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  1. 长江三峡地区古代腰坑葬俗的考古研究

    Archeological Research on Ancient Tomb Custom of Yao Keng in Three Gorges Region

  2. 西周时期泾河流域的腰坑墓与秦族起源

    Waist-pit Tombs In Jing River Basin During Western Zhou Dynasty And Qin Ethnic Origin

  3. 就流行范围来讲,几乎覆盖了山东各地,腰坑中放置的物品也是五花八门。

    On the epidemic in terms of scope , covering almost all parts of Shandong , waist pit is also a wide variety of items placed .

  4. 腰坑葬俗是商周时期墓葬的重要特征之一,具有这种特征的墓葬,我们称之为腰坑墓。

    Waist pitFuneral CustomTombs Shang and Zhou dynasties are an important feature of one of the tombs have this characteristic , we call it the tomb of waist pit .

  5. 但要从等级上分清楚上层贵族和普通平民的区别,这同时也反应了腰坑葬俗的演变状况。

    But we need to clarify the relationship between the aristocrat class and the common people , which can also reflect the evolving process of the waist pits burial custom .

  6. 其二,就葬俗而言,战国时期流行的腰坑、二层台,在广西东汉墓早中期还依稀见到。

    Secondly , in terms of the funeral customs , the waist pits and second-tier platforms which were popular in the Warring States Period can still rarely be seen in Guangxi .

  7. 全文对先秦这一时段进行了分期叙述,总结出各时期腰坑葬俗的诸多特点,并进一步讨论了族属问题。

    This article first focused on the early Qin period , summarizing the main features of waist pits burial custom in different periods , and then discussed the issue of nationalities .

  8. 以前,由于田野考古发掘工作做的不多,提起腰坑墓葬一般都会将其与中原地区的商墓联系在一起。

    Previously , because of field archaeological excavation of the small job to do , to bring back the usual burial pits and the Central Plains region of its business associated with the tomb .

  9. 腰坑作为墓葬的特殊一种结构,是指在其墓底中部,一般位于墓主人腰下的位置,挖一个坑,坑内放置有一定寓意的物品。

    Lumbar special burial pit as a structure refers to in his tomb at the end of the central , most people back under the owner of the tomb is located in the location , dig a pit , the pit must have meaning to place items .

  10. 连部在开阔地的中心,由数个深到腰际的散兵坑组成,测距手要和连长在一个位置上。

    The command post was located at the center of the square and consisted of waist high foxholes for the spotter , the range finder , and the commander .