
  • road trip;self-driving tour;self-driving travel
  1. 通过对小汽车拥有者进行自驾车旅游的相关调查,得到目前自驾车旅游的一般出行距离、自驾游频率、同游人数等信息。

    Get the information about self-driving tour distance , frequency and traveler number through the questionnaire for persons which own car ( cars ) .

  2. 我国旅行社的自驾游产品开发

    Exploitation of Self-Driving Travel Products for Travel Agencies in China

  3. 对于大多数家庭来说,长途自驾游是不可能的。

    For most families , a long car journey is impossible .

  4. 我们可以和我哥哥一起自驾游。

    We can with my elder brother together from drive to swim .

  5. 我们好久没有一起自驾游了。

    We haven 't been on a road trip in a while .

  6. 他带着她自驾游去新英格兰

    he took her on a driving tour of New England

  7. 如果你是自驾游,那就多停几站多走走。

    Taking a road trip ? Make plenty of stops to move around .

  8. 这可不是什么自驾游不会停下吃快餐的

    This is not a road trip . We 're not stopping for snacks .

  9. 快来看。爷爷开房车自驾游又给我们寄了一张明信片。

    Hey , check it out.Grandpa sent us another postcard from his RV trip .

  10. 会是次自驾游。

    It was a pretty spontaneous trip .

  11. 虾米?这趟自驾游要疯狂啦。

    This road trip just got crazy .

  12. 你的自驾游怎么样?

    How was your road trip ?

  13. 我们带着一个年轻人自驾游走遍了美国。

    We organized ourselves to take a young man on a road trip across the United States .

  14. 以及自驾游所拥有的有关于出行自由、人数不限和出行时间短等特点。

    And Zijia You owned travel freely on the number and travel time limited to short and so on .

  15. 当时,我带着一群朋友在四川和云南自驾游。

    I was there because I was leading a group of friends on a self-driving holiday through Sichuan and Yunnan .

  16. 这就是我们的整个自驾游路线,我相信你们看了会跟我一样的期待吧。

    This is our road trip 's course . I believe that you will be excited and curious like me .

  17. 去年,自驾游旅行者旅游次数达23.4亿次,预计到2020年底,这一数字将会增加一倍。

    Road trippers made 2.34 billion trips in 2015 and the number is expected to double by the end of 2020 .

  18. 自驾游与自助游市场已经成为一个新兴的市场,目前我国学者对其研究尚比较少。

    Self-service and self-driving travel market has become an emerging market , but the research on this field has remained relatively small .

  19. 随着私家车的迅速增多,自驾游在我国蓬勃兴起,同时也出现一些问题,需要我们认真思考,找出对策。

    The swift development of private car meets with the requirements of peoples traffic demand , but also arouses the negative externality .

  20. 而每逢节假日,选择自驾游的人们也在逐日增加。

    And every time round stanza day off , choose from drive to visit of people be day by day also increasing .

  21. 纳米比亚旅游局也将在2014年引进三条自驾游路线,引领旅行者深入更多人迹罕至的好地方。—

    And Namibia 's Tourism Board is introducing three self-drive routes in 2014 to point visitors toward less-visited parts of the country . -

  22. 这位22岁的大三学生最近刚刚租车与舍友来了一次成功的长城自驾游。

    The 22-year-old junior at UIBE recently rented a car to have an outing with roommates to the Great Wall , which proved a success .

  23. 总是想去自驾游?如果你不制定一个真正的日子,一个真正的截止日期,这旅行就永远走不成。

    Always wanted to take a road trip ? Well , if you never set a real date , a real deadline , nothings going to happen .

  24. 昨日,武汉各旅行社及自驾游俱乐部获此消息,表示准备在本月末组团或组织自驾者前往。

    Yesterday , Wuhan and travel agencies have been driving this club , said that in the end of this group or organization who went to Drive .

  25. 同为60岁的这两名男子,正在西部新疆地区进行为期一个月的自驾游,以捕捉这样的场景。

    The men , both age 60 , were driving on a one-month road trip through the western region of Xinjiang to capture scenes like this one .

  26. 尽管像鹰般飞翔是体验美景的最佳方式,但是我更喜欢自驾游。

    Although soaring like a hawk is a great way to feel the enormity of the landscape , driving is still my favorite way to experience it .

  27. 随着国内自驾游的迅速发展,自驾游相关产业、目的地开发和游客管理实践都亟待理论与经验指引。

    With the rapid development of domestic self-driving travel , its relevant industries , destination development and tourists'management are urgently needed for the guidance of experiences and theories .

  28. 比如和一些老一点的门店相比,青岛门店会销售价格较高的电子商品,像是为首次出国旅行或是在国内进行自驾游的顾客准备的照相机和高清视频设备。

    The Qingdao store has higher-priced electronics than older outlets & for example , cameras and high-definition video equipment for a first voyage overseas or a road trip across China .

  29. 自驾游做为一种新兴的专项旅游在我国正迅速的发展,但与自驾游发展的良好势头极不相称的是旅行社自驾游产品发展的滞后。

    As a new-coming kind of special tour , Self-driving develops very fast in China . But the lag products of Travel Agency can not match the advancing Self-driving development .

  30. 你可能在某些旅行社提供的越野自驾游行程中看到这一区域的某些地方,但这里危险的高温和地形会让你的旅行变成一次冒险。

    Some parts of the region can be seen as part of a 4 × 4 tour , though dangerously high temperatures and hazardous terrain can even make this a challenge .