
xiàn máo
  • glandular hairs
腺毛[xiàn máo]
  1. 细叶益母草(Leonurussibiricus)叶表面腺毛多样性及发育形态学研究

    The Diversity and the Developmental Morphology of the Glandular Hairs on the Leaf Surface of Leonurus sibiricus

  2. 烟草叶片腺毛的研究

    Study on the Glandular Hairs on Tobacco Leaves

  3. 打顶时期对白肋烟烟叶腺毛分泌物的影响

    Effects of Topping Time on Glandular Trichome Exudates of Burley Leaf

  4. 施肥对烟草腺毛叶绿体形态结构的影响

    Morphology and Structure of Chloroplast in Flue-cured Tobacco Trichomes after Applying Fertilizer

  5. 烤烟叶片腺毛发育过程的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of Trichomes on Developing Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf by Scan Electronic Microscope

  6. 烤烟烟叶腺毛分泌物提取方法初探

    Study on the Extraction Method of Leaf Trichome Exudates in Flue-cured Tobacco

  7. 东北桤木叶表皮盾状腺毛的形态及其变化过程

    The Morphology and Process Changes of Peltate Glandular hairs in Alnus mandshurica Leaf Epidermis

  8. 具腺毛状体的影响依赖于分泌物的性质。

    The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate .

  9. 11种唇形科药用植物叶表及腺毛的形态比较

    Morphological Comparison on the Leaf Epidermis and Glandular Hairs in 11 Medical Plants from Labiatae

  10. 满江红腺毛细胞的超微结构

    The ultrastructure of hair cells in Azolla

  11. 再次证实了腺毛的胶状分泌物与烟叶香气物质产生密切相关。

    It is proved that leaf surface secretion is closely correlated with aroma constituents . 5 .

  12. 遮荫对烟草中部叶片腺毛密度及其分泌物含量的影响

    Effects of Shaded Treatment on Density of Central Trichome and Content of Glandular Secretions in Tobacco

  13. 腺毛密度年际间比较稳定,受基因影响大。

    The density of trichome was stable in two years , and largely determined by genes .

  14. 用透射和扫描电镜观察了蕨状满江红茎尖、成熟叶腔内以及胚的腺毛超微结构。

    The ultrastructure of Azolla filiculoides was investigated by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy .

  15. 具腺毛状体分泌物的纯机械作用是诱捕和粘住小的昆虫。

    The purely mechanical effect of glandular trichome exudates is the entrapment and immobilization of small arthropods .

  16. 下表皮的腺毛则无囊状物;下表皮具下陷气孔器。

    While epidermal hair on lower epidermis has no cystic matter , lower epidermis has stomatal apparatus .

  17. 菱的腺毛发育及分泌活动的超微结构研究

    Studies on the development of glandular hairs in Trapa bispinosa and the ultrastructure during their secretory activity

  18. 不同部位成熟烟叶腺毛密度及其分泌物的研究

    Study on the Density and Exudates of Glandular Trichome of Mature Tobacco Leaves with Different Stalk Positions

  19. 香料烟腺毛和结晶细胞发育及其与环境关系研究

    The Development of Glandular Trichomes and Crystal Idioblasts of Orient Tobacco and the Effect of Environment on Them

  20. 大亚湾红树林及海岸植物叶片盐腺与表皮非腺毛结构

    Structure of salt glands and epidermal non-gland hairs on leaves of mangroves and coastal plants growing at Daya Bay

  21. 茎尖和胚的腺毛还具有分泌细胞的结构特征。

    And the hair cells on the shoot tip and the embryo had the structural features secretory cells had .

  22. 烤烟叶面腺毛密度及其分泌物变化动态的相关分析

    Analysis of the varying trends and correlation of the density of glandular trichome and leaf surface exudate of flue-cured tobacco

  23. 不同烤烟品种烟叶腺毛密度的差异性藻丝体末端形态多样。

    Study on Trichome Density of Various Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves The end of the trichome is in variety of shspes .

  24. 氮、磷、钾、镁亏缺对烤烟生长和叶片腺毛发育的影响

    Effects of N , P , K , Mg Deficiency on Plant Growth and Leaf Glandular Trichome Development of Flue-cured Tobacco

  25. 短梗五加的叶的近轴面表皮细胞排列紧密,有腺毛分布,远轴面表皮具气孔,气孔多分布在叶脉处。

    Acanthopanax sessiliflorus adaxial leaf epidemic cells arrange tightly with tentacle distribution . Most air holes are distributed around leaf veins .

  26. 多细胞盾状腺毛由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和一个由8-12个分泌细胞构成的头部组成。

    The peltate hairs were composed of one base cell , one stalk cell and a head of eight to twelve secreting-cells .

  27. 头状腺毛的头部只有1个或2个分泌细胞,盾状腺毛由8个分泌细胞构成头部。

    There are 1 or 2 secretory cells in a capitate glandular hair but 8 secretory cells in a peltate glandular hair .

  28. 烟叶腺毛和腺毛分泌物与烟叶香气质和香气量的形成关系非常密切。

    The relation of leaf trichome and trichome secretion is extremely close with leaf fragrant makings and fragrant spirit formation in tobacco .

  29. 结论电镜方法快速准确,尤以角质层纹理、表面非腺毛的鉴别特征特异性强。

    CONCLUSIONS Scan electron microscope is fast and accurate , and is especially specific for the identification of cutin layer and non-tentacles .

  30. 益母草中非腺毛显微特征常数与盐酸水苏碱含量呈正相关、中相关。

    The microscopic characteristic constants of Non-glandular hairs of Leonuri Herba are positively and mid - related to the Stachydrine content . 3 .