不同程度降压对不同病理阶段老年高血压患者脑循环储备力(CCR)的影响及屏气试验对指导老年高血压个体化治疗的价值。

    Objective To detect the effect of antihypertensive treatment on cerebral circulation reserve at different pathological stages in senile patients with hypertension and to investigate the value of breath holding test ( BHT ) in the guidance of antihypertensive treatment for these patients .

  28. 目的:观测和探讨重型闭合性颅脑损伤康复期患者脑循环动力学指标(CVDI)的变化及其临床意义。

    Objective : To observe and inquire into the clinical meaning of the cerebral hemodynamic index ( CVDI ) on the patients with heavy closed craniocerebral injury ( HCCI ) in convalescence .

  29. 采用HBO治疗结合激素、抗血小板聚集剂、改善脑循环及代谢药物等综合治疗措施治疗ACOP具有科学性和可行性。

    It is scientific and effective for us to use mannitol reasonably and to give ACOP patients sufficient HBO treatment together with glucocorticoid , medicine of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis , antiplatelet aggregation agent and medicine of improving cerebral metabolism .

  30. 目的用脑循环动力学指标(CVDI)评价尼莫地平静脉滴注对急性脑梗塞(ACI)患者脑血管功能影响,并系统观察其对血压、心率及心电图的影响。

    Objectives To use cerebrovascular hemodynamics indexes ( CVDI ) to evaluate the effects of nimodipine on cerebrovascular function in acute cerebral infarction ( ACI ), and to investigate the changes of blood pressure ( BP ), heart rate ( HR ), and electrocardiography ( ECG ) .