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  • binder;band;bellyband
腹带[fù dài]
  1. 莲娜丽姿(NinaRicci)后背大开、足以看到腹带的无吊带晚礼服呢?这并非扣子坏了,而是故意要露出内衣。

    And that strapless evening dress at Nina Ricci with the back gaping open to reveal the corset beneath ? Not a broken closure but a deliberate exposure of the undergarment .

  2. 医生告诉她不要系腹带。

    The doctor told her not to lace the corset .

  3. 胸腹带蒂皮瓣修复软组织缺损、骨外露33例

    Chest - Abdominal Pedicled Flap for Repairing Soft Tissue Defect

  4. 呼吸导航回波联合腹带加压在肝脏磁共振成像中的应用

    Applications of respiration navigator echo and abdominal bandage compression in liver MRI

  5. 骨科腹带的制作和使用方法的改进

    Making and usage improvement of orthopedics abdominal bandage

  6. 实验对照组30例,给予空白腹带加热治疗。

    And experimental control group ( 30 cases ) by heated blank abdominal belt .

  7. 按着时尚,她把腹带紧束到最难忍的部位。

    The hardest part was fastening the corset , which she managed after a fashion .

  8. 多功能腹带的制作与应用

    Making and application of multifunctional abdominal bandage

  9. 目的总结胸腹带蒂皮瓣修复软组织缺损、骨质外露的效果。

    Objective To summarize the results of chest-abdominal pedicled flap for repairing soft tissue defect and exposure bone .

  10. 腹带经常会造成侧腹区域的皮肤发炎,这会增加马的不舒适感。

    The bucking strap often causes chafing to the flank area , which increases the discomfort to the horse .

  11. 围在腰部的腹带(如给婴儿穿肚兜,一直到他的脐带脱落)。

    A cloth band that is worn around the waist ( as on infants until the navel has healed ) .

  12. 中药热疗腹带康腹帝对腹部手术后胃肠道功能恢复的促进作用研究

    The effect of the Heat Traditional Chinese Medicine Abdominal Belt ( Comfort ) on promoting gastrointestinal function recovery after abdominal operations

  13. 腹带和马刺能够使公牛以超越其能力的幅度突然弓背跃起,它的腿和后背可能会断裂。

    Bucking straps and spurs can cause the bull to buck beyond his capability and his legs or back can be broken .

  14. 方法:对原有胸带和腹带进行改进,设计制作四头胸腹带,主要用于心内直视术后、漏斗胸矫形术后及先天性髋关节脱位牵引的患儿。

    Methods : To use new designed belt for the child after intracardiac repair under direct vision , chondrosternoplasty and congenital dislocation of hip joint .

  15. 扫描范围自膈顶至双肾下极,扫描时嘱患者屏气或使用腹带加压。

    The scanning range was set from the diaphragmatic dome to inferior pole of kidneys , using bandage compression or asking the patients to hold breaths .

  16. 马刺的刺激和腹带经常会使马“盲跑”,看不见栅栏、柱子或围栏。

    The irritation of the spurs and the bucking strap often cause the horse to " run blind " and fail to see fencing , posts or chutes .

  17. 他吻着她,松开她胸前的衣服,就在此刻,他的嘴柔情吸吮着她的乳头,而他的手却忙着解开她的腹带。

    Somehow while he was kissing her , he had eased away the fabric from her breasts , and even now , with his mouth suckling her tenderly , his hands were busy with the laces of the corset .

  18. 袋形构造动物身体里的肚袋或腹带,如齿类动物的颊囊成有袋类动物腹部的袋子子宫内膜移位症发生的典型部位是卵巢、宫韧带、肠阴道隔、盆腹膜、腹术瘢痕。

    A pouch in an animal body , such as the cheek pouch of a rodent or the abdominal pouch of a marsupial . Typical locations for endometriosis may include : ovaries , uterine ligaments , rectovaginal septum , pelvic peritoneum , and laparotomy scars .

  19. 方法电击伤、炭火烧伤、热压伤等造成的手部深度烧伤,早期行清创术后采用胸腹带蒂皮瓣修复软组织缺损、肌腱、血管、骨质外露的创面。

    Methods All of cases were deep burn of hands clue to electric burn , fire or heat injury . After early debridement , chest-abdominal pedicled flap were used to repair soft tissue defect and exposure wound of tendon , vessels , as well bone .