
zì fèi shēnɡ
  • self-financed student;commoner;paying pupil
  1. 1993年,咱们开始培训国际商务自费生。

    In1993 , we started to train self-paying students for international business .

  2. 学生(自费生和奖学金生)须自行支付上述办证及体检的费用。

    Both self-supported students and scholarship holders should pay for any fees incurred .

  3. 1993年,我们开始培训国际商务自费生。

    In 1993 , we started to train self - paying students for international business .

  4. 目前,绝大多数中国留学生都是自费生。

    Today , the majority of Chinese students studying overseas are doing so at their own expense .

  5. 你知道我们学院今年招收了不少自费生吗?

    Do you know our college has recruited quite a number of self ' - financed students this year ?

  6. 另外有许多自费生为了上名牌大学或者学一个紧俏专业而放弃了作为普通学生被录取的机会。

    And there are many self-financed students who give up their opportunity to enroll as regular students in order to study at a prestigious institution or take a popular major .

  7. 去年秋季,教育部所属的一些大学首次招收自费生,此举为教育改革提供了新鲜经验

    Last Autumn , some universities under the direct leadership of the ministry of education enrolled self-funded students for the first time ever , serving as a fresh experience in the field of educational reform

  8. 近几年来,由于办学体制和招生制度的改革,高中生的构成层次较为复杂,有的学校正式生、择校生、自费生、借读生混合编班,人为地增加了教学难度。

    In recent years , because of the reform of the system of enrollment in the high school , students are of complex levels , including formally-admitted , school-selecting and money-paying students , thus increasing the difficulty of teaching .

  9. 我国高等教育收费行为始于1980年高等教育经费由中央和地方分级核拨后,在需求诱致下各高校兴起的招收自费生、收取委培费的实践。

    The high education charges behavior of our country starts after higher education funds were examined and allocate in grades by the central authorities and locality in 1980.Under the demand lead , every colleges and universities has begun to recruit self-funded students and collect the expenses that trust to train .

  10. 自费留学生医疗费、药品费和住院费全部自理。

    Self-funded students are responsible for any expenses on medical treatment , medicine and hospitalization .

  11. 自费攻读硕士研究生的成本收益分析&基于北京地区部分高校的实证研究

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of Commoner for a Master Degree & An Empirical Study Based on Some Universities in Beijing

  12. 他们中有些在攻读博士学位期间可以获得一定的补助,而有些则完全是自费。有些博士生专门搞研究,而有些则需完成一些课程和考试,还有些需他们给本科生上上课。

    Some will receive a stipend ; others will pay their own way . Some PhDs involve only research , some require classes and examinations and some require the student to teach undergraduates .