
  • 网络Ticket Machine;kiosk;TVM;Fast Ticket
  1. 在公共环境中使用的地铁自助售票机的用户群体广泛而复杂,认知能力和电脑水平普遍较低,界面不友好或操作步骤繁冗都会影响他们的使用效率和积极性。

    The using efficiency and enthusiasm of the users , who are generally at a low level of cognitive and computer operating ability , could be negatively affected by the unfriendly and complex operating steps of the ticket machine in public places .

  2. 随着信息化时代的来临和自助服务模式的盛行,在地铁服务系统中引入地铁自助售票机,节省人力,方便乘客,提高效率,逐步成为地铁服务的新趋势。

    With the advent of the information age and the prevalence of self-service mode , the self-service ticket machine , which is labor-saving , convenient and efficient in use , was introduced in the subway service system and gradually becomes a new trend in subway service .

  3. 基于组件的自助售票机的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of the Self - help Machine Based on Components

  4. 我们还为500名售票员开设了培训课程,开放更多窗口和安装自助售票机。

    We held a training session for five hundred salespeople , opened more booths and installed self-help vending machines .

  5. 地铁自助售票机其人机界面交互设计的质量直接影响到设备的可用性以及用户使用过程中的满意度。

    The user interaction design of this kind of machine has a direct impact on the usability and user satisfaction .

  6. 如果想得到更快的服务,拥有第二代身份证的旅客可以使用新开放的自助售票机。

    For faster service , passengers who have the latest forms of ID can use newly opened ticket vending machines .

  7. 机场建设费自助售票系统由自助售票机和自助售票数据库系统两部分组成。

    ACF-STS consists of two parts , Airport Construction Fee Self-service Ticketing Machine ( ACF-STM ) and Airport Construction Fee Self-service Ticketing Database System ( ACF-STDS ) .