
zì yóu yǒnɡ jiē lì
  • Freestyle relay;free relay;sprint free style relay
  1. 二人都是美国获得4x200米自由泳接力比赛金牌团队的成员。

    The two were part of the US team that won gold in the 4 x 200 metres freestyle relay .

  2. 在自由泳接力中,四个游泳运动员每人游总距离的四分之一。

    In the freestyle relays , four swimmers each swim one fourth of the total distance .

  3. 美国4名4X100米自由泳接力选手缔造了3分8点24秒的世界纪录。

    The American quartet clocked a world record time of3: 08.42 to win the men's4 x100 meter freestyle race .

  4. 在男子4x200米自由泳接力赛中,美国选手罗切特和队友迈克尔•菲尔普斯、汤利•哈斯和康纳•德怀尔齐心协力,成功夺金。

    Lochte wins gold in the men 's 4x200 freestyle relay alongside Michael Phelps , Townley Hass and Connor Dwyer .

  5. 星期一,菲尔普斯依靠其他3名队友的努力赢得第2块金牌。美国4名4X100米自由泳接力选手缔造了3分8点24秒的世界纪录。

    The American quartet clocked a world record time of 3: 08.42 to win the men 's 4 x 100 meter freestyle race .

  6. 星期三,23岁的菲尔普斯将在200米蝶泳和800米自由泳接力的决赛中为再夺2金而拼搏。

    Michael Phelps , 23 , goes for two more gold medals , Wednesday , when he swims in the finals of the200-meter butterfly and800-meter freestyle relay .

  7. 当然,他的饮食结构没有拖他创造世界纪录的后腿。他在4x100米自由泳接力赛和200米仰泳赛中都打破世界纪录。

    His diet certainly did not slow him down on the way to a pair of world records ( in the4x100 meter freestyle relay and200-meter backstroke ) .

  8. 这块金牌是来自400米自由泳接力,队友杰逊。莱扎克最后一棒表现出色。

    It came in the400-meter freestyle relay and he got the gold because of the performance of teammate Jason Lezak , who swam the anchor leg of the race .

  9. 但他还是在2011年重返训练场,参加了2012年伦敦奥运会,并在今年的里约奥运会上夺得4x100米自由泳接力冠军。

    But he started to train again in 2011 , making the London Olympics in 2012 , and already had a gold medal from the 4x100m freestyle event at Rio .

  10. 在男子4x200米自由泳接力赛中,他夺到了个人的第19枚奖牌,一举超越前苏联体操名宿拉蒂尼娜保持48年的奥运会奖牌纪录,为其在人类历史中赢得了一席之地。

    The swimmer secured his 19th medal with victory in the men 's 4x200mn relay , smashing the 48-year record of Russian gymnast Larissa Latyina and earning himself a place in history .

  11. 本次亚运会上,宁泽涛连夺男子50米自由泳、100米自由泳、男子4×100米自由泳接力和男子4×100米混合泳接力四枚金牌。

    Ning won four gold medals : 50-meter freestyle , 100-meter freestyle , 4x100m freestyle relay , and 4x100m medley relay .