
chén fú
  • Surrender;submit oneself to the rule of;acknowledge allegiance to
臣服 [chén fú]
  • [submit oneself to the rule of;acknowledge allegiance to] 屈服称臣,接受统治

  • 今予一二伯父,尚胥暨顾,绥尔先公之臣服于先王。--《书.康王之诰》

臣服[chén fú]
  1. 她的帝国中被迫向她臣服的民族迫切渴望自身的独立。

    The subject peoples of her empire were anxious for their own independence .

  2. 还有多少西方的海岛,歌都已使它们向阿波罗臣服

    Round many western islands have I been Which Bards in fealty to Apollo hold .

  3. 在“后结构主义”中,主体通常被缩减为臣服(subjection)。

    In " post-structuralism ," the subject is usually reduced to subjection .

  4. 尊敬;效忠;臣服:封建法律下一个忠实的封臣对其君主的正式承认词组短语:payhomageto向…表示敬意

    formal something you do to show respect for someone or something you think is important Special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law n.

  5. 美国政府的错误在于想当然地认为雅尔塔协定(YaltaAgreement)也伴随着柏林墙的倒塌而失效,因此昔日臣服于苏联帝国的民族和国家应该可以自由选择。

    Washington 's crime was to assume that the Yalta agreement had fallen along with the Berlin Wall , and that the peoples and nations of the erstwhile Soviet empire should thus be free to make their own choices .

  6. 《创新困境》讲的是PC机和客户端-服务器运算如何取代王安实验室的文字处理系统,造成微型计算机(如DEC之类的行业领导者)覆灭,并让主机和超级计算机臣服。

    ' The Innovator 's Dilemma ' explains how PCs and client-server computing displaced the word processing systems from Wang , caused the demise of minicomputers , including industry leaders like DEC , and brought mainframes and supercomputers to their knees .

  7. 或问:我怎么知道我什么时候才是完全臣服了?

    ASK : How will I know when I have surrendered ?

  8. 自然是沉默的,但它并不会永远臣服。

    Nature is silent , but it is not always sub-missive .

  9. 羽饰(通常为鸵鸟羽质)-甘愿臣服。

    Feathers ( usually ostrich ) - Willing obedience and serenity .

  10. 朝廷想要高丽皇室成员臣服于我们。

    The royal court wants balhae 's royal family to cooperate .

  11. 大海和其所有的生灵都臣服于我!

    The sea and all its spoils bow to my power !

  12. 抵抗与臣服&青年亚文化视角下的新媒体数字短片

    Resistance and Submission : Youth Subculture from a Perspective of Digital Videos

  13. 曾一度臣服的农民起来反对残暴的国王。

    The once servile peasants turned against the cruel king .

  14. 作为斯巴达臣服雨薛西斯意志的象征。

    A token of Sparta 's submission to the will of Xerxes .

  15. 臣服和卑贱,还有爱的果实。

    And fruit of love , Love , I submit to thee .

  16. 向英王的军队臣服。

    rode out topay homage to the armies of the English king .

  17. 星星也都臣服于您吗

    And the stars obey you ? They certainly do .

  18. 我们引导人类臣服于改变。

    We guide humans to surrender to the change .

  19. 但是,如果你尝试去臣服,是什么都不会发生的。

    But if you are trying to surrender nothing is going to happen .

  20. 摆脱诱惑的唯一方式是臣服于诱惑

    The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it

  21. 为爱臣服是放弃自我对分离的最后要求。

    Surrender is the result of relinquishing the egos last claims to separation .

  22. 爱情的第五阶段:为爱臣服和无执

    The Fifth Stage of Love : Surrender and non-attachment

  23. 她现在有一种深深的臣服感、平和感和灵性上的喜悦。

    She has a deep sense of resignation , peace and spiritual joy .

  24. 与接纳事情的本来面目,臣服于当下时刻,活在当下有何关联?

    And acceptance of what is ? And surrender to the Present Moment ?

  25. 它要能脱颖而出,臣服其它的味道。

    That will ring out and dominate the others .

  26. 帝国需要钱,臣服者必须交钱。

    Empires cost money , and subjects must pay .

  27. 全世界的臣服最终会让你感觉更好吗?

    Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better ?

  28. 越来越多的人们忠心臣服于罗马帝国。

    More peoples loyal and subservient to rome .

  29. 喀尔喀蒙古臣服于满洲人的统治。

    The Khalkha was subjected to Manchu domination .

  30. 我愿臣服在你的珠光珊瑚色裙摆下。

    Surrender to shine with this shimmering coral-pink .
