
The interior design also has a large number of " imported " culture .
As a matter of fact , Chinese culture has developed a lot while embracing cultures from others .
With the establishment of China higher teacher-education in the educational reform at late Qing Dynasty , and the publicity of school music and aesthetic education , the piano , a musical instrument from abroad , entered the institutes of higher learning and has been occupying a significant place .
The reorganization of China legal culture needs not only local environment but also the changed one in accordance with the tradition and practice .
To solve the three problems from Chinese tradition and practice is the inevitable road for Chinese government to promote the rule by law . The reorganization of China legal culture needs not only local environment but also the changed one in accordance with the tradition and practice .
View the National Cultural Psychology from the Borrowed Words
However , after the legislative system had been modernized , we suddenly found it was easier to import the western legal culture into the text of law than into real life in China .