
zì rán dì lǐ xué
  • physical geography;natural geography;physiography
自然地理学 [zì rán dì lǐ xué]
  • [physical geography] 地理学的一个分支,它研究地球的陆地、海洋和大气的外部自然特征与变化

  1. “现代自然地理学”精品课程建设的理论与实践

    Theory and practice concerning the course construction of " modern natural geography "

  2. 从自然地理学辨《山海经》的地域范围

    To discern the scope of records of the mountains and rivers in terms of natural geography

  3. 3S技术及其集成与现代自然地理学发展

    3S and intergration in development of modern physical geography

  4. LUCC信息学方法体系是集区域自然地理学理论方法与GIS技术于一体的新兴学科领域。

    LUCC informatics system , LUCCIS , is a newly developed research field on the basis of integrating the classical methodology of physical geography and the new progresses in GIS technologies .

  5. 从自然地理学、土壤水分平衡谈到J.C威尔科克斯的四篇论文

    Physical geography and soil moisture balance , with special reference to four recent papers by J. C. Wilcox

  6. 现代自然地理学实验课改革

    Research on the reform in experimental teaching of modern physical geography

  7. 中国自然地理学的发展趋势与优先领域

    Future Development Trends and Priority Areas of Physical Geography in China

  8. 城市自然地理学的理论探讨与实例研究

    A Study about Theory and Practice of the Urban Physical Geography

  9. 提高综合自然地理学教学质量的尝试与探讨

    A preliminary study on improving teaching quality of integrated physical geography

  10. 松茸半人工栽培的自然地理学基础

    Physical geography basic for the semi-manual cultivation of Tricholoma matsutake

  11. 地理思想内容全面、准确、透彻,体现了基本的自然地理学思想。

    The geographical thought is comprehensive , accurate , thorough .

  12. 中国综合自然地理学的近今进展与前瞻

    Recent Progress and Prospect of Integrated Physical Geography in China

  13. 高师院校自然地理学课程探究式教学的特点与实施

    Characteristics and Implementation of Physical Geography Inquiry in Teacher College

  14. 唯物辩证法在自然地理学研究中的重要意义

    On the important significance of materialist dialectics in the research of physical geography

  15. 近10年来自然地理学的新进展

    Progress of Chinese Physical Geography in recent ten years

  16. 测绘专业《自然地理学》教改体系的构建

    Construction of Teaching Reform System for Physical Geography in Surveying and Mapping Profession

  17. 浅论自然地理学的发展与环境地貌学的建立

    Development of Physical Geography and Establishment of Environmental Physiognomy

  18. 综合自然地理学在山区国土整治中的应用

    Application of integrated physical geography to montane terrain management

  19. 关于《综合自然地理学》教学改革与教材建设之我见

    Comprehensive Physical Geography : An Opinion on Its Teaching Reform and Teaching Material

  20. 古代游记的历史自然地理学价值

    The Historical and Natural Geographical Values of Ancient Travelogues

  21. 自然地理学教学改革探讨

    To Discuss the Teaching Reform of the Physical Geography

  22. 该书是第一部系统探讨我国古代自然地理学各分支学科发展历史的著作,在体系上和若干领域上有所创新。

    In system and in some aspects , the book brings forth new idea .

  23. 作为一门综合学科的自然地理学具有环境科学的面貌。

    As a comprehensive discipline , physical geography has the face of environmental science .

  24. 自然地理学、地球表层学和综合地理学

    Physical geography , epigeosphere science and integrated geography

  25. 历史动物地理研究是历史自然地理学的一项重要内容。

    Historical animals ' geography is one of the most important parts of environmental system .

  26. 它可能给生态学、生物学、林学甚至自然地理学带来概念上的混乱。

    It could bring confusions to the conception of biology , ecology , forestry geography etc.

  27. 高师自然地理学教学现状调查与对策

    Investigation of current teaching situation and countermeasures of physical geography in normal colleges and universities

  28. 从自然地理学到景观生态学

    From geography go to landscape ecology

  29. 新泽西可以被认为是五个区域的基础上,自然地理学和人口。

    New Jersey can be thought of as five regions , based on natural geography and population .

  30. 自然地理学与农业

    Physical geography and agriculture