
yōng zhǒng
  • Bloated;overstaffed;swollen;corpulent;too fat to move
臃肿 [yōng zhǒng]
  • (1) [swollen]∶痈疽;肌肉肿胀

  • 双足臃肿

  • (2) [corpulent]∶形容物体粗大笨重

  • (3) [too fat to move]∶过度肥胖或肥大,转动不灵

  • (4) [overstaffed]∶指机构庞大,调度不灵

  • 臃肿的机构

臃肿[yōng zhǒng]
  1. 亚历山德拉穿着那身过时的衣裳,显得臃肿笨拙。

    Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing .

  2. 我们的情报部门人员缺乏训练,机构臃肿,简直毫无用处。

    Our Intelligence Service was untrained , cumbersome , and almost wholly ineffectual .

  3. A、C组无臃肿。

    While there was no fat and clumsy cutting edge in group A and group C.

  4. 不过由于XML是纯文本文件,且文件本身也过于臃肿使得XML文件在传输过程中的安全性和传输效率方面值得重点关注。

    XML is pure text file and sometimes it seems redundant , which makes a special focus on security and effectiveness in the process of transmission .

  5. Rod认为,IT需要一个摆脱了复杂、臃肿和上代架构局限性的平台

    From Rod 's point of view , IT needs a platform that is free of the complexity , bloat and limitations of prior-generation architectures

  6. 到目前为止,所给出的模式都在暗示臃肿的代码(长方法、太多的public方法、过多的条件和导入,等等)将影响可读性、可测试性和可维护性。

    By now , a pattern has emerged suggesting that gluttonous code ( long methods , too many public methods , excessive conditionals and imports , etc. ) impairs readability , testability , and maintainability .

  7. 但是我认为保持模块化是非常重要的,这样可以避免Rails因为累积而导致的臃肿。

    But I think it is very important to keep the modularity to avoid the bloat that rails has accumulated .

  8. 这些Web应用程序的规模数年来不断猛增,由于代码行数不断增加,它们已经变得臃肿,难以维护。

    These web applications have grown over the years , they may have become hard to maintain with an increasing number of lines of code while the developers working on them may have also changed .

  9. 这反映了国际足联的力量平衡从20世纪70年代以欧洲为重心转移了出来,与此形成对比的是欧元区一些臃肿的机构,如世界银行(WorldBank)和国际货币组织(IMF)。

    This reflects a shift in FIFA 's balance of power away from Europe which began in the 1970s , in healthy contrast with Euroheavy bodies like World Bank and the IMF .

  10. BBC的记者MatthewPrice表示,就连时髦的纽约人也穿上了臃肿的夹克衫,包括男士在内的所有人都戴上了防寒耳罩。

    According to BBC reporter Matthew Price , even style-conscious New Yorkers pull on puff jackets and everyone , including the men , don ear-muffs .

  11. 最后,UML工具通常都是复杂而又重量级的,通常被“真正的”开发人员认为是“臃肿的软件”或者“绘图工具”。

    Finally , UML tools are often quite heavyweight and complex , and are often perceived as " bloatware " or " drawing tools " by " real " developers .

  12. 但那种方式类似于MicrosoftOutlook&一个臃肿但难用的程序,它实际上不能为任何人做什么有用的事(艾伦,现在告诉我们你到底在想什么)。

    But that way lies Microsoft Outlook & a bloated , hard-to-use program that does virtually nothing useful for anybody ( now tell us what you really think , Allen ) .

  13. 编辑:我有机会再次听到Pro版本,它听起来与涂高点,拥挤的中频,过于臃肿的低音很浑浊。

    EDIT : I had the chance to hear the Pro version again and it 's very muddy sounding with smeared highs , congested mids , and overly bloated bass .

  14. iTunes平台过于臃肿,需要进行全面调整,这是众所周知的,而苹果正在进行此方面工作也早已不是新闻。

    The fact that the famously bloated iTunes platform needed an overhaul and that Apple has been working on one is not news .

  15. 亚马逊(Amazon)等在线竞争对手使百思买沦落成一个臃肿的展厅,消费者到这里来触摸、感受产品,只是为了以更低的价格在线购买。

    Online competitors like Amazon ( AMZN ) have forced best buy into becoming a bloated showroom for consumers to touch and feel product only to buy the same product online for less .

  16. MDL格式的模型能够保证该模型不会过于臃肿或者随分类逐渐删除而变得零碎。

    An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted .

  17. 移植皮瓣无明显臃肿,二点分辨觉平均为12mm。

    There was no obvious enlargement in transplanted flap with mean two point discrimination 12 mm .

