
zì wǒ fú wù
  • self-service
  1. 自我服务警告&这项功能可以使用现存的ReportBuilder或者BIDS报表来设置警告,当报表的数据发生变化时就会报警(需要SharePoint)。

    Self-Service Alerting : Can use existing Report Builder or BIDS reports to setup alerts when the report data changes ( requires SharePoint )

  2. 试论高校图书馆读者自我服务能力的拓展

    On the Extension of University Library Readers ' Self-Service Ability

  3. 他们会发展成为“为自我服务”的种类。

    They will move into the Service-to-Self category .

  4. 这些人中没有一个可以说是“为自我服务”或者“为他人服务”的,而是尚未决定服务导向的。

    None of these individuals are either Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other , but undecided in orientation .

  5. 当事情顺利时,自我服务归因偏向,我们就会觉得是自己能干。

    When things go well , the self-serving attribution bias , we 'll credit ourselves .

  6. 还体现在一种称为”自我服务偏向“的现象中

    It shows up as well in what 's been called " the self-serving bias . "

  7. 如果你极化为征服者,就表示要一生致力于自我服务。

    If you polarize as a darkworker , you are dedicating your life to serving yourself .

  8. 用户自我服务成为当前图书馆服务模式的新起点。

    The user 's self-service has become the new start of current service mode of the library .

  9. 自我服务功能,支持组织工作效率

    Self-services enable organizational productivity

  10. 自我服务,规范管理,以解决能持久的问题。

    Self-service and management of standardization is to solve the problem of " being able to last long " .

  11. 人们在归因过程中存在着强烈的自我服务倾向。

    Generally speaking , people have a strong tendency of trying to find extrication for themselves in attribution process .

  12. 政府自利性是政府自我服务的倾向,是政府追求自身利益最大化的属性。

    The government selfishness is the trend of the government 's self-service and the maximum nature that the government seeks its own interest .

  13. 自尊水平与心理健康尤其是情感健康密切相关,高水平自尊还具有很强的自我服务效应。

    Levels of self-esteem are closely correlated with mental health , esp. with emotional health . High self-esteem has strong self-serving effect too .

  14. 当有自我服务的意图时,它是因为恐惧的存在,贪婪、鹤壁物流需求和紧紧抓住。

    When there is intention of service to self , it is because fear is present ; and greed , needing , and grasping .

  15. 迅速满足于他们的成功并将失败归于外部因素的决策制定者显示出自我服务的偏见。

    Decision makers who are quick to take credit for their successes and to blame failure on outside factors are exhibiting the self-serving bias .

  16. 分析结果表明,针对空心化问题,村委会应由“积极型自治”转变为“自我服务型自治”;

    To overcome the above predicament , it is suggested that villagers committee should be transformed into " self-service autonomy " from " active autonomy " .

  17. 学生组织的规范建设将有助于提高学生自我服务、自我管理、自我教育的能力。

    The standard construction of the students ' organization can improve the ability of the students ' " self-service ", " self-management " and " self-education " .

  18. 最近几年,我们一直非常关注为用户提供容易使用的自我服务功能,让他们能够快速获得业务问题的答案。

    Over the years , we have increasingly focused on providing users with the ability to find fast answers to business questions through easy , self-service capabilities .

  19. 介绍了图书馆用户教育的核心内容,论述了提高用户自我服务能力的措施。

    This paper introduces the core contents of the education for users of the library , and expounds the measures for improving the ability of user 's self-service .

  20. 农民专业合作社指独立的农业生产经营者自愿联合起来,维护和发展成员利益,自主经营、自我服务、自负盈亏的合作经济组织。

    Farmers ' cooperatives are the self-operation , self-service , self-financing cooperative economic organizations that the independent agricultural production operators associate voluntarily to maintain and develope the interests of members .

  21. 以类似方式,那些提升到3000股者将开始融入基于统一的思想形态,开始以平等与服务而不是自我服务的方式关联到整体之中。

    In parallel manner , those ascending to3000 will begin to embrace unity based thought-form , and begin relate in terms of equality and service to the whole rather than self-service .

  22. 结果表明,高外显自尊的个体都表现出较强的自我服务偏向,但当其内隐自尊偏低时这种倾向更为明显;

    The result shows that all individuals with high explicit SE present relatively strong self-serving bias which , when one 's implicit SE is low , turns to be more distinct ;

  23. 农民合作经济组织作为具有一定社会功能的特殊经济组织,在自我服务之外,还承担了政府和社区管理的部分职能。

    As a special economic organization which has a certain social function , Farmers ' Cooperative Economic Organization , not only self-services , but also assumed some of the functions of government and community management .

  24. 帮助孩子拥有良好自我服务的意识、掌握所需的实践技能、树立正确的理财观念、习得有效的学习习惯、养成良好的卫生习惯,是学生获得良好人生发展的重要前提。

    It will help children look after themselves , grasp practical techniques , develop appropriate financial awareness and maintain effective study and personal health regimes , all of which are essential pre-conditions for life development .

  25. 现代企业自营物流已不是传统企业的物流作业功能的自我服务,它是基于供应链物流管理以制造企业为核心的经营管理新概念。

    Modern corporation own-running logistics are not only a self-service of traditional logistic function , but also a new management concept based on the supply chain logistics management regarding manufacturing enterprises as the core from view-point .

  26. 从经济学的角度来分析,高校后勤社会化就是将高校后勤服务纳入社会主义市场经济体系,通过深化改革逐步实现服务主体社会化,变自我服务为社会服务;

    In economics , the higher school logistics socialization is to put the higher school rear service into the socialist market economy system , socialize the service body , Changing self-service into social service through further reform ;

  27. 文章用辩证的观点分析了图书馆传统服务与桌面终端服务、普通服务与个性化服务、主动提供服务与读者自我服务之间的关系,分别探讨了妥善处理这3种关系的正确策略。

    With a dialectical view , this paper analyses the relations of some library service models such as library traditional services and desktop terminal services , common services and personalized services , initiative service and reader self-services . And the paper discusses the proper strategies of handling these relations .

  28. 在这种服务形式下,顾客通过应用技术进行自我服务,在此过程中顾客处于一种完全参与的状态,即在没有任何服务人员的配合下进行服务的生产和传递。

    In this form of service , customer self-service through the application of technology , and in this process , the customer is in a " full participation " station , which is in the absence of any service personnel for service in cooperation with the production and delivery .

  29. 它与服务经济时代企业提供系统而完备的服务相比也彻底转变了服务模式,即从企业制定服务规程并提供服务的阶段,转变到了顾客自我决定服务规程并选择服务要项的阶段。

    It also has changed the service pattern comparing with enterprise offer the service of complete system . It has changed from the stage that enterprise constitutes service rules and offer service to the stage that customer decides service rules and selects service demand .

  30. 软件人才将知识转化为技术、产品的过程,就是进行能力开发,实现自我、服务于企业利润最大化目标、促进社会进步的过程,软件人才能力是企业的核心竞争力之一。

    The process whereby software professional converts their knowledge into technologies and product is one that enables the development of their abilities , the realization of their personal values , the serving of the profit maximization goal of their companies and the promotion of progresses of the society .