
  • 网络Scripting Engine;script engine
  1. 我们将使用Vim的内部脚本引擎高亮显示您创建的定制语言的语法。

    We will use Vim 's internal scripting engine to highlight syntax from a custom language you have created .

  2. 它和含有脚本引擎的动态服务器页面一起运行。

    It works with Active server pages which has scripting engine .

  3. 与简单地调用引擎的get()和put()方法相比,如何将Java对象公开给运行于脚本引擎中的脚本具有更好的可配置性。

    How you expose Java objects to scripts running inside a script engine is more configurable than just calling the engine 's get () and put () methods .

  4. 当我们调用引擎的put()方法时,脚本引擎会将第二个参数(任何Java对象)关联到特定的字符串关键字。

    When you call the engine 's put () method , the script engine associates the second parameter ( any Java object ) with the given string key .

  5. 如果全局对象的公共成员无需限定即可供脚本引擎使用,就如同它们是全局命名空间的一部分,则返回true。

    Returns true if public members of the global object are available to the script engine without qualification , as if they are part of the global namespace .

  6. 脚本引擎实现隐藏了一些细节,包括解释器如何与Java代码共享类定义、应用程序对象和输入/输出流。

    The script-engine implementation hides the details , including how the interpreter shares class definitions , application objects , and input / output streams with Java code .

  7. 如何才能获取脚本引擎实现和语言解释器所需的JAR文件呢?

    You might be wondering where you get the necessary JAR files for the script-engine implementation and language interpreters .

  8. 这版的IE浏览器应用HTML5,可运行java脚本引擎,并能够应用电脑的绘图芯片加速文本和图片的解码。

    Features include HTML5 support and improved java script engine and the ability to use your computer 's graphic chip to speed up text and image rendering .

  9. 苹果应用商店(AppStore)关于不允许应用程序内嵌脚本引擎/语言的限制去年开始放宽,改为不允许下载新的脚本。

    App Store restrictions on applications with embedded scripting engines / languages were relaxed last year , provided that they do not allow the download of new scripts .

  10. 本文中所使用的JavaScript、Groovy和JRuby脚本引擎确实在eval()调用之间维持了这些状态。

    The JavaScript , Groovy , and JRuby script engines used in this article do maintain state between calls to eval () .

  11. defineScriptFunction()方法还使用一段硬编码的JavaScript代码调用脚本引擎的eval()方法。

    The defineScriptFunction () method also invokes the script engine 's eval () method with a hard-coded snippet of JavaScript .

  12. 要帮助您创建自定义的Bindings,脚本引擎将提供一个createBindings()方法,该方法和返回值是一个内容为空的Bindings对象。

    To help you create customized Bindings , script engines supply a createBindings () method that returns an empty Bindings object .

  13. 在该规范基础上,应用MicrosoftCOM组件标准、VBS脚本引擎、XML等技术,实现了基于组件技术的概念模型的可执行化,即无需编码而直接执行。

    Based on the specification , Microsoft COM component standard , VBS script engine and XML technology , etc. a kind of executable concept model is realized , which is able to execute without coding .

  14. 如果目录包含服务器响应文件,且isapi扩展注册为脚本引擎,则给予“运行脚本”权限。

    Give permissions to run scripts if the directory contains server response files and the ISAPI extension is registered as a script engine .

  15. ScriptContext是一个定义和控制脚本引擎运行时上下文的接口。

    ScriptContext is an interface that defines and controls a script engine 's run-time context .

  16. 所有脚本引擎eval()方法都声明抛出一个ScriptException,因此我们的代码需要适当处理这些异常。

    All script-engine eval () methods declare they throw a ScriptException , so your code needs to handle it appropriately .

  17. 这两个方法演示了脚本引擎可以维持应用程序组件的状态,并且能够在后续的eval()方法调用过程中使用其状态。

    This pair of methods demonstrates that script engines can maintain a state of application components and make that state available during subsequent calls to the engine 's eval () method .

  18. 您可以使用引擎的getContext()方法获取并操作脚本引擎的上下文。

    You can get and manipulate a script engine 's context using the engine 's getContext () method .

  19. 脚本引擎的ScriptContext含有“引擎”和“全局”作用域绑定,以及用于标准输入和输出操作的输入和输出流。

    A script engine 's ScriptContext contains the " engine " and " global " scope bindings , as well as the input and output streams the engine uses for standard input and output operations .

  20. 基于脚本引擎的上位机监控程序的设计

    Design of Monitoring Program of Host computer Based on Script Engine

  21. 脚本引擎可以在特定的语言中加载并执行脚本。

    A script engine loads and executes scripts in a particular language .

  22. 无法创建指定语言的脚本引擎。

    A script engine for the specified language can not be created .

  23. 基于虚拟机的脚本引擎的设计与实现

    The Designing and Implementing of a Scripting Engine Based on Virtual Machine

  24. 对象,脚本引擎使用此对象与宿主通信。

    Object that is used by the script engine to communicate with the host .

  25. 由于脚本引擎已被重设,操作无法完成。

    The operation could not be completed because the script engine has been reset .

  26. 指定由脚本引擎解释的页面中的脚本。

    Specifies a script for the page that is interpreted by a script engine .

  27. 基于通用脚本引擎的自动测试平台及在安全测试中的应用

    Automatic Testing Platform Using Universal Script Engine and an Application in Security Software Test

  28. 位于高速缓存中的脚本引擎数。

    The number of script engines in cache .

  29. 托管脚本引擎将始终使用其运行所在的应用程序域。

    Managed script engines will always use the application domain in which they are running .

  30. 脚本引擎提供表单数据校验、数据运算和控件事件的脚本库。

    Script engine provides script lib for form data validation , data operation and control events .