
  • 【水】waterway regulation works
  1. GPS高程拟合在航道整治工程中的应用

    Application of GPS Height Fitting in Waterway Regulating Works for Lianyungang Port

  2. 最后将标准k一:紊流数学模型应用于实际航道整治工程应用中,引入相应的边界条件,数值模拟了整治河段水流的三维流动过程。

    The standard k-e model is adopted to simulate the flow of practical channel regulation projects .

  3. 韩江上游(梅江、汀江)航道整治工程试验研究

    Study on the engineering of channel regulation in upstream Hanjiang River

  4. 连云港港疏港航道整治工程测量控制工作探讨

    Discussion on Control Survey for Waterway Regulation Works for Lianyungang Port

  5. 水下裸露爆破在航道整治工程中的应用

    On the Application of Underwater Exposed Blasting in Waterway Regulation Engineering

  6. 航道整治工程冬季冰上施工方法及技术设想

    Technology and construction method of river harness works on ice in winter

  7. 南淝河航道整治工程简介

    Brief Introduction of Channel Regulation Project of South Feihe River

  8. 黄骅港外航道整治工程及航道骤淤防治技术

    The Harnessing of Outer Channel of Huanghua Port and Sediment Control Techniques

  9. 航道整治工程泥沙数学模型的构造及计算方法

    Structure and Calculating Method of Sediment Mathematical Model for Waterway Regulation Engineering

  10. 东江下游航道整治工程数学模型研究方法

    Research on Waterway Regulation Engineering of Downstream Dongjiang River by Mathematical Model

  11. 西江下游航道整治工程水下炸礁中的测量工作

    Surveying Work in Underwater Reef Blasting for Xijiang River Downstream Waterway Regulation Engineering

  12. 厦门港深水航道整治工程潮流模型试验和泥沙回淤分析

    Tidal current experiment and siltation analysis on deep waterway engineering of Xiamen Harbor

  13. 航道整治工程中土工织物充填袋和充填料的参数选择

    Parameters Selection of Geotextile Sand Pack and Packing Filler in Waterway Regulation Works

  14. 内河航道整治工程环境影响评价技术特点分析

    Analysis of Technical Features of Environmental Impact Appraisal for Inland River Channel Improvement Project

  15. 内河航道整治工程科技进步的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect for the Advance of Science and Technology of Waterway Regulation Works

  16. 虎门太平水道航道整治工程潮流数模计算

    Numerical Simulation Calculation to Tidal Currents of Channel Regulation Project in Humen Taiping Waterway

  17. 土工合成材料在汉江航道整治工程试验坝中的应用

    Application of Synthetic Soil Materials for the Testing Dams in Hanjiang Waterway Regulation Works

  18. 黄骅港外航道整治工程有关问题的探讨

    On Outer Channel Regulation Project of Huanghua Port

  19. 武桥水道航道整治工程流场数值模拟试验研究

    The Research on Numerical Simulation of Flow Field for Regulation Engineering in Wuqiao Waterway

  20. 北江航道整治工程及效果分析

    Beijiang Channel Regulation Project and Effect Analysis

  21. 汉江河口段航道整治工程效果与影响的计算分析

    Analysis and calculations on effect of the navigation training project on Hanjiang River estuarine reach

  22. 哈尔滨松花江公路大桥河段航道整治工程及其效果

    Channel Regulation for the River Reach Where a Highway Bridge Crossed the River at Harbin City

  23. 航道整治工程中,要把握每条水道的特性采用不同的整治方法。

    We shall adopt different regulation methods for waterways of different characteristics in waterway regulation engineering .

  24. 长江口拦门沙深水入海航道整治工程的研究

    Research on the regulating project for the deep seaward waterway in the mouth bar area of Yangtze Estuary

  25. 航道整治工程中柴排与无纺布护底施工工艺

    Construction technology of firewood raft and adhesive bonded fabric protection bottom in the course of river harness works

  26. 松花江佳木斯至同江河段航道整治工程设计经验总结

    Experience Sum-up of design of Regulation Project in the Jia Musi to Tong Jiang waterway of Song Hua River

  27. 试验结果表明,航道整治工程能满足航运、取水以及防洪等要求。

    Test results show that the regulation works can meet the demands of navigation , water intake and flood control .

  28. 赣江航道整治工程泥沙数学模型船闸引航道内水面波动的二维数学模型研究

    2-D sediment mathematical model for Ganjiang River waterway project 2 - D Numerical Model of Wave Mation in Lock Approach Channel

  29. 回顾了镇江港历次航道整治工程的实施情况;比较了镇江港各种改造方案的优缺点;

    It reviewed all previous implementation of the port waterway dredging projects while comparing the merits and demerits of various port transformation schemes .

  30. 对赣江(樟树~南昌)航道整治工程初步设计与防洪水利关系的认识

    Understandings to the Relationship Between Preliminary Design of the Regulation Project of Ganjiang Waterway ( Zhangshu-Nanchang ) and Flood Control & Water Conservancy