- 网络Homebrewing

Mr. Dugar won last year 's inaugural Hong Kong Homebrew Competition with his Hong Kong Black Ale , a roasty but light-bodied brew with hints of coffee and chocolate .
They like to brew up their own beer at home .
Analysis of the prospect of mini-beer of self brewing in the markets of China
' Home-brewing is the backbone of the brewing scene in any city , ' he said .
So rebel beer drinkers , disgruntled by the " hot " issue of industrialised beer , used the " cool " structures of artisanal microbrews and brewpubs to spread their message .
During the World Cup period , you can enjoy free flow of home brewed beer with snack buffet at RMB88 + 15 % per person in Atrium and Wine & Cigar Lounge .
Homebrewing a process that " can be as simple as making soup from a can or as technically involved as small-scale commercial craft brewing " is covered in detail , as well it should .
His plan for Young Master was hatched not long after , when the sudden popularity of imported craft beer made Mr. Dugar decide there is a market in Hong Kong for local brews . '
For centuries , Africa 's slum dwellers have scored cheap buzzes by fermenting local crops like banana , pineapple and palm into home brews , some of which is so toxic it sends drinkers to the hospital .
' I got more serious about home-brewing after I came to Hong Kong because , until a few years ago , if you wanted good beer , you had to make it yourself , ' he said .