
féi zǒng shén jīng
  • Common peroneal nerve;nervus peroneus communis
腓总神经[féi zǒng shén jīng]
  1. 皮层体感Ⅰ区神经元对伤害性电刺激腓总神经的反应&细胞内电位研究

    Responses of neurons in the somatosensory area I to noxious electric stimulation of nervus peroneus communis the study of intracellular potentials

  2. 腓总神经及胫神经损伤F波传导速度均低于正常值(P<0.01)。

    F-wave conduction velocity about calf nerve and shank nerve trauma are lower than normal ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 胫神经、腓总神经的运动传导速度及波幅两组间的差异亦无统计学意,P0.05。

    There was also no significant difference in motor conduction velocity and amplitude of tibial nerve , common peroneal nerve .

  4. E组:将腓总神经远端以端侧缝合形式直接缝合于胫神经的一侧,外膜开窗1.0mm。

    While the distal end of severed peroneal nerve was sutured end to side directly with normal nerve tibial trunk and windowing was done in group E.

  5. 低频电刺激腓总神经时脑部fMRI表现

    The display of fMRI of brain activities following low-frequency electrical stimulation of common peroneal nerve

  6. 实验组感觉腓肠神经波幅、运动正中神经潜伏期、腓总神经传导速度,组内比较有显著性差异(P均0.05)。

    In experimental group , the sural nerve sensory amplitude , motor latency of median nerve , common peroneal nerve conduction velocity , there was a significant group difference ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  7. 神经电生理:干预后两组感觉正中神经传导速度、尺神经、运动正中神经、腓总神经传导速度、波幅组间比较有显著性差异(P均0.05)。

    Neuroelectricity examination : After the intervention , median sensory nerve conduction velocity , ulnar nerve , motor median nerve , peroneal nerve conduction velocity and amplitude between the two groups was significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 方法采用SD大鼠,左侧胫神经干外膜开窗,将腓总神经远端端一侧吻合至胫神经干上(A组)。

    Methods 20 SD rats were treated in the study . The peroneal nerve was sectioned and the distal ending was sutured to the lateral face of the tibial nerve .

  9. 与B组病人相比较,A组患者的腓总神经MCV及腓浅神经SCV显著减慢(P0.05)。

    Compared with those in Group B , MCV of sural nerve and SCV of superficial sural nerve in Group A were significantly slow ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 腓总神经支的神经传导速度(NCV)异常率(68.0%)明显高于胫神经支(43.5%)(P0.05)。

    The positive rate of NCV tests were higher in common peroneal nerve ( 68.0 % ) than in tibial nerve ( 43.5 % )( P 0.05 ) .

  11. 各组治疗前后双下肢神经传导速度的变化:与治疗前比较,各组患者胫神经、腓总神经的运动神经传导速度均显著增加(P0.05或P0.01);

    Changes of nerve conductive velocity before and after treatment : Compared with that before treatment , the motor nerve conductive velocity in tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve enhanced evidently ( P 0.05 or P 0.01 ) .

  12. 目的通过研究大鼠周围神经端侧吻合后腓总神经功能指数(PFI)和电生理指标,定量评价端侧吻合后再生纤维的功能。

    Objective : To study the peroneal nerve function index and electrophysiological test after peripheral nerve end-to-side anastomosis and evaluate quantificationally the function of collateral sprouting .

  13. 结论发病兔腓总神经电生理学检查结果符合轴索型GBS病人的电生理学表现,表明电生理学对轴索型GBS的诊断具有特殊作用。

    Conclusion The electrophysiological characters of rabbits with axonal form GBS are consistent with those of patients with axonal form GBS . Electrophysiology plays an important role in diagnosing axonal form GBS .

  14. 方法对TCS患儿组及对照组行胫后神经体感诱发电位(PTN-SEP)、胫后神经及腓总神经运动神经传导速度(MCV)检测。

    Methods Patients with tethered cord syndrome underwent posterior tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potential study ( PTN-SEP ) and motor conductive velocity study of the posterior tibial and common peroneal nerves ( MCV ) .

  15. 方法:对58例临床确诊的Ⅱ型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者和25例健康对照组进行正中神经和腓总神经运动神经传导检测,对刺激所诱发的复合肌肉动作电位进行分析。

    Methods : Motor nerve conduction velocity on common peroneal nerve and median nerve were tested in 58 patients with NIDDM and 25 healthy controls . And complex muscular action potentials excited by stimulation were also analyzed .

  16. 采用丹麦DISA2500C型肌电图仪测定腓总神经、腓浅神经、正中神经的运动神经传导速度(MNCV)及感觉神经传导速度(SNCV)。结果:所有结果以均值±标准差((?)

    MNCV and SNCV of common peroneal nerve , sural nerve and median incision were examed by electromyography ( Danmark DISA2500C ) .

  17. 各组大鼠全麻状态下均切断右侧腓总神经,距神经入肌点约1cm处。

    Under the general anesthesia , right common peroneal nerves of rats in each group were cut off 1 cm away from the nerve muscle entry point .

  18. 结果:治疗组患者经过CTP治疗14d后,双上肢及下肢正中神经、尺神经、腓总神经、胫神经传导速度明显高于对照组(P<0.05~0.01)。

    RESULTS : After treatment , the nerve conduction velocities of median nerve , ulnar nerve , fibular nerve , tibial nerve in the treatment group were higher than those in the control group ( P < 0.05-0.01 ) .

  19. 对照侧:腓总神经在相同部位切除0.5cm,将切除段神经倒置后原位移植行端端束膜、外膜缝合。

    In control side , the peroneal nerve was resected for a length of 0.5 cm , and then the resected segment was reversely anastomosed with end-to-end neurorrhaphy .

  20. 术后15周对胫神经和腓总神经分别用快兰和核黄作神经干注射标记,取背根神经节(DRG)荧光显微镜下观察被标记细胞;

    At 15 weeks after operation , the tibial and peroneal nerve trunks were labeled by being injected with fast blue and nuclear yellow respectively . The labeled cells in the dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) were observed by fluorescence microscopy .

  21. 治疗前、治疗1个月、2个月时分别观察两组患者周围神经病变的临床症状及正中神经、胫神经、腓总神经的感觉神经传导速度(SCV)。

    The clinical symptoms , the nerve reflex and the sensory conduction velocity ( SCV ) of median nerve , tibial nerve and lateral popliteal nerve were observed in each group before , 1 month and 2 months cost treatment respectively .

  22. 正中神经和腓总神经MCV,正中神经和腓浅神经SCV4项神经传导速度,治疗组治疗前后比较有显著差异(P<0.05),对照治疗前后比较无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    The motor nerve conduction velocity ( MCV ) in median and common peroneal nerve , the sensory nerve conduction velocity ( SCV ) in median and superficial peroneal nerve were improved significantly in the treatment group and no such changes were observed in the control group .

  23. 神经肌电图检查患肢腓总神经传导及体感诱发电位PF-CE波间期与正常值相比较具有显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    There was a significantly difference among common peroneal nerve transmission and the interval of SEP PF-CE of patient 's legs comparing with the normal result ( p < 0.001 ) .

  24. 前4组右侧腓总神经作端侧缝合,左侧切除长1.5cm的腓总神经作为对照。A组:右侧远断端与近段行侧端吻合,外膜不开窗。

    In group A , B , C and D , the right peroneal nerve was transected and sutured in an end to side fashion , while a 1.5 cm segment was cut off on the left peroneal nerve to serve as control .

  25. 腓总神经运动神经传导速度平均16.5m/s;

    Common peroneal nerve mean conductive velocity 16.5 m / s ;

  26. 医源性腓总神经伤分析

    Iatrogenic injury of common peroneal nerve : Analysis of 48 cases

  27. 双腓总神经急性卡压征1例

    A case of acute compression syndrome of double common peroneal nerves

  28. 60例糖尿病患者的腓总神经电生理研究

    Electrophysiological study on peroneal nerve in 60 patients with diabetes mellitus

  29. 腓总神经电刺激致踝关节背屈。

    Ankle passive dorsiflexion through electrical stimulating common peroneal nerve .

  30. 腓总神经损伤者1例。

    Common peroneal nerve injury was found in one patient .