
  • 网络SAINTY
  1. 从舜天等造船企业的情况可以看出这些问题的严重程度。

    Shipbuilders like Sainty Marine illustrate the litany of problems .

  2. 舜天有四艘完工船只,都被曼谷的珍宝航运公司拒收。

    Sainty Marine has four finished vessels that were rejected by Precious Shipping of Bangkok .

  3. 香港——舜天船舶股份有限公司一开始是家小公司,在1980年代曾经买卖过一些船只。

    HONG KONG - Sainty Marine Corporation started small , buying and selling a few ships in the 1980s .

  4. 江苏舜天股份有限公司成立于1979年,主要从事服装、纺织品及其它产品的进出口业务。

    Founded in1979 , Jiangsu Sainty Corp. , Ltd. , engages mainly in the export and import of garments , textiles and other products .

  5. 舜天公司刚刚发现自己成了法庭上的被告,中国最大的一家银行要求法院判处这家公司破产,以便赔偿它所欠下的逾期贷款。

    Sainty Marine just found itself in court , as one of China 's biggest banks asked to dismantle the company to recoup overdue loans .

  6. 不过,银行往往继续让贷款展期并提供更多贷款,尤其是对舜天这样的国有企业。该公司控股股东是江苏省政府。

    But banks usually keep rolling over debts and lending more , particularly for state-owned companies like Sainty Marine , where the controlling shareholder is Jiangsu province .

  7. 现在,中国的经济问题引起了货币汇率、大宗商品和股市的波动,而像舜天这样负债累累的公司,则处在问题的核心。

    Now , heavily indebted companies like Sainty Marine are at the center of the economic troubles in China that have unsettled currency , commodity and stock markets of late .

  8. 周二,中国最大的商业银行之一中国银行将舜天公司告上法庭,地点是该造船公司创始地江苏省。

    The Bank of China , one of the country 's biggest commercial banks , pushed Sainty Marine into court on Tuesday in the shipyard 's hometown Nanjing , in Jiangsu Province .

  9. 舜天公司一位马姓高级职员表示,法院本周举行了几场听证会,但她同时表示,据她所知法院尚未做出任何裁决。

    A Sainty Marine official who gave only her family name , Ma , said that the court had held hearings this week , but added that she was not aware of any decisions .