- Bloated;overstaffed;swollen;corpulent;too fat to move

(1) [swollen]∶痈疽;肌肉肿胀
(2) [corpulent]∶形容物体粗大笨重
(3) [too fat to move]∶过度肥胖或肥大,转动不灵
(4) [overstaffed]∶指机构庞大,调度不灵
Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing .
Our Intelligence Service was untrained , cumbersome , and almost wholly ineffectual .
While there was no fat and clumsy cutting edge in group A and group C.
XML is pure text file and sometimes it seems redundant , which makes a special focus on security and effectiveness in the process of transmission .
From Rod 's point of view , IT needs a platform that is free of the complexity , bloat and limitations of prior-generation architectures
By now , a pattern has emerged suggesting that gluttonous code ( long methods , too many public methods , excessive conditionals and imports , etc. ) impairs readability , testability , and maintainability .
But I think it is very important to keep the modularity to avoid the bloat that rails has accumulated .
These web applications have grown over the years , they may have become hard to maintain with an increasing number of lines of code while the developers working on them may have also changed .
This reflects a shift in FIFA 's balance of power away from Europe which began in the 1970s , in healthy contrast with Euroheavy bodies like World Bank and the IMF .
According to BBC reporter Matthew Price , even style-conscious New Yorkers pull on puff jackets and everyone , including the men , don ear-muffs .
Finally , UML tools are often quite heavyweight and complex , and are often perceived as " bloatware " or " drawing tools " by " real " developers .
But that way lies Microsoft Outlook & a bloated , hard-to-use program that does virtually nothing useful for anybody ( now tell us what you really think , Allen ) .
EDIT : I had the chance to hear the Pro version again and it 's very muddy sounding with smeared highs , congested mids , and overly bloated bass .
The fact that the famously bloated iTunes platform needed an overhaul and that Apple has been working on one is not news .
Online competitors like Amazon ( AMZN ) have forced best buy into becoming a bloated showroom for consumers to touch and feel product only to buy the same product online for less .
An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted .
There was no obvious enlargement in transplanted flap with mean two point discrimination 12 mm .
The orbicularis oris muscle flap was designed as the " C " lip flap and rotated upward and outward to be sewn with the orbicularis oris muscle of basis nasi , which could provide extra support for alae nasi and increase the height of agger nasi .
Combing the small and medium-sized enterprises , the actual situation of transition of future development is explored , the direction for the current TG Corporation for 3 years the main business income stagnation is found .
In 6 cases , the defect of finger pulp was repaired , and the 2 point discrimination was measured 8 10 mm .
InAnna Karenina , the corpulent , adulterous , French-speaking Oblonsky orders a meal of Flensburg oysters , Parmesan and Chablis .
Nonetheless , the amount of space tied up by all those duplicate copies of printf () would give the system a very bloated feel .
When designing the finite state machines with Verilog HDL program , there are great differences in the synthesised circuit structure , speed , area and delay due to the different design methods .
India 's new Congress-led government has laid out plans for a wave of market-oriented economic reforms and a simultaneous push to improve the welfare of the poor a tough balancing act that could strain the capacity of the bloated , sluggish state .
But UIMA was using externalization for serializing rather than serializable interface which was making its objects bulky and lots of work was needed to serialize data .
However , he declined to endorse comments by Lord Turner , chairman of the UK 's Financial Services Authority , that the financial services sector in Britain was bloated and needed to be cut down to size .
Designer Simon Spurr , who was recently named creative director of British heritage brand Kent & Curwen ( his first collection debuts in January ) , doesn 't entirely rule out the puffer . '
It is no more than a coincidence that China should start tinkering with its bloated aviation sector on the day that Iata , the global trade body , doubled its estimate of full-year losses across the industry .
I mean , it 's up to the programmer how much Apotomo he wants in his app , and as soon as he experiences the real power of stateful widgets , he will never return to his fat controllers .
Results The size of flap ranged from 7cm × 5 cm ~ 22 cm × 7 cm , Follow-up 3 to 24 months , The flaps all survived and recovered well in sensory and appearance in 8 cases .