  18. C唇瓣向外、上旋转与鼻翼基底的口轮匝肌缝合,以提供对鼻翼的支撑及加高鼻堤;鼻唇沟真皮下血管网皮瓣血液循环可靠,再造鼻翼的臃肿程度大大减轻。

    The orbicularis oris muscle flap was designed as the " C " lip flap and rotated upward and outward to be sewn with the orbicularis oris muscle of basis nasi , which could provide extra support for alae nasi and increase the height of agger nasi .

  19. 结合中小型企业的转型期的实际情况探讨其未来发展方向,为解决目前TG集团公司连续三年主营业务收入停滞不前、机构臃肿、管理问题层出不穷等问题探讨解决办法。

    Combing the small and medium-sized enterprises , the actual situation of transition of future development is explored , the direction for the current TG Corporation for 3 years the main business income stagnation is found .

  20. 指腹缺损修复6例皮瓣两点辨别觉为8~10mm。在远端旋转点移位的2例,术后拇指远节臃肿,影响美观。

    In 6 cases , the defect of finger pulp was repaired , and the 2 point discrimination was measured 8 10 mm .

  21. 在《安娜愠列尼娜》(AnnaKarenina)中,臃肿、荒淫、操着法语的奥勃朗斯基(Oblonsky)要了一桌包括弗伦斯堡牡蛎、帕尔马干酪和夏布利酒的大餐。

    InAnna Karenina , the corpulent , adulterous , French-speaking Oblonsky orders a meal of Flensburg oysters , Parmesan and Chablis .

  22. 尽管如此,printf()的所有副本所占用的空间数量也会让系统显得非常臃肿。

    Nonetheless , the amount of space tied up by all those duplicate copies of printf () would give the system a very bloated feel .

  23. 用Veriloghdl(硬件描述语言)进行有限状态机电路设计,由于设计方法不同,综合出来的电路结构、速度、面积和时延特性都会有很大的差别,甚至某些臃肿的电路还会产生难以预料的问题。

    When designing the finite state machines with Verilog HDL program , there are great differences in the synthesised circuit structure , speed , area and delay due to the different design methods .

  24. 由国大党(Congress)领导的印度新政府已制定计划,实施一波以市场为导向的经济改革,同时推动改善穷人福利这是一项棘手的平衡,可能会考验这个臃肿而行动迟缓的政府的能力。

    India 's new Congress-led government has laid out plans for a wave of market-oriented economic reforms and a simultaneous push to improve the welfare of the poor a tough balancing act that could strain the capacity of the bloated , sluggish state .

  25. 但UIMA使用的是外部序列化,而不是一个序列化接口(那会让它的对象变得臃肿),这就需要在序列化数据方面做大量的工作。

    But UIMA was using externalization for serializing rather than serializable interface which was making its objects bulky and lots of work was needed to serialize data .

  26. 不过,他拒绝赞同英国金融服务管理局(FSA)主席特纳勋爵(LordTurner)的言论。后者此前表示,英国金融服务业太过臃肿,有必要削减规模。

    However , he declined to endorse comments by Lord Turner , chairman of the UK 's Financial Services Authority , that the financial services sector in Britain was bloated and needed to be cut down to size .

  27. 设计师西蒙・斯珀尔(SimonSpurr)不久前被任命为英国经典品牌Kent&Curwen的创意总监(今年1月份他为该品牌设计的服装系列首次亮相),他的设计并没有将臃肿外套完全排除在外。

    Designer Simon Spurr , who was recently named creative director of British heritage brand Kent & Curwen ( his first collection debuts in January ) , doesn 't entirely rule out the puffer . '

  28. 中国宣布将开始整顿臃肿的航空业。同一天,国际航空运输协会(IATA)将之前对全球航空业全年亏损的预期调高一倍,这只不过是一个巧合。

    It is no more than a coincidence that China should start tinkering with its bloated aviation sector on the day that Iata , the global trade body , doubled its estimate of full-year losses across the industry .

  29. 我的意思是,在其应用中使用多少Apotomo完全取决于程序员本身,当他体验过状态化widget的巨大威力之后,他不会再回到他的臃肿的控制器了。

    I mean , it 's up to the programmer how much Apotomo he wants in his app , and as soon as he experiences the real power of stateful widgets , he will never return to his fat controllers .

  30. 结果临床应用8例,皮瓣面积最小为7cm×5cm,最大22cm×7cm,术后8例皮瓣全部成活,随访3~24个月,皮瓣感觉恢复,质地良好,外形不臃肿。

    Results The size of flap ranged from 7cm × 5 cm ~ 22 cm × 7 cm , Follow-up 3 to 24 months , The flaps all survived and recovered well in sensory and appearance in 8 cases .