
  • 网络Automated warehouse;automatic warehouse;ASRS
  1. 自动化仓库中AGVS的设计

    Design of AGVS in automatic warehouse

  2. 在上世纪90年代,物流技术的发展主要体现在设备技术上,包括自动化仓库,集装箱运输,大型货运卡车以及随之而来的GPS和GIS技术等。

    In the 1990s last century , the logistics technology have developed so much . it may reflected on the technology of the equipment mainly , include the automatic warehouse , containerized transport , large-scale freight transportation truck and following GPS and GIS technology , etc.

  3. 利用Visualc++实现自动化仓库中的无线控制

    Realization of Wireless Control Using Visual C + + in Automated Warehouse

  4. 随着自动化仓库系统(AutomatedStorage&RetrievalSystem,AS/RS)应用的日益广泛,对它的规划设计也提出了更高的要求。

    With the extensive applications of automated storage and retrieval system ( AS / RS ) day by day , higher requirement for its planning and design is put forward .

  5. 针对AGV与自动化仓库控制中心之间的通讯问题,提出了一种实用的无线通讯方法。

    A practical communication method between AGV and auto-warehouse is presented .

  6. 本文通过对RFID技术优越性的分析,提出了基于RFID技术的准自动化仓库的管理思想。

    The article analyzes the advantage of RFID technology and put forward the idea about management of half-automated warehouse based on RFID technology .

  7. AGV同时也广泛应用于柔性生产系统(FMS)、柔性搬运系统和自动化仓库中。

    AGV has also been used in flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ), handling systems and automatic warehouses .

  8. 基于无线传感网络技术的自动化仓库AGV车载通信节点的设计

    Design of on-board communication node for AGV used in automated warehouse based no wireless sensor network technology

  9. 基于面向对象着色Petri网模型和时态逻辑方法,对自动化仓库输送系统运行过程的调度问题进行研究。

    The scheduling problem of the running process of transporting system in an automated warehouse is studied using the object oriented colored Petri nets model and the temporal logic method .

  10. 探讨了应用于自动化仓库管理系统中的自动导引车系统(AGVS)的设计方案。

    This paper covers design of AGVS ( Automatic Guided Vehicle System ) in automatic warehouse .

  11. 激光导航AGVS在物流领域中的应用是当今AGV技术工业应用领域研究的热点,而自动化仓库是物流领域的核心,基于激光导航的AGVS的设计正是为了解决这些问题而提出的。

    The actual application for the laser navigation AGVS are mentioned , which is a hot research field on modern industry application .

  12. 应用ACIS进行物流系统的建模和仿真,能够很好的模拟实际自动化仓库运行情况,降低和减少实际物流系统运行的缺陷和不足。

    By applying ACIS for modeling and simulation of logistics system , running of automatic warehouse can be simulated well and shortage of real system can be reduced .

  13. 本文介绍了该系统的构成和工作原理,以及PROFIBUS现场总线的功能、性能指标和网络组成,最后肯定了现场总线技术在自动化仓库控制系统中应用的优越性。

    With an introduction to the structure , working principle of the system as well as the function , performance targets and network configuration of PROFIBUS , and the effectiveness of PROFIBUS was affirmed at last .

  14. 介绍了基于Visualc++的串口通信程序以及S7-200PLC的自由口通讯模式,用于在自动化仓库进行控制过程中进行数据传递,实现了系统的实时性和交互性。

    This paper introduces Serial Communication based on Visual C + + and Freeport mode of PLC . Data Exchange between PC and PLC through Serial Communication , bring the system real-time display and interaction .

  15. 设计以现代物流中自动化仓库管理系统为基础,结合自动导引车系统AGVS的一般组成和功能,并且提出了AGVS的开放性设计思想。

    The design is on the base of the constitutions , functions of normal AGV and AGVS and characteristics of WMS . The open thought is introduced in design process of AGVS .

  16. 探讨基于激光导航的自动导引车系统AGVS的设计策略,这种AGVS应用于现代工业物流系统中的自动化仓库管理系统。

    Design scheme of AGVS is proposed , where AGVS is discussed on the base of laser navigation AGV and applied in the automatic WMS in field of modern industry logistics system , where automatic warehouse is the core of logistics systems .

  17. 基于控制元结构的自动化仓库实时监控程序的设计

    Development of control - unit based monitoring program for automated warehouse

  18. 多类型自动化仓库计算机控制和信息管理的集成化研究

    Integration on Computer Controlling and Information Management for Different Automatic Warehouse

  19. 自动化仓库输送过程调度问题研究

    Research on scheduling problem of transporting process in the automatic warehouse

  20. 拣选式自动化仓库堆垛机作业路径简易优化算法

    Simple optimal algorithm of operational route for order picking automated warehouse

  21. 自动化仓库计算机管理系统的设计特点

    Design particularity of computer aided management system of automated highrise warehouse

  22. 自动化仓库堆垛机高速运行控制技术自动化仓库中的堆垛起重机

    High-speed running control technology for storage / retrieval machine at automated warehouses

  23. 自动化仓库计算机控制系统的集成化技术研究

    Study on intergrated technology of computer controlling system for the warehouse automation

  24. 工控网络设计及其在自动化仓库中的实现

    Industry control network protocol design and its implementation in AS / RS

  25. 基于无线局域网的自动化仓库管理系统设计

    Design of AS / RS management system based on WLAN

  26. 基于小生境遗传算法的自动化仓库固定货架拣选优化

    Optimization of fixed shelf order-picking in automated warehouse on niched genetic algorithm

  27. 自动化仓库中通讯和调度功能的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of communication and management in automation warehouse

  28. 提出自动化仓库的实时监控具体方案。

    Submitting a concrete real-time control precept of automated warehouse .

  29. 串口通讯在自动化仓库控制系统中的应用

    Application of Serial Communication in Automatic Storage and Retrieval System

  30. 小型气动自动化仓库中气动系统二自由度的实现

    Implementation of 2-DOF Pneumatic System in Small Pneumatic Automatic Storage