- 名diastole

K is defined as the ratio of cardiac period ( T ) to total duration of diastole ( Td ) .
Vena pulmonary venous peak flow velocities and velocity time integrals of systolic ( S ), diastole ( D ), atrial contraction ( Ar );
Results Tissue velocity imaging of normal subjects contained regular negative waves e and a.
Age has obvious influence on SR during diastolic phase .
CK measurements were compared among 4 wall motion grades .
Conclusions long PR interval is an important condition to form diastolic mitral regurgitation ;
A / E ratio in mitral were obviously decreased and blood flow velocity of aortic valve were significantly increases in neonate .
The ischemic myocardial viability was assessed . It showed that the velocity of the asynergic segment was significantly lower than normal subject ( P < 0 05 ) .
Results There were significant differences in systolic pressure , diastolic pressure and E spike integral of diastole between fear and amusement emotions .
Mitral inflow velocity E , A and E / A ratio were detected .
The maximum blood flow velocity , the minimum blood flow velocity , and the resistance index , were not significantly different in the two groups ( p > 0.05 ) .
The results showed that the diastolic parameters of mitral flow Ep , Ei .
In a certain rang , the longer the PR interval , the longer the duration of the diastolic mitral regurgitation ;
The diastolic blood flow of grafted IMA markedly increased postoperatively .
Lots of study revealed that spontaneous depolarization of sinoatrial cell included many kinds of transmembrane ionic currents . the Funny Curret ( If ) was the most important one .
This method is based upon measuring the isometric diastolic period of the right ventricle , i. e , the interval between the closure of the pulmonary valve and the opening of the tricuspid valve ( P2-T interval ) .
Diastolic blood pressure in the morning was higher than in the evening in OSAHS .
That is contained MB tortuous coronary Traveling into the corner when the diastolic MCA stenosis is higher than normal Traveling serious .
The objectives of this study are as follows : ( 1 ) to investigate longitudinal SR characteristics of left ventricular wall in isovolumic relaxation period in normal persons .
In the meantime , we found that the color change of the regional endocardium of infarct wall was different from normal ones and color displacement lessened remarkably .
The ratio of AV plane displacement elicited by left atrial contributions and that in total diastolic stage were ; Group ⅱ and ⅲ > Group ⅰ ( P < 0 . 001 ) .
The Color Doppler Ultrasonic Umbilical Artery Analysis is a method to detect the circulation of placent . It is no injury , and can reflect the resistance of placent by examining S / D ( systolic to diastolic ratio ) of umbilical artery .
Peak s velocity was significantly related to LVEF , and e / a ratio was significantly related to ( E / A. )
Objective : To explore the risk of isolated diastolic hypertension ( IDH ) to the cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) .
The rates of isovolumic relaxation phase PSS in basal and mid segments in normal persons were 27 % and 21 % , none of them was pathological .
Objective : To analyze quantitatively regional left ventricular diastolic function Before and After PTCA by tissue velocity imaging ( TVI ) .
The filling volume of early and late and total diastole were measured by Acoustic Quan - tification ( AQi ) .
The basic diameter 、 peak systolic velocity 、 diastolic velocity of brachial artery were no significant change after coronary stent implantation . The difference was not statistically significant ( p 0.05 ) . Conclusion : 1 .
Myocardial velocity and strain in systolic and diastolic period , myocardial strain in systolic and early diastolic period in LADA group were significantly lower in comparison with control group ( P 0.01 ) .
The uterine artery in uterine fibroid group appears to be diastolic high-frequent , low-resistance type , which means PSV and PI are increasing while RI is decreasing . 2 .