- 名palatal process

Observing the Distribution of Annexin I and cPLA_2 in the Palatal Process of Mice by Immunohistochemical Staining
The regulation of P21 cipl / wafl gene on the mesenchymal cell proliferation cycle during palatal process development in C57BL / 6N strain mouse
The mRNA transcription of TGF - β 1 during development of normal palate and cleft palate in C57BL / 6 N strain mouse
Conclusion The expression of TGF - β 1 is associated with the proliferation of mesenchymal cell and the growth of palate .
But little is known about what effect Bcl-2 has on palate development and what effect RA has on Bcl-2 in palate development .
MTHFR gene silencing affects mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation and apoptosis
Conclusion DEX can stimulate proliferation and metabolism of EPM Cells , and may disturb the development of palatal shelves .
Objective To investigate the biological characteristics of mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal ( EPM ) cells in vitro .
Then the embryonic palatal shelves were incubated with Dispase and the isolated EPM cells were cultured .
Methods The mouse EPM cells were harvested from a female mouse of Day 13 of gestation by microsurgical dissection and digestion with 0.25 % trypsin . The isolated cells were cultured in DMEM medium .
Objective : The present study was designed to determine whether apoptosis in palatal processes of mouse embryo can be induced by dexamethasone ( DEX ), so as to provide a new point for explaining DEX how to induce cleft palate .
The role of crucial factors including the proliferation and apoptosis of medial edge epithelial ( MEE ) cells and embryonic palatal mesenchyme ( EPM ) cells is an essential event in palatogenesis and its failure can result in cleft palate .
RA possibly disabled MEE cells to proliferate and differentiate at the pivotal stage when palate shelves were to contact and fuse , MEE cells were dysplastic , and then both side of palatal shelves could not contact and fuse .
Methods : The dissected embryonic palatal shelves were incubated with Dispase at 4 ℃ for 18 hours , and then the organ rudiments were agitated , a small-bore pipette was used to separate the loosened epithelium from mesenchymal .
In the retinoic acid induced cleft palate group , mainly expressed in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells around the perivascular and ossification centers . CD57 has a strong positive expression in the distal end of palate . Both of the tow markers showed no expression in the epithelium . 2 .
Effects of all-trans retinoic acid on palatal fusion and its molecular mechanisms
Morphological changes of apoptosis in palatal shelf of mouse embryo induced by Dex
The study of separation and culture of mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal cells in vitro
Effects of dexamethasone on the proliferation and metabolism of A / J mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal cells
Objective : To establish an effective purification method for primary culture of mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal ( EPM ) cells .
The Effects of Dexamethasone and VitB_ ( 12 ) on the EGF Gene Expression of A / J Mouse Embryonic Palatal Cells
BACKGROUND AND AIM : To observe the ultrastructure of embryonic palate cells during cleft palate formation using the model of congenital cleft palate .
Conclusion : The mesenchymal and epithelial cells of A / J mouse embryonic palatal shelves in this combined culture system can keep their basic biological behavior .
Conclusion : The proliferation of mesenchymal cells of the early developmental palate process may be inhibited due to the abnomal PCD in the formation of cleft palate .
At day 14 mouse embryos , tongue become flat gradually and then dropped into the mouth , after that the lateral palate take a rotation and extend toward the horizontal line , contact and fuse .
In the retinoic acid induced cleft palate group , strongly expression of dense type and distribution on the palatal median crest and perivascular mesenchymal cells , the expression of palatal anterior part more than the posterior part .
One of the main mechanisms of cleft palate is the obstacle of palatal shelves '? horizontal elevation , this is directly relative to the sharp , the volume of tongue and whether it is withdrawl movement . The development of tongue began at day 11 ?
Objective : To observe the alteration of mouse embryonic palatal ultrastructure after DEX and Vitamin B12 exposure .
Middle nasal concha resection approach : This approach has a much broader surgical path , the anterior wall of sphenoid sinus can be opened laterally to the palatine bone and inside of pterygoid process .