
  • 网络automatic import licensing;Automatic Import Licence
  1. 中华人民共和国自动进口许可证

    Automatic import licence of the people 's Republic of China

  2. 发证机构对收货人交回的《自动进口许可证》予以撤销。

    The license issuing administrations shall cancel the Automatic Import License surrendered by the consignees .

  3. 海关凭加盖自动进口许可证专用章的《自动进口许可证》办理验放手续。

    The customs carries out declaration formalities by Automatic Import License with an affixed special seal for automatic import license .

  4. 海关凭商务部门发证机构签发的《自动进口许可证》办理进口铁矿砂的报关验放手续。

    Customs shall transact declaration and passing-the-customs procedures for imported iron ore on the basis of Automatic Import License issued by License Institutions of Ministry of Commerce .

  5. “一批一证”指:同一份《自动进口许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。

    " A lot a license " means that the same the Automatic Import License must not be used for customs declaration for different lots of goods .

  6. 如造成不良后果,视其影响予以警告直至暂停发放其《自动进口许可证》。

    If it causes a harmful consequence , a warning is given to the applicant or Automatic Import License suspends to be issued according to the influence .

  7. 《自动进口许可证》如有遗失,收货人应当立即向原发证机构以及自动进口许可证证面注明的进口口岸地海关书面报告挂失。

    If Automatic Import License is lost , the consignees should report the loss of it to license issuing administrations and the customs of the import port indicated in the license .