
  • 网络Heading System
  1. 基于MEMS器件的姿态航向系统实现

    Implementation of Attitude Heading System based on MEMS Units

  2. 深入分析了磁罗盘动态磁干扰的原理,引入了差分磁罗盘(DifferentialMagneticCompasses,DMC)的物理概念,设计了基于DMC的磁航向系统。

    The theory of dynamic magnetic interference to magnetic compass is analyzed deeply . The physical concept of the differential magnetic compasses ( DMC ) is proposed . And the magnetic heading system based on DMC is designed .

  3. 针对精航向系统检测问题,采用虚拟仪器技术,以PC104微机为检测平台,设计了满足系统测试需求的硬件电路。

    In order to test the exact heading system , adopting the virtual instrument technique , the hardware circuit based on the PC 104 micro computer is designed , and it can satisfy the test requirements .

  4. HPR-1型固态航姿系统是本课题为某对象机研制的模块化智能磁航向系统。

    HPR-1 solid magnetic heading measuring system is just researched and developed out in such background . It is a modularized intelligent magnetic heading system for an object plane .

  5. 基于虚拟仪器技术的精航向系统自动检测设备设计

    Design of ATE for Exact Heading System Based on VI Technique

  6. 差分磁罗盘与速率陀螺组合航向系统设计

    Heading measure system of differential digital magnetic compass and gyro

  7. 微小型飞行器航向系统设计

    Design of the Heading System of Micro Air Vehicle

  8. 具有自动误差补偿功能的智能磁航向系统

    Intelligent magnetic heading system with automatic error compensation function

  9. 捷联数字式航向系统校准方法

    Calibration Method for Jie Lian Digital Aviation Direction System

  10. 模块化智能磁航向系统的研究

    Research on the Modularized Intelligent Magnetic Heading System

  11. 一种数字磁航向系统的设计及罗差校正新方法

    A Design of Digital Magnetic Heading System and a New Method of Compass Compensation

  12. 设计并研制了一种高精度的数字磁航向系统。

    This paper presents the design principle of a kind of high accuracy digital magnetic heading measure system .

  13. 探讨一种能用于捷联数字式航向系统的实用校准方法及其校准数据的处理方法。

    The practical calibration Method for Jie Lian digital aviation direction system , the processing method of calibration data and calculating method for characteristics are introduced .

  14. 根据组合导航的特点,设计了低成本磁航向系统神经网络补偿方法。

    According to the characters of integrated navigation , a neural network is designed to compensate the error of a low-cost magnetic heading system ( MHS ) .

  15. 从实用的角度出发,给出了微小型飞行器的航向系统(包括航向测量和航向控制)体系结构。

    A new heading system ( including heading measurement and heading control ) framework is presented for Micro Air Vehicles ( MAVs ) from the viewpoint of practical applications .

  16. 针对高海情下船舶航向系统非线性特性,设计了神经网络控制器,该过程主要包括确定神经网络控制器结构、设定初值,设计神经网络训练算法等。

    According to the nonlinear characteristics of high-level-wave environment , the neural network controller is designed . The process includes determining neural network controller structure , and setting the initial value , designing neural network training algorithms .

  17. 鉴于航向系统在航海领域地广泛应用,本文设计了一种基于磁阻传感器的船用数字磁航向系统,实现了载体航向角的测量和显示等功能。

    Given the prevalent application of heading direction on navigation , this paper designs a marine digital magnetic heading system based on magneto-resistance sensor , which mainly realizes the function of measurement and display of heading angle .

  18. 模拟退火优化BP神经网络在航向控制系统中的应用

    Application of simulated annealing BP neural network in navigation control system

  19. 直升机航向姿态系统BIT降虚警技术研究

    Research on False Alarm Reducing Technology in the BIT of Helicopter Heading Attitude System

  20. 双基线载波相位差GPS干涉仪的姿态航向基准系统

    Attitude and Heading Reference System with Dual-baseline Carrier Phase Differences GPS Interferometers

  21. 一种可扩展的短基线GPS航向测量系统

    A Short-line Extended Heading Determination System based on GPS

  22. 基于一种非线性PID控制器的船舶航向控制系统研究

    Ship heading control system based on nonlinear PID control unit

  23. 基于MEMS器件的姿态航向参考系统设计及应用

    Design and implementation of AHRS based-on MEMS units

  24. 设计了GPS时间同步系统,利用该系统分析研究了串口与网线通信的实时性与可靠性,并在某真航向测量系统中得到了应用。

    Time synchronization system is designed to make some research on real-time and reliability capability of data sampling as well .

  25. 但常规PID控制不能在线整定参数,对于非线性、时变的船舶航向控制系统不能很好地控制,达不到预期的控制效果。

    But traditional PID control can not reach the prospective goal , because PID can not adjust parameter online .

  26. 我们以船舶航向控制系统为基础,采用线性海浪模型设计了一个H∞海浪滤波器,并分三种情况对该滤波器进行了详细的仿真。

    Based on the ship course control system , H wave filter using the linear wave model is designed and simulated through three aspects .

  27. 本文研究了一种基于FPGA的磁航向测量系统,用FPGA解算磁航向,具有解算速度快、抗干扰能力强的特点。本文研究内容是航向解算专用集成电路的前期工作。

    This paper studies a kind of MHMS which uses FPGA to compute the heading of UAV . It has higher computing speed and good anti-jamming property .

  28. 首先给出了具有不确定性的船舶航向控制系统模型,对于标称模型给出了传统PID控制器的设计结果;

    The ship course control system model with uncertainties is first given in this paper . The design result of a traditional PID controller is given based on the nominal model .

  29. 研究了基于硅MEMS陀螺、加速度计及磁阻式磁强计组合的微小型飞行器用姿态航向参考系统。

    An integrated micro attitude heading reference system ( MAHRS ) was researched for micro aerial vehicles ( MAV ) based on the MEMS gyroscopes , accelerometers , and magnetic-sensors .

  30. 将线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法应用于静不稳定飞艇的鲁棒航向控制系统设计中,该飞艇模型具有参数不确定性。

    The linear matrix inequality ( LMI ) technique is applied to design the robust directional control system for an unstable airship with respect to parameter uncertainties